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Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

  1. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My friends were pissed, Banned each other from my server...

    Funny thing is i did that lol, But i cant disallow them from dayz, breach of conditions.
  2. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My friends were pissed, Banned each other from my server...

    Also, I found them in the Ban.txt SO fucking lucky i saved their ID jesus...
  3. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My friends were pissed, Banned each other from my server...

    Haha, No they were raging like fuck over all our car parts and shit cause they went missing, Then they killed each other then they banned each other.. Any suggestions...
  4. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    If i see a hacker, Hear of one or anything like that. Being a part of a network of server owners we share the hackers BE ID's etc and ban them between our servers, We have got rid of about 300 hackers that way. Please note that they are judged of fair evidence.
  5. Hi, Does anyone one know if there is any way we can fix that graphical glitch on almost every object? My friend thought it would be a good idea to put wire fencing kits around my base... And guess what.. So does anyone have a known fix or a know way to avoid it? I also find it completely retarded/idiotic rocket released a version with such issues. REALLY? How the fuck did he manage to do that. Its like releasing call of duty with porn in it for all the kids to see... It doesnt happen. And no the Alpha excuse wont cut it.
  6. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Graphical Glitch: Fix, How to avoid.

    it could backfire and attract people just for that reason of the fencing glitch so people get an Einstein moment!
  7. Dont worry i go around on all the main servers with a Backpack of wire kits etc :)
  8. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    I am that one guy...

    You didnt :o I would of paid $50 USD for that bad boy. lol
  9. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Killed by friendly.... - Haclk?

    When it says friendly it means someone killed you in Debug, The friendly part comes from the fact everyone is on the BLUFOR team. So hence the friendly part.
  10. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    I don't know where to begin

    Join my TS3 gpvp.ts.nfoservers.com Ill be home in a few hours so sit around there, A few friends and i will be keen to help out. If you want a l85 as50 or what ever, We have spare ghillie's weapons etc.
  11. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Appropriate Zed Speed?

    I had a zed follow my Ural from Elektro to NWAF the fucker didnt give up.
  12. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Six Launcher BUGGY as Hell. Dont use

    I believe the steam updates actually update the game itself not the beta patches.
  13. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Six Launcher BUGGY as Hell. Dont use

    So i just tick the box that says launch with steam or what ever?
  14. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Six Launcher BUGGY as Hell. Dont use

    So your just saying your opinion, You have no proof that six launcher is bad, I find it excellent as its an instant update. I know the fact that it doesnt tell you but what i usually do is a manual update then i hit verify then launch as i dont know how to launch it from steam.
  15. Maybe the server you switched to is on a private hive.
  16. Um...? Not cheating buddy lol.
  17. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Repair a helicopter

    So, I fully repaired my heli everything was green, Engine, All 4 other things rotor etc... So we put in 10 jerry cans, In theory 200L and i watched it drain out of the heli sitting in the pilot seat DRAIN OUT. So WHAT THE FUCK?
  18. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Repair a helicopter

    Thats the thing it had all wind shields in. Still watched them all drain out.
  19. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    Well i would hope so.. People lack the logic sometimes.
  20. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    So who's brilliant idea was this?

    Yeah the fucks are taking over my Arma 2, I seriously cant do anything in it any more. That respawn button removal has fucked my game so hard. The amount of times i end up in debug forest, stuck in a glitched building..... Many Many more.
  21. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    DayZ Patch

    Well i guess this is a ENGLISH forum here.
  22. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    Your asking for his server, You might a be a trolling hacker to go and fuck his day up even more. People are sick fucks on the internet.
  23. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    GTFO your not a server owner just a randomin the thread dude.
  24. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    Look i share the same thoughts, I come across hackers all the time. Every day i see a hacker, I am an ex clan member of a large clan that was always targeted. People knowing about my server and it being a safehaven for the clan once up on a time became a slaughter house. I dont mind a legit fair fire fight, But when im in my Ural, Rolling down the runway god knows why, When i hear a HE i go FUCK, But when i hear one that sounds like a sewing machine (100's going off) im like great...... Look im always banning people always turning off my server because of the fear someone will randomly TP to my base and steal everything or blow it up. And im afraid because its gonna be the 3rd time. What ever the DayZ team says about banning people from MY OWN SERVER why dont they spend $50 a month for 200 servers and suck it up. I know many server owners who kick all randoms so their mates just play etc. Never had anything done about it. People that ban others cause they rape them, Find their base under legit terms. If some fuckwit comes on my server with hacks, Its a shame i can grab their IP and Boot it offline. So IDK there is the DayZ dream and the reality which they have not left the dream yet.