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Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

  1. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Tent game: US1121 DTS

    Fuck it lol. No one could be bothered.
  2. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Find the tent: Game

    Hello fellow DayZ addicts. I got a quick game for you all. Here are the rules: 1: Get the items 2: Stay in the area 3: Dont take the items 4: Have fun Game: Ill place a tent in Elektro on a server, Hidden somewhere. Loaded with guns and ammo. And its pretty much that CS thing where they capture the hill? But you get the point. I would like it if you guys stay there adn not be assholes take items and DC with them, As i want to have a game like that and have it be fun :P. So ill announce the server on the next hour, Being UTC+12 9PM US1121 DTS server hill north of elecktro. Grid: 100:129
  3. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Find the tent: Game

    Okay server: US1121 DTS server Location: On the hill near elektro 100-129 (Not sniper hill)
  4. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Find the tent: Game

    Okay the loot is: 1 rangefinder 1 NVG 1 SVD+Mags 1 AS50+nato mags 1 L85 + Mags 2 Ghillie. More random shit
  5. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Find the tent: Game

    Well you guys have a bad case of tunnel vision, Think everything is a trap lol.
  6. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Find the tent: Game

    No its not. God its just a pvp game, Im not even gonna be on the server cause fuck that shit lol. Just giving away tonnes of shit i dont need and making people have fun with it.
  7. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Found an M136

    Dude, Ill give you hella shit for that.
  8. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    mounten dew

    Like ever found a m136 launcher or what ever, Like one of dem fuckers.
  9. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    DayZ Trading: IRC for traders.

    If you want to trade i got some items up for trade and hopefully some toher people too, So within this hour maybe we can get a session of trading going. IRC: http://us6.chatzy.com/58577745219339 Cheers
  10. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Zombie aggro question

    Well if they cant see you i suppose they cant see you, If they cant hear you i guess they cant hear you too. So maybe if you think you may get that the zombie cant get you.
  11. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    How I got my first range finder :)

    Yo nigga, Me got a rangefinder cause i traded another nigga my bullet for his loot. So that nigga got a cap in the dome nigga. Lol why so many nigga
  12. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My old base: Free to a good home.

    Well, For those of you who want to get my old base, Fully fenced off, 10+ tents full of shit, 2 cars, 2 bikes, 1 motorbike, All sitting there. Probably coyote's rangefinders, NVG's. I'd like to give it away to a group so we have a competition on my server. Well giving that you move the base. So whats there: 10+ tents, Medical, Military, Ammo, As50's, L85's, food, MOUNTAIN DEW NIGGA 1 Hatchback (Pile of shit) 1 Red lada (beast) 2 Old bikes, 1 motorbike. PM me for the co-ords and the server number. Better have a good reason lol.
  13. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Dedicated Server problem

    Minimum of 40 slots.
  14. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Okay i suppose a nuke can be in order? Giving its Russia. Or Post USSR
  15. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Biggest startle from a game ever

    The Makarov does the same damage as the glock just no light and less rounds, Stick with a PDW, M1911, Revolver. Most people do Alt+F4 due to the fact they died and they would rather no one get their loot as they just lost it. So the game is actually being ruined ATM by hackers, Dupers, Glicthes, Alt+F4 fags and many more things. Its an Alpha i know... So we make the most of it before it may die or before it gets worse with the stated above.
  16. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Is is possible to run DayZ server via VPN? (Not a VPS)

    Probably not considering how the hive runs etc, Its possible but far fetched and would create a lot of lagg and more dependency's and if one thong went wrong so would all.
  17. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My old base: Free to a good home.

    No one wants?
  18. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My old base: Free to a good home.

    Its not a trap lol. Im not that sad, Also Pm me if you want them otherwise 100 people will meet you there and say hi.
  19. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Want to start up a dayz server!

    What is the point of this. Admin lock it as it could be just a scam, Also people dont buy servers together as there isnt much point at all.
  20. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Flying heli + server restart = ????

    he was flying over the forest >:P
  21. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Drive-By Shooting! - Idea For The Future

    Grand Theft auto?
  22. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    There are only 3 LMG's and 7 Snipers NumbNuts, There are a few repeats there lol.
  23. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    My spawns are bugged

    LoL you just walk out or crawl out???
  24. Mad_Vengeance (DayZ)

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    I has so many As50 nato rounds its my primary zombie killing weapon.