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blissard (DayZ)

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Posts posted by blissard (DayZ)

  1. Rommel: You saw his name? Were nameplates activated? There were 3-4 [2nd SRS]-dudes on the server. They all started dying after the chopper had passed us. Phoenix died a couple of times over a few minutes.

    What happens if they actually catch this guy? Is he banned just from that server, or globally?

  2. Me (ingame name: Anders) and my friend Zenworks were playing on US 355 (hosted by survivaloperations.net) half an hour ago. Time is 00:30 here (+1GMT). Server was GMT -5.

    We were going from Polana to Gorka when we heard a chopper nearby, and took cover under some spruce(?) trees. They went over us, came back, then went over and away over the hill. There's no way they could have spotted us under those trees. We thought nothing more of it and went on to Gorka.

    We were lying in the forest just south of Gorka when I heard movement behind me. Thinking it was my buddy, i turned around, only to discover that it was not! A guy just stood there RIGHT in front of me, in green camo clothes, and with some sort of machine gun. I was so startled that I started shooting my M249, first in the body, 10-15 shots, blood spurting, no reaction. Then aiming for the head, hit him with 6-7 shots, no reaction, he just stood there looking around. Then *pow pow pow*, and I was dead. Time of death aprox. 00:00 GMT+1.

    My friend disconnected when he heard this guy was invincible, so we got no name..

    My only lead on this is the people that were on the server a couple of minutes later:


    Mr. Gupplez


    {PAF} BoomPow


    [2nd SRS] Phoenix




    Can you check the logs to see who killed me or something?
