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Everything posted by sunnz

  1. sunnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I totally agree, i do want loot, especially the essentials like food and can of drink to be something you use wisely, but i mean military weapons and their rate chance will be a massive deciding factor in how this game will be played. If they are too common then it will be a FFA i bet, look at dayz back in the day, it was kill kill kill. Weapons should be something used when you have a horde after you, that rare basically. Maybe not the guns, but the ammo. Plus i think the highest military weapon possible should be the M4A3, no dmr, as50/m107 and even LMG could be very less common. I want a lot more civilian weapons and russian style weapons ( Chernarus is russia right?)
  2. sunnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    If they could get the game to look like Euro truck simulator 2 in terms of graphics... That would be incredible. I HOPE all those tents we see are not military, last thing we need is more military places. That is my dislike of picking chernarus, when it comes to adding in areas i have a bad feeling most of it will be military areas and small areas with 1/2 story buildings. So far that is what it looks like. Hate to say it again, but look at Taviana, it is nice and big and FEELS like a actual country and the towns feel more like towns and cities.
  3. sunnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Lighting is very good, no doubt, but the textures.... Yea, they ruin the photo look of it.
  4. Totally agree. Pretty much every town is useful in its own way. The amount of new and epic buildings is also amazing ( the mall, actual schools, the hospital with dead bodies, museum and quite a lot more) It is a great map. Even the landscape is pretty amazing. I am actually disappointed its in chernarus again, i tried to play chernarus the past few days, just find it so bad ( yes bad, as in not well designed, boring, empty etc) Really hope SA had a very new chernarus.
  5. Yes. Its ROF is very high and hardly has recoil. Sure the first time you use it for sniping it can be hard, but like 10 minutes later you find out the max range for when the bullet drops etc. Its ROF means if you miss your first shot, just spray and you get the kill. It also kills in 2 shots.Can be used with NVGs and has a sniper scope.... Sniper rifles should be more of the " if you miss your first shot, you failed" kinda of thing, one of the ways to stop those cherno/elektro campers.
  6. I see what you guys are saying, I just hope the experience is new, that is all. Like honestly, I don't want many military areas too as that could ruin the balance of the game and result in many military tier guns ( plus more military zones/ high tier zones= less risk which is not a good idea) No dmr and 50 cals please, m24 is fine, just no gun that is so easy to use and camp with! Chernarus is faaaaar from being the best open world game and even one for a zombie apocalypse in my view, but i understand that we all have different opinions and have nothing against you thinking this. It is a great map, no doubt. I do hope the zombies are fixed, its a bit worrying to see the zombies are more of an after thought and not much worked on YET but i am sure they will be improved from that of the mod.
  7. Sorry but more enter able buildings and a few bases wont be enough to make this GAME feel new. I know getting the core features, architecture is the main point but the MAP is also very important in the success of dayz. You lot are taking it way too lightly. Chernarus feels old now, no exploration needed as we know were everything is ( a few bases that we will find soon enough dont count, sorry, and fomr that pic, its just 4 building added together...), we know the PVP hotspots, we wont get lost ( which is the best part) and there will be the lack of exploration because of this. Taviana, been playing for like a month now and still discover places i have never been to before. Sorry but its not enough. I really hope that either mod tools come quick or new maps are added or this will get old.
  8. Keeping the DMR in is just stupid, does not fix the problem at all ( honestly, DMR is probably more easier to use because of its high ROF and low recoil, spray all the way) Already i got snipped in elektro by a guy with a DMR... Just pointless, just have the CZ for christs sake. SA should have ONLY civilian style sniper rifles. While i liek the idea of more dangerous zombies, it does not work to well in this mod. Why? because the zombies are glitchy and broken as hell ( not the games fault, its a mod, i know but it does not change how bad it is) zombies in game. For now, not worth it IMO.
  9. DMR should be taken out to, just keep the CZ IMO. Low zombie damage like in normal dayz has benefits, as it allows for more dynamic moments, like more changes to bleed, bones breaking and you survive longer. High damage makes it mroe intense and frightening. It's a tough call, but i think Rocket will make the right call for SA
  10. I am still disappointed it is in Chernarus, i mean more open buildings wont change it, nor will a few new locations, everyone knows the layout of the town which i hope changes ( look at taviana, that is perfect, towns are not just 4 to 5 building on each side of a road, it is spread out too and there are many of them) No point to exploring basically I really hope Rocket makes the map feel new, change up the locations of the cities, make towns feel larger and more epic. I do hope we get a new map later on though. I guess having chernarus to test new mechanics is ok ( should have picked taviana, just spending 1 hour on that map makes it clear how much better it is) The map is not something you can ignore/ not put little effort on.
  11. sunnz

    day z needs more vehicles!

    Cars should be more like this: Class a, b and C. A= like brand new, very rare, good resistance to shots, is reliable, has some stuff liek wheels already in ( the gear), good milage B= average car, kinda beat up, need parts to get it moving when you ifnd it BUT nothing crazy, just something like a tyre or an engine, quite common, ok milage C= worst, really common, engines/ other parts will slowly break as you use it so will need a lot of maintenance, slower, less protection too. Something along this line. This I believe would be the way to go. Even having weapons like this would be awesome, like a percentage near the weapons to describe how good it is, like an AKM at 50% would take 3 shots to kill and be a more inaccurate compared to a 100% akm , which is more rare.
  12. sunnz

    Dont get too carried away

    I just wish that aiming down sight is not toggle like we see in dayz mod, so annoying.
  13. sunnz

    Do you even aim???

    I do in many other games, in arma ( just dayz, its fine for normal arma as it's slow paced and fits it) its almost pointless. Its very slow, the movement while ADS is too clunky for the fast paced speed you need and it feels like it gets in the way instead of helping you. Something i hope is fixed.
  14. sunnz

    DayZ needs more guns

    YOU think they are rubbish because you are only thinking about using them againt bandits/ people. That is not the point. There will be many times were you could use a melee in town and loot a town by making NO noise AT ALL, This will allow you to go pretty much unnoticed for the most part as you are not manning any noise. The amount of times i have found people in warz/dayz because they chose to shoot zombies is ridiculous. It makes you a big target. Melee weapons allow you to be sneaky and not give away your position, which is VERY important. Surviving is not just killing others, its staying alive and there are MANY ways in which you could do that. What is the longest you have survived without killing? Melee weapons have a purpose, a massive one, your style of play makes this purpose seem pointless. If you want to shoot zombies and give away your position/ get caught, go ahead but i bet if they are added, you will use them a lot.
  15. sunnz

    DayZ needs more guns

    Melees are for zombies, not everyone goes around shooting others you know... If like warz, it can be effective against people too which i like as it balances it out. It makes perfect sense. Melee in dayz mod is one of the worst, which is expected. SA it should be a different experience and improved, A LOT. Sure some may cry, BUT NO WERE NEAR enough compared to people who will come into the forums and cry that guns are too common and the game is PVP( and that there is no melee weapons) Guns should quite rare, ammo rarer and melee common. It's survival, not deathmatch. I want guns to be a last resort type of thing, they should be loud and attract a lot of zombies, EVEN the makarov should, it should be deadly to use it unless you really have to, making melees more useful and purposeful. Wanna go around shooting your gun like a crazy fool? go ahead. That is my view anyway.
  16. MUCH better zombies and realistic weapons ( no big sniper rifles) Chernarus plus to be totally different, i want to explore!!!, that cannot happen if the layout is the same, which is why i am still disappointed it is still in chernarus, kinda lazy if you ask me. Taviana is so good to explore, the layout is great for that. A few more adjustments and it can be perfect for dayz! Build our own forts and places to hide out ( can work better if the map size is MUCH bigger) Honestly i think the fact we are still in chernarus ( sorry, but more open buildings and a few "new places" is not enough and will kinda ruin the SA for me, no reason to explore, we all know were everything is like the high loot areas, same old enviorment etc)
  17. sunnz

    The SA release date.

    And this is what leads to disappointment. It will come when its ready. Do you really want the game to come early and be nothing but broken *cough warz cough*
  18. sunnz

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    Well if the FP mode isnot fixed and is still as crappy as it is in arma/dayz ( clunky, feel so crap, unresponsive) then i would be annoyed but probably will just deal with it. If its fixed up, smoother and less clunky, i would love it.
  19. This was written in the latest dev blog. So no. Better performance maybe. While the graphics may look the same (for now), under the hood so much is being completely rewritten. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012
  20. Animations are being cleaned up to feel more responsive. This means trimming some transitions, so that you get quicker feedback from pressing the key to action (removing he “clunkiness” or “sluggishness”) THANK YOU SO MUCH, this was my biggest problem with dayz, even bigger than the zombies. It ruined the game and caused many of my deaths and was a constant nuisance, it's fine for arma, not dayz. Plus the clothing and weapon degradation ( please add it, no high powered weapons like m107....) would be incredible!!!
  21. sunnz

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I would take the l85 OVER any other AR in game. Should be the non thermal one, more common too ! I enjoy using the actual gun though, very low recoil, very accurate and has pretty good ROF. Plus it can be zeroed.
  22. sunnz

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I killed a guy and got working NVGs off him, i had broken NVGs before that. Some guy was celebrating finding an as 50 ( he is a regular, so probably true) I went like a good 3 hours f no weapons. Then i found those big tower things you can go up ( that have stairs around it, has like 3/4 floors) and found 4 weapons on it :P They consistently spawn weapons too, out of the 5 i have visited, all have contained at least 1 weapon with ammo.
  23. sunnz

    how to get namalsk map working?

    Or, for the future to, use play with six, works perfectly for downloading new dayz maps.
  24. sunnz

    DayZ: Namalsk

    If people are having problems, you should try out play with six, works perfectly for downloading these maps properly, no issues what so ever.
  25. Make it actually stop zombies and make it so it can be vaulted over all the time, not sometimes. Then it can stay.