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Everything posted by sunnz

  1. sunnz

    Sniper Wars - the Lulz

    Actually, i would like to know how the game changes with the removal of the m107/as 50 and maybe the DMR, cz can stay. The l85 also, or add the l85A2 without the thermal. It is an experiment after :)
  2. I was wondering if its possible to increase the time it takes to do things like go up ladders( not actually going up them but how long it takes from standing near the ladder to actually getting onto the ladder, when you pick something up, maybe vaulting and other similar actions. Also the option that show when you can climb ladders and pick up gear should be more visible and easier to do, having to do circle to 8 to just get up a ladder is quite piss taking. Reason i say this is because right now its quite annoying and kinda ruins the game. Things like taking 3 seconds to actually get onto a ladder is frustrating when your in a hurry. If this is an arma engine problem then i understand but if it is fixable, i hope Rocket can maybe get it working better.
  3. But he is not experiencing the full game, which is getting shot at and he is at the NE airfield. Hehe.
  4. Oh i see haha, makes sense. Did not think it went that far, for some odd reason. BTW, except from the red light, what does the military light offer? Is the light less visible from distance? Also, can it be possible to make it so that flashpoints are attached to your body somehow? Like on your shoulder.
  5. Its not even about NVGs, its about making the screen not PITCH BLACK and having more light sources, like who do street lamps not work? I dont know if its realistic or not, but its unplayable. IN REAL LIFE you have senses that cannot be put into this game that let you know when your close to someone and im sure you eyes can adjust to allow you to see like at least 10 feet a front of you. There is a reason NO other game ever created has pitch black screen for night which looks like your monitor is off, not cause they are not hardcore but because its stupid and unplayable. ( waiting for people with custom settings, NVGs or just trolls who dont play at nigh to call be a care-bear).
  6. sunnz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Do those type of bug happen in the normal arma 2 game? Like running down stairs makes you die/slide to the bottem, vaulting sometimes kills you etc...
  7. It is the artificial they sometimes cause on your screen, making it difficult to run into in that direction and you cant see shit.
  8. Yep, that is what happens, it actually weird cause it happens like 5/10 when i approach barbed wire, sometimes never, sometimes very aggressively. I think it depends on the amount of barbed wire. Also i watch quite a lot of dayz streams, as people love killing and although i dislike killing in game i do enjoy seeing it haha, they have the exact same problem. Again there were like 4 or more barbed wires in one spot.
  9. sunnz

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    No kill at the NW Airfield is 'unprovoked'. Just being there is provocation enough. It's the price of admission Yes the area is dangerous, but i have actually teamed up with quite a lot of people at the NW airfield, more than I shot at actually, which is quite surprising. It was unprovoked as i just felt like killing for the fun.
  10. sunnz

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    I would love to be able to dress up as spiderman.
  11. I installed the latest beta patch like.. maybe 3 or 4 days ago.
  12. sunnz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I am, just those types of comments annoy me quite a bit. :D
  13. sunnz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You shouldn't say friendly' date=' because you don't know if the other person is...and even if he says he is, you often can't trust them, bandits lie. In real world, if you woke up on an island and you see a guy with a gun in his hands, would you run to him with a paper sign (typing equivalent) saying "i'm friendly" ? You have voice chat when you get within a certain range from him (about 40-50 meters I think) ... get a mic and press CAPS LOCK and keep it pressed while talking. So if you really want to risk it go prone or on the other side of a barn where he is and chat with him and ask him to lower his gun or switch to hatchet so you won't get shot. If you see him trying to find you or raising him gun, be prepared to press C and leg it out of there. [/quote'] GTFO of here with your realism bullshit. Why do people like you only bring up the realism card when it suits you ,but in other instances, its ok to not be realistic cause its a game? Such as when taking a transfusion, bandaging after you are bleeding and other hundreds of thing that are unrealistic?
  14. sunnz

    humvee crashes

    I think the best gear it should provide is probably an m9SD/normal M9 but obviously that could have around a 1% chance to spawn.
  15. I think the bleeding mechanic needs a bit of a change. I think getting hit does should not take off blood at all, here's how i think it should happen: I suggest that you ONLY bleed and lose blood when you are actually bleeding, like is it now kinda. BUT Getting hit by zeds should not lower blood, it should maybe make the screen go a bit blurry and you only start to bleed at like 4 to 6 hits from zeds( or maybe 2 hits= 20% of bleeding, more hits the higher the percentage of bleeding) Now when you do bleed, it will cause a lot more damage than it does not, like maybe double since it will only happen you are getting attacked by a lot of zed sand not some random single zed. This means that if your bleeding you will have to quickly patch up. This could also allow the opportunity to add a new type of zombie, as i call the scratcher :P. Basically this will cause you to bleed instantly when hit, each hit could do like 200 blood damage as well since it tears off shit from your body when it hits you, but agian to balance it out it should not hit as quickly as other zeds and be quite rare, but can maybe always have like a grenade in its inventory. I think this would change how to approach a city, for example if you see this type of zombie you will want to get rid of that first, and since you know bleeding will be more dangerous you will be more urgent in dispatching zombies to make sure you dont get hit too much. Right now you have a change to get hit 10 or more times by like 3 zombies and not bleed at all and take a bit of damage, this makes sure you run away from getting crowded from zeds. Hope you guys like it :angel:
  16. sunnz

    L85 A2 AWS

    So you disconnected? Over just seeing someone?
  17. sunnz

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    I went to NWAF solo and went to the northern barracks I knew it was dangerous, so i scouted the area and seen 2 people there. One was inside, the other one started to leave and went towards the air tower, but behind the walls so he went past me. I knew it would be dangerous to say friendly in such a place, so i just pulled the trigger of my AKM and killed him, i then got chased by zeds and ran around killing like 6 to 10 zeds knowing the other guy will probably kill me. He luckily did not, so i headed up to the barracks and he was still in their, camping and probably waiting for me. I shot through the window and killed him. I felt bad, but the coyote and GPS made me feel much better :) So really my first unprovoked murder was actually two, i was the stalker and got the jump luckily.
  18. sunnz

    That thing you can't find

    This. Now one of only two guns left that I haven't found at least one of. The other is the L85A2. I have found the l85a2 so its only the as 50 and m4 silenced i have not seen in game.
  19. sunnz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Better yet, triggerable with thrown objects. And why is everyone complaining about bear traps? They're like zombies that don't move. You see them, you avoid them, you don't stomp all over them. The same exact rules for zombies apply for bear traps, cept that bear traps won't try to devour your flesh. When you get chased by zeds and realize 90% of buildings have them in front of the door, you will realise why we dislike this idea.
  20. sunnz

    That thing you can't find

    Silenced M4.
  21. Cant you make it so that any gun that is not allowed in the mod, or if a nuke is used, the players name can come up?
  22. Not 90% But their is an uneven balance of players playing comparing night/day. I dont want NVGs to be added, just wondering what effect it could have. We are testing the game overall.