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Everything posted by shrimplet596

  1. shrimplet596

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Zed is a word, not a letter. Zom's isnt a letter in the english alphabet either my friend... :D
  2. shrimplet596

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    My server, US 50 Seattle (hosted by Swifty), if FULL of players unable to connect. Everybody gets stuck at character create, or loading. Server contols say its running properly but I cannot figure out a way to fix this.
  3. I wake up a few minutes ago to one of my friends/players telling me that a russian hacker just posted using the red admin controls. i check the log for the time he says it happened, and theres an empty time. now, in my server_console.log file, it shows things happening pretty much ever few seconds, yet from the time of 1:45:58 to 2:01:52, theres NOTHING. absolutely nothing, so i dont even think theres anything i can do to track it is there then?