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About EpsilonNaught

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. EpsilonNaught

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year!!!
  2. EpsilonNaught

    List of various suggestions for stand alone.

    I definitely like the idea of matches running out and having to use flint and steel for more reliability. The hunger/thirst is debatable because if you are running around for miles you will need more energy and hydration, therefore need to eat/drink more; I agree it could be tuned better. I don't see how radiation would fit in but if there was a dilapidated plant that didn't dispose of waste then I guess it'd work. Squads already should be using some other form of communication (Team Speak, Mumble, even..Skype?) but perhaps radios would eliminate that. I'd probably stick with a third party chat program. I'd like to see hunting be more serious as well. It would take away from the boredom of killing other players after gearing up.
  3. EpsilonNaught

    NEW Map Namalsk : Craziest/Funniest Moment EVER!

    Your laugh is maniacal. But funny vid anyway, nice.
  4. Agreed, if you could give more information here, perhaps I'd be more likely to join
  5. EpsilonNaught

    Is there a Home ?

    My home server is the one I started on. I eventually joined a clan after a month and got to know the admin, so now I call it my "home" server.
  6. I believe it really depends on the server you join. I play on a private hive and most people (who are common to the server) aren't KOS. We all work together sometimes and fix up caravans and shit haha.
  7. EpsilonNaught

    How to hide a camp?

    Go into a forest and find a patch of trees thick enough to cover your tents. Don't take any obvious paths to get there either.
  8. EpsilonNaught

    Acceptable AltF4 Moments

    I agree with the examples here and believe there are some scenarios in which using altf4 is the only option currently, but personally I've never been in the Bambi situation on either side. I think the function should be available, possibly server specific if it can be. A lot of people would say that having the ability to get out quick from a life threatening situation (hackers aside) takes away from the whole immersion experience that is the essence of the game.
  9. EpsilonNaught

    Pobeda Dam Haunting (Part 1)

    Does the music start right at the end?
  10. EpsilonNaught

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Amazing news! Cannot wait for more updates. Hopefully some more details come soon!
  11. Yes it was hacked in.
  12. EpsilonNaught

    hackers on CA1

    I really do not appreciate what you have been accusing us of. All of us are legit players looking to have a fun time. If you can't accept that, just leave us alone will you? There is no reason to be jealous of a good clan who has been working hard every day for over a month on the same server, and complain that you had a bad time. You have no idea what we go through everyday with hackers fucking up the server and ruining our progress. We know what it feels like, and we know hackers suck. We do not hack, nor will we ever. So I suggest you find a new server to play on if you don't like CA1, plain and simple, right? Good day, Sir.
  13. I drive around and have races with friends...and also try to help anyone in need
  14. EpsilonNaught

    North of Debug Line...

    There is plenty of forested areas north of anything for camps. Just need to know how to hide them.