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stunt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by stunt (DayZ)

  1. stunt (DayZ)

    Stuck on Loading

    Fixed it. I loaded about 3 hours combined before i raged and tried to update it the 5th time with six updater when i noticed that six updater doesn't fuckin update to at all, even if it said so while updating (Bottom taskbar says How to fix this problem: Deinstall that bullshitprogram, download with torrent, copy in folder -> 10 sec-3 min max loading time, depending on how full the server is. I presume the same thing happened and i couldn't play for a week, but at that time i didn't notice that it was the fuckin fault of shitupdater.
  2. stunt (DayZ)

    White trees and bushes and long grass?

    Same here since i updated to Have everything on low for obvious reasons. Now every tree, grass and bush is square with huge white pixels mixed in. Never had any graphical problems besides the dead miliary glitch.
  3. stunt (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    If you really think that, you are the bottom 1% of the skilltree. Zombies are easily kiteable, but only if you don't run away from zombies as if you are missing your brain too. If you really think that the zombies should lose aggro if someone runs away in a straight line 5 metre away from themy you got ZERO clue about how it should be. ZERO. Your posted video just confirms what i just said. "omg omg omg zombies lets run in a straight line into open field, maybe they will stop seeing me" ??? THE FUCK. Please restrain yourself from posting in this forum or if you continue too, just don't give any advice how this game should be. <3
  4. Same here, but waiting in loading screen until itnernet comes back makes it go away. As soon as i am ingame internet is running smoothly again.
  5. Same here. Game crashes because of client.dll after i manually updated.
  6. stunt (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Noobs gonna noob. Zombies are extra fine now. Yes they see you earlier then before if you run like a douchebag. If you prone behind a corner 90% of the time they lose aggro. If you crouchrun behind cover it's the same. I would go as far as to say that, with these zombies i can't wait for them being NOT slowed in buildings. It would make the game superintense, but with the new zombies i see it working.
  7. stunt (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Didn't see it mentioned in the changelog: I picked up a crowbar after i had a doublebarreled shotgun and it was equipped over the shotgun, still with the shotgunmodel visible. I could meele with my weapon. After i dropped the crowbar, the shotgun was visibible again in the inventory, before that the crowbar was equipped in that slot. Don't know if bug or feature, but i like my meele shotgun.
  8. stunt (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    lol how could i not see that? O_x
  9. stunt (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    arma x user 94700 Apart from zombies not moving at all (saw about 400, 5 of them moved), HUGE fps drops - i would call that unplayable (dayz guesstimate: 5-10 fps, arma 2 co benchmark 1: 59 fps, benchmark 2: 17 fps), literaly no new loot (played about 4 hours apart, took the same route through cherno, 100% same drops) , 5 minute loading time after i killed the process once, respawning in cherno with all my gear even though i moved all the way up to berezhino the first time i played on, everything seems to be working just fine. See you next patch, keep up the work. :P edit: I don't know if i should mention, but my sixlauncher seems to "kill" my internet everytime i connect to a server. (Have to restart router while loading to be able to use chrome, skype, etc.) Maybe that is causing all the loading problems, because as soon as i get dayz running (which i have no clue starting without sixlauncher [never really bothered to look up how]) the loading problem seems to be gone, if i connect directly on the servers from the ingame menu, but as i said i am unable to directly join those with sixlauncher [FR 34, SE 3, CZ02] edit2: couldn't find a vehicle though, so take "everything seems to be fine" with a grain of salt, because i couldn't test the desync problemos.
  10. stunt (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ok don't take this as whine please. Is there any Arma X owner, which is able to get past the loading screen with 1.7.2. and 94700 betapatch? I tried everything (reinstalling arma, sixupdater, copying gamespy, letting it load for 30 min, etc.), but the last 24 hours i am unable to connect to any server. I just want to know if there is any way to get it to run and if there is someone who can play with ARMA X and those patches, how did you manage to get it to run? If it doesn't work, fine i can wait, but waiting with knowing that i can't do anything to fix it helps a lot more than trying to fix it for hours and banging my head against my monitor. :P
  11. stunt (DayZ)

    Arma X ID

    Same here. Seems like they had to ditch your old account to give you a new one to fix the ID bug with all the arma X users. Don't really bothers me, but they could have said something before doing that. 15 day char gone...
  12. stunt (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Cost me 25 € to play the game, don't know how you did it.
  13. stunt (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yesterday i read 1.7.2. update will come soon, but it will still get tested internally. (I think it was rocket stating that) Well, seems like he didn't give a fuck to test it. Players invisible, that's something noone could have seen while testing. ;)
  14. stunt (DayZ)

    DayZ - Germany 14

    Not to say he didn't cheat, but it happened to me 2 days ago. Got killed, respawned with all my gear about 40 metres away from where i got killed. And no i didn't kill the guys, they were already killed by my mates. :P Seems to happen when server is laggy as hell.