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Posts posted by Estman

  1. I had a similar story. I was running around in the forest (somewhere up north not really sure) and I alt tabbed to check my Facebook. I alt tab back in and a guy with an axe runs at me and I just sprayed him down. It gave me quite a scare though for sure xD

    i know what you feel :D but the guy i killed didnt have axe :D he had an M107 :D

  2. Kinda funny story i have here.

    So i was at my sniping position in north east airfield and alt tab between the game and internet.

    I have my rangefinder out at scout the airfield , and then i hear footsteps, i'm like , are those my ts mates , so i ask everybody in my ts is anyone in N-E sniping. everybody says no. so i shot him with my as50 at like 1meter

    Sorry gortic or gorthic,gorthec , next time you wanna snipe ,scout the surrounding of the sniping position.. really. if you wouldve seen me , i had as50+nvgs+rangefinder+l85 with thermal

    All thanks to my ghillie suit !!

    server was DE 545

  3. Hi , im on day 22 and still murdering an shi* but one question , like 5min ago i killed a guy(i think) with a AS50 m107 rounds on 817m so , i see him going down , he was bleeding before cause he got hit by a zombie probably , so he went down after i shot him , i see the shot blast but i didnt get my kill , so i shot him another time , while he was down and that shot hit him too , but still no murder :S i see him like ''dead'' bleeding on the ground not moving. so i think he's dead but i just didnt recieve my kill.

    and dont ask me to go next to him to check , cause i will not do that.

    I just wanted to ask that is it common for not to show murders lately ?:D

    Concerned bandit !

  4. Hei !

    Currently im thinking is G17 good enough? , cause i have NVGs atm and M107 + assault rifle.

    The thing is i never use flashlight on my assault rifle or G17.

    What other pistol shud i have except the silenced m9 wich i want to get my hands on :D

    thanks for the tips !

  5. Fraps. One of the best. Just make sure you have the hard drive space and I recommend recording your video to a hard drive not being used by the game, you get much better performance.

    Also I wouldn't recommend the trial version. Retail version is much better. How you obtain said version is up to you.

    So i could use my Local Disk (D:) wich has 22,4gb free space?
