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Gustav Mahler

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Everything posted by Gustav Mahler

  1. The nerf to shotguns is even worse. Slug to the chest doesnt drop a Zed. Two slugs won't drop a player. Shiiit thats all the ammo it holds.
  2. With your example, silenced weapons are not silent. They would definitely hear it.
  3. Gustav Mahler

    Do you think the Lee Enfield is underrated?

    Its quite possible he was already low on blood...
  4. Gustav Mahler

    M4A1 CCO

    The proliferation of A3s is probably because thats the one people choose to hack in.
  5. Gustav Mahler

    banned from CA1

    That Gabriel is a bitch. I too am banned from that server. I found four cars in the woods, grabbed all the good loot and stuck it in one of them and drove off with it. The server had side chat so I found a nice pine tree to hide under and inquired as to the owner of this fleet. Sure enough it was Gabriel the admin. Then she logs in/teleports right behind me so I log out. Banned for combat DC.
  6. Gustav Mahler

    CA 16 Massacre.

    These mass teleport hacks are getting ridiculous. Usually its just a dude with an M60 that mows everyone down. At least the helicopter death match was sort of creative, not that justifies it in the least of course.
  7. Gustav Mahler

    Pending Update: Build

    Well shoot, I'll have to relocate the tent full of high grade military loot I placed smack dab in the middle of Kamenka. Won't be a safe spot with the respawn button gone.
  8. Gustav Mahler

    Remington 870MCS

    Buckshot at close range. Instant kill.
  9. Gustav Mahler

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm guessing the logging will only occur when you actually enter the game.
  10. Gustav Mahler

    Pending Update: Build

    Question, can you drown? If so, there is your respawn. Else, you are usually not too far from some zombies on spawn. Go provide them a lovely meal accompanied by whine.
  11. Gustav Mahler

    Pending Update: Build

    I suspect you'll be flooded with requests for manual reviews. People that cheat and exploit in game will have no qualm with doing the same out of game.
  12. At first I thought NVG batteries was a good idea (maybe still is) but the ones in this game have a 60 hour battery life. I doubt many people make it to 60 hours of use.
  13. Typical muzzle energy of a 7.62 x 51: ~3,800 joules. Thats DMR and M24. Enfield and CZ550 are very similar. Typical muzzle energy of a .50 BMG: ~15,000 joules. That is nearly four times the muzzle energy. Now that is not the only factor in the terminal ballistics of a round, but its a major one.
  14. Gustav Mahler

    I thought 225km was big.....

    Not sure where everyone got the idea that it is impossible to make/edit Arma 2 maps...
  15. YES 1. Is there any way to raise your humanity at the moment? 2. On servers with 3rd person, if you use alt to rotate around yourself, you can hear your own humanity.
  16. Gustav Mahler

    Currency System

    Trade away, nothing stopping you.
  17. Gustav Mahler

    Weapon reviews

    kk, sorry if I was overly combative. Its a sensitive issue :)
  18. Gustav Mahler

    Banned from US 138

    The exact thing just happened to me although I haven't been banned yet. I picked up a 1911 mag and then instantly, had an M4A3 with ACOG and GL, full tools, NVGs, range finder, and coyote back pack and my patrol pack was sitting on the floor under me. Also having the issue with my character being stuck on the server. That M4A3 isn't even in the game to my knowledge. This was around 6:00 CST
  19. Gustav Mahler

    Do not play on this server

    I'm having this exact same problem on this same server, US 138. I don't think it is a private server per se. It was just fine before 94837 or w/e. Only since the move to 95054 is it fubar like this. The flies at all the buildings wasn't happening for me though. Just my character being stuck there.
  20. Gustav Mahler

    To the poor guy I killed in Stary Sobor

    Was in Stary last night when a stand off ensued. Then BOOM a grenade went off and such and such has died showed in the chat log. After another five minutes waiting I assumed the other guy fumbled the grenade and blew his arse up. I assumed wrong. There were three of us. And then there was one... haha
  21. Gustav Mahler

    Weapon reviews

    Fail troll
  22. Gustav Mahler

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just saw this, Derky did in fact help me. Much appreciated.
  23. Gustav Mahler

    Weapon reviews

    1866 Winchester has an internal tubular magazine.
  24. Gustav Mahler

    Fix Ammo Tracking

    This is the second biggest problem next to DC to avoid death in my opinion. Right now you effectively have infinite ammo. You just never empty a magazine and when you log out and log back in, they are all full again. And the weapons for which you can convert ammo (1911, Revolver, Shotguns) you get a full magazine after converting a partial magazine. Please make this a top priority. It eliminates any need to choose your battles carefully, and removes any disadvantage to carrying a super rare weapon.
  25. Gustav Mahler

    Fix Ammo Tracking

    The first day of 1.7.2 it seemed to work. I've been spawning with full magazines ever since.