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Gustav Mahler

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Everything posted by Gustav Mahler

  1. Gustav Mahler

    Coast Spawning, Please Explain.

    Thats lovely, I'm glad you're having a fine time. Now as a member of the Forum Team, could you please answer my specific and direct question. Are the coast respawns an attempt to prevent server hopping or not? Thankyou.
  2. Gustav Mahler

    Coast Spawning, Please Explain.

    According to who?
  3. Gustav Mahler

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    Seriously just admit it, these graphical issues are game breaking. If the patch notes already state the graphical glitches are fixed (which is apparently just a recompile of the objects in questions' binaries, just release that now. Call it for fack's sake. Why wait for the damn dogs? Is it really that difficult?
  4. Gustav Mahler

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Hackers stealing legit players' CD keys is my theory.
  5. Persistent MMO-style play, not "commercial play". The type of security you need for a game like ArmA and a game like DayZ isn't even in the same ball park, its not even the same sport.
  6. Gustav Mahler

    Looting Tents

    Perhaps a set up on a private server? And I don't believe that truck in the first post is even in game.
  7. Gustav Mahler

    US 252 Tent City

    If you had 29 tents on US 252, you no longer have 29 tents on US 252. The obvious work of a duper. Each tent, 10x copies of a particular weapon and 50 magazines for said weapon. Only took me ~32 of the 50 Mk 48 mags to rip every tent to shreds. For shame. My theory is, the only way to combat duping is, well to combat duping!
  8. Gustav Mahler

    US 252 Tent City

    Are tents still respawning with everything in them? @Clint, whats the difference between duping and stealing from a duper?
  9. I was in this server at this time and can confirm the three unannounced restarts.
  10. If you have a horde on your ass, use the ladder. It makes you an easy sniper target though, so its a trade off.
  11. And....? The end of the beginning comes just before the beginning of the middle and just after the middle of the beginning. Whats your point?
  12. Gustav Mahler

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    Anyone stop to think that BE has a vested interest in this? It is after all a business... And you might also consider what BE was originally intended for: ArmA 2. Not alot of people get their jollies from hacking up a hardcore milsim. And if they do, they get banned from that particular server, problem solved. Now along comes a persistent sandbox rpg where one bullet can put an end to someone's 17 day old character. That is the mother facking Lusitania for hackers.
  13. Gustav Mahler

    Dishonest Traders

    How does trading imply not having earned something? You have to earn something in the first place before you can trade it.
  14. Gustav Mahler

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Unless you're pulling the data to another physical box, you're still stealing cycles from the hive.
  15. Gustav Mahler

    In game GPS

    American chiming in here, our military does in fact use a grid system. And it is in fact oriented by horizontal coordinate first, vertical coordinate second. Of course anyone who's passed a basic algebra class (excludes 75% of the population) would know this.
  16. Gustav Mahler

    NVG's Don't work with M24?

    Pretty sure the OP meant NVGs work with Binoculars. Really it doesn't make sense that this is the case though. The NVGs have a single lens looking out but you need to look into two lenses on the binoculars.
  17. Gustav Mahler

    Pending Update: Build

    So he missed the target date, fine. Anyone who has done development knows target dates are almost never met. Just update us with a new target date. Or better yet, when he has a target date in his head, add seven days to that and make that the target date.
  18. Gustav Mahler

    Tents with lots of duped goodies on LU12

    I usually demolish such camps.
  19. Gustav Mahler

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Why did the chicken cross the road? I think this question is now and forever, answered. Plus, why didn't you blow that chicken's brains out?
  20. Gustav Mahler

    RGO Frag Grenade

    Well shucks, now I feel bad for leveling the tent camp I found that had a few of these. I just assumed they were hacked.
  21. Gustav Mahler

    Character Classes

    This needs to be much more limited and in line with improving realism. At spawn the player picks a skill set, that's it. No differentiation of spawning equipment or anything. The only relevant options that I see at the moment are: Mechanic: Only mechanics are capable of repairing vehicles. After all not any old bloke can take a pile of engine parts and produce a working vehicle. Medic: Only medics can administer blood bags. Also change morphine to only alleviate the pain for a certain amount of time, three hours perhaps? Then only medics can set a broken bone. These are classes that would actually reflect reality.
  22. Gustav Mahler

    GPS + Batteries for electronics

    http://www.atncorp.com/atn-pvs7-cgt-night-vision-goggles These are the goggles in Arma. 60 hour battery life.
  23. Gustav Mahler

    What is the point of the Czech Vest Pouch?

    Its advantage is its very low profile. When someone is prone in the woods, the first thing I see is a big tan lump sticking out of the ground.
  24. Gustav Mahler

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Seriously, figure this out on your own.
  25. Gustav Mahler

    Is every gun the dinner bell now?

    The game didn't have melee mechanics to begin with. I say its rather creative that they managed to hack it in.