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Gustav Mahler

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Everything posted by Gustav Mahler

  1. Gustav Mahler

    Disorder's Military Guide

    Defilade is king. Always be observant of the natural depressions of the terrain around you, as they will save your life.
  2. Gustav Mahler

    First Wave Of Standalone Keys Limited To 50.000?

    I don't think its so much a question of whether they could support 1M+ players the first day. Its preemptive damage control. If they do encounter massive issues, only 50k people get pissed off.
  3. Gustav Mahler

    Which do you prefer between the M4 or M16?

    They have the same iron sight if I'm not mistaken.
  4. Gustav Mahler

    Axe/Hatchet the best weapon ever?

    One thing I do is pick up another hatchet for my tools slot when I'm using a hatchet for melee. That way I can pick up a rifle if I see one and still have a hatchet on my tool belt.
  5. Gustav Mahler

    Non-Shitty class idea for the Standalone

    Would make Kamenka a gold mine as well.
  6. Search "Matt Lightfoot" on skype. A Matt Lightfoot with the same picture shows up on the first page. Not sure how a user name to a mostly server side application is going to induce DDOS attacks anyhow...
  7. Gustav Mahler

    Range finder not spawning?

    I've looted one range finder in four months. It is quite rare. Note looted, not picked up off a duper/hacker corpse. Another range finding trick is to use the map and the Pythagorean theorem. Count the grid squares in the horizontal and vertical direction to the target, square both of them and add them. Save yourself the trouble though of taking the square root, that's a waste of time. You can just observe which two squared integers the result lies between and know the range within 100m. An example: You count 4 squares down and 5 squares left. 16 + 25 = 41. This is between 36 and 49 therefore your target is between 600 and 700 meters out. With a little practice you can do this very quickly.
  8. Gustav Mahler

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    I just had the same issue Parked my tractor 5 meters outside one of the really small one room industrials, came out and it was gone. It was NOT stolen, simply vanished.
  9. Gustav Mahler Removed my Debug Monitor

    Wow, this whole argument is based on false premises. Go to "Game Options", at the bottom is dayz ui or something like that. Default: No debug monitor None: Self explanatory Debug: Has debug monitor That is how it is intended to work at least. At the moment, with the debug monitor is on, the other icons are frozen. So if you're worried that you may be below that critical 9k threshold, turn on debug, check your blood, turn it off again. This isn't.... rocket science.
  10. There is but when you turn it on, all the other indicators stop working, food and drink don't change color, blood doesn't have the flashing cross when you're bleeding, noise and visibility don't work. Its totally busted.
  11. Gustav Mahler

    More Realistic Starvation and Thirst

    The suggestion for how to handle long periods of not playing was actually in game awhile back, 1.6ish maybe? I agree that is the way to go with that. Have the maximum penalty be the same whether its a day or a week
  12. Gustav Mahler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    does infected hunters mean random zombies in the woods?
  13. Gustav Mahler

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I almost fell victim to that yesterday driving my Ural into Zelenagorsk. Crafty bastards. But anyways,way to throw a bone to the community. I say yes.
  14. Gustav Mahler

    Lingor NVG

    Their rarity in Lingor is how it would be in Chernarus without all the hackers.
  15. Flashlight, check Tylenol, check Bandaids, check Backpack, check Yup, guess I'm ready.
  16. Make them spawn only a decent ways north to avoid the dribble that usually emanates from the cherno/elektro death-match crowd
  17. Gustav Mahler

    operation fortitude: bring down an anti-bandit clan

    Consider the possibility that the OP takes pride in single handedly orchestrating such a subversive operation of chaos and mayhem. Its not his current clan so to speak, but a group he has infiltrated with the intention of destroying it from the inside. This is the stuff worthy of the title bandit. Go back to your little cubby hole on the north edge of the map and resume stroking your precious never fired AS50.
  18. There is a pretty strong correlation between server population and load time.
  19. Gustav Mahler

    operation fortitude: bring down an anti-bandit clan

    I'd like to get in on this Molotov cocktail party. I've got an L85 at the moment if you want some recon.
  20. Gustav Mahler

    DayZ Stories

    Just drove my tractor in to a lake * face-palm*
  21. [NEW] Players spawning in debug area or "water world" will spawn on beach on next login (with their gear) This, is from the patch notes. Now, if I were a betting man, I would bet that this is the bugged feature, NOT some mythical anti server hopping feature.
  22. Gustav Mahler

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    I don't think the weapon dropping is particularly realistic. After all you put it on your back when you draw your pistol. Could just do the same for melee.
  23. Found a heli SW of Stary on this server. Took NVGs and L85. Theres still a Mk48 and Bizon there if anyone wants. Best crash site I've seen.
  24. Gustav Mahler

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/22_penny_223-tfb.jpg .22 on the left, .223 (M16) on the right. Not at all the same.
  25. I can second the three rapid pop pop pops in the distance. Its definitely not players shooting. Its always the exact same sound.