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About earfoce

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i did this once a guys i met was new and need some stuff so i gave him a can of coke baens and a hunting knife i my self was low on stuff not much to offer but i know but i try,so i give him the stuff say byb and two secs later the guy starts trying to hack me to pits with a axe i shoot him in the head THE END anyway way is what i ask i try and help and i get a axe in he back
  2. earfoce

    Newbie looking for friendlies!

    been playing for 4 days looking for other noobs add me 43rd_liberty
  3. earfoce

    mercenaries for hire[recruting]

    only if you give me your stuff first
  4. hi all I just died again for the 5th time anyway i am going to forum a group of guns for hire i need to raid the main airstrip. we will be for hire after that we can guard,escort and hunt players. we will take food,drink,guns and equipmet such as backpacks betterguns,ammo and medical supplies as payment . if intrested post your steam name below or add me 43rd_liberty we will use teamspeak or skype what ever fits better wit are players:)
  5. earfoce

    Freeside Trading Co Shops

    i am a gurad for free side i would be willing to help out
  6. earfoce

    Wanting people for a group

    you still looking for guys add me steam if so 43rd_liberty