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About mongose123

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  1. Tansien I tried fallowing your instructions however it does not work. Help? LOL
  2. mongose123

    ACRE Support

    I think the short range 343 radio should be easier to find. However radios that allow you to change specific frequencies such as the 148 VHF, 117F and the 119 should be rare to find. Class them as military loot and only spawn them in air fields, military bases and deer huts. I think even allowing us to use acre would amplify the experience and atmosphere of the game and allow for more organized communication between players on teamspeak. More over having ACRE on the servers would allow the servers to have VOIP off therefore freeing up server memory and give the opportunity to use that memory elsewhere. It could be used to implement another new feature and it would improve server FPS as a result giving players improved FPS as well.
  3. mongose123

    Map Nomalsk

    +1 Great map would be perfect for DayZ and very interesting to see what would be placed at that massive airfield.
  4. mongose123

    [VIDEO] How to get the FN FAL

    Found it at every crash site I've seen. Terrible gun its about 3 shots to kill a Z.
  5. mongose123

    ACRE Support

    Bump. Just had a thought would it work if you allow the signature for ACRE on the servers and people who want to use it have the option to do so? Because as someone mentioned before it can get very cluster fucked when you and 5 other friends are in one TS channel.
  6. mongose123

    Authentication timeout

    Guys like I said there is no way to fix this issue at this moment. Just wait for a hot fix or just revert to the previous patch :D
  7. mongose123

    My suggestions

    After playing DayZ for a very long time pretty much since it was first announced on armaholic these are my suggestions on things to add and improve on. 1. I think players should be able to wipe towns clean of zombies. Yes I know there has already been a post made about this but it's a great idea. After the zombie population in a certain town has been wiped out the zombies should then spawn outside the town and try to re capture it. This would result in making the game easier for people who have just spawned. For example you just spawned in Cherno and its clean of zombies. You have plenty of time to go around to people find out where you are and so on. Another bonus of this is that it gives the opportunity for players to trade. Communities could be rebuilt inside cities and civilization could begin to rebuild itself. Players would have to stand guard around the cities and cities would have to be fortified. Basically a safe heaven would eventually be made. One downfall of this feature however is although it may appear a safe heaven and a market for some players it may appear as a bee hive of loot for bandits who would just sit around the town and snipe survivors. 2. I also suggest including some type of radio feature where players can communicate over long distances, something like ACRE, but have it integrated within the game so you don't all have to be on TS in order for it to work. It would be great for survivors and for bandits. Survivors could plan where to meet their friends and alert other survivors of any helicopter crash sites that are found (if they are nice enough.) Also survivors could use it to alert other survivors of areas with bandits. One downside to this is that I can guess it would be very hard to script and make and the Dev team has better things to focus on. However it can be considered as it be more immersible for the players. 3. Another suggestion I have is a big one. I think servers should have increased player capacity if possible. I am sick of having to scout for servers with my friends all the time and finding one that has 20/24 and it being filled up almost instantly. At most it would be very nice to have servers that hold 90 players or so. Would mean large groups can join servers without instantly filling the server up. 4. A final suggestion I have is to add a option which allows you to change grass layer. Many players struggle to run ArmA and DayZ forces you to have a grass layer even at minimal settings. I know it would mean some players can see other survivors through the grass but over distances of 500+ with Very Low settings grass is gone anyway so you can do that now too. It would improve frame rate for a lot of guys with low end graphics cards. However I am not suggesting we should have changeable view distance, please don't implement that. I'd be very unhappy when I get sniped or spotted by a guy who has the PC to run DayZ with 10K view distance. Anyways that's the only suggestions I can find. I didn't go into too much detail as some of the suggestions have already been discussed. But all I have to say is congrats Rocket and the rest of the Dev team you are doing a great job keep it up :D.
  8. mongose123

    Authentication timeout

    I installed the beta patch 94103 manually and it still doesn't work. BI need to do a hotfix. For the time being if you're desperate to play just revert to the older patch. If not just wait for BI to get the issue fixed xD
  9. I'm running ArmA X, after updating to the latest patch I'm getting the same problem. I herd that the problem is only occurring to people with ArmA X. So people with ArmA X will just have to wait for a hotfix. Probably will come out tomorrow or by the end of the week hopefully :D
  10. mongose123

    ACRE Support

    I think not starting out with a radio would be even better! Then trying to find one and contacting people out there. Something like a scene from I Am Legend. Another thought is radios like the PRC-119 could be found in military areas and more common radios like the PRC-343 found in urban areas.
  11. mongose123

    Backing out to lobby

    I found a few bugs where backing out to the lobby can be used as a cheat. 1. If you back out to the lobby when surrounded by zombies. They disappear and when you connect again they are gone. 2. If you back out when you have 1 bullet left in your magazine and reconnect. You have a full mag. 3. If you put a campfire down and cannot build a new one, this is due to time delay on it I believe. Backing out to the lobby and rejoining lets you make another one instantly.
  12. mongose123

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, the name is Tom in game Pte Salata Currently a part of the 16AA, love to jump on the DayZ mod from time to time to kill some zombies and loot dead survivors >:D PS. Don't move withing 100 metres of me...
  13. Ahh nicely done. Should be good then
  14. I completely agree with you mate. The whole magic of this mod is not knowing who to trust, its amazing. If a morality system is introduced it should try and not to interfere with the game, perhaps be just a leader board thing? Another thing is if people do decide to kill other players and be dicks let them do so, after all it is a role playing mod. Just let people act like they would in a zombie apocalypse.