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About Merc4tor

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  1. I have to say I fell in love Thirsk Island. Since I couldn't find a map though, I made one myself. Low Res: http://imgur.com/KQ3RQ (2700x2701) Medium Res: http://freakshare.com/files/cyt3b6yv...x6002.jpg.html (6000x6002) High Res: http://freakshare.com/files/t6967elm...x8003.jpg.html (8000x8003) Have fun and see you on Thirsk Merc
  2. Solltest du hier nicht fündig werden, hier ein paar deutsche Communities: http://board.germandayz.de http://www.day-z.de/index.php http://dayzcommunity.eu Und ich bin leider zu alt und nicht noobing genug um mit der Spielen zu können. Damn. ;)
  3. Hey guys! I'm looking for early versions of dayz_code, dayz_weapons, and dayz_equip. Especially those from before 1.5. I deleted my copies, maybe one of you still has them. The reason is I got into a silly argument with a friend, that the AS50 TWS offically never existed since its removal is not noted in any of the changelogs, while the removal of the M107 TWS on the other hand IS noted. I know it's kind of stupid, but I have to defend my honour. ;) Thanks for your help, guys! Merc
  4. I don't anyone raided or found your tents at all. ;) Tents are bugged in the current version of the game. One of my tents contains an AS50 and 2 FN FAL and one M4A3 and one L85 after every server restart even if I took the weapons out, while my second tent spawns empty or not at all. Best thing is not to use tents at all for now.
  5. Merc4tor

    Game is fun, but might have to quit

    Only playing on low populated servers wont protect you from hackers either. A friend and myself played on BE1. It was just us two and one other guy who was online for quite a while. When I checked the playerlist (as I always do every few minutes) I noticed a new player called Arjik joined the server. Only secounds after he was all over us and blew our brains out. It couldn't be a coincidence since it was night and we were in the remote town of Pustoshka. There is nothing really you can do about them.
  6. I owned ArmA2 long before DayZ came out and I played with serveral clans. We always played coop, large or small scale missions fighting bots. I loved the Arma community because like myself everybody was very into teamplay. In the first weeks of DayZ it was only teamplay/coop-loving players that I encountered in the world of DayZ. Everyone was friendly, we talked over ingame chat and teamed up over ingame voice chat to raid the NW airfield or cherno. Then DayZ became bigger in bigger and Chernarus was taken over by PVP players from outside the Arma2 community. That's very sad.
  7. Merc4tor

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    Winchester Czech Backpack M1911 Because it is the most realistic setup for a zombie apacolypse and NVGs make the game boring. Edit: Yeah, my hero skin and red Land Rover as well. :P
  8. Please add, * [NEW] NVG and L85 spawn drasticly reduced to increase night experience. * [NEW] Animal spawn reduced at day and increased at night. * [NEW] Overall item-spawnrate increased at night, to encourge people to play at night. * [NEW] Removed the option to change your gamma ingame. * [NEW] Increased zed spawn during the day. Thanks :P You have all my beans.
  9. Merc4tor

    I dream about this game most nights

    I dream about Lesbians covered in chocolate fighting zombies...
  10. Merc4tor

    Humanity and Groups

    I like the idea of spawning with your group/clan members. But it should only be possible in certain areas near the coast for example. It's also good if only heros were able to do that. And heros should spawn with more bandages and more morphine but no weapons, while bandits start with NOTHING at all.
  11. Schau doch mal auf der deutschen DayZ Seite germandayz.de vorbei. Da gibt es im Forum einen Thread zur Gruppensuche. Um im Teamspeak (IP: ts.germandayz.de) findest du bis spät in die Nacht Gruppen, denen du dich einfach anschließen kannst. http://board.germandayz.de/ Viel Spaß. Merc
  12. Merc4tor

    day 22 ?

    All it tells you is that you created this character 22 real life days ago. A friend of mine started a character in April, but he didn't like the game and went back to play normal Arma 2. When he logged back on months later to give it another try it said 78 days. He must have great survival skills. ;)
  13. Merc4tor

    Fell over and died..

    You have to wait for the unconsciousness symbole disappears before logging out or you will be unconscious on the next server too...
  14. Actually you have infinite ammo at the moment.
  15. Merc4tor

    What's Your Survival "Workflow?"

    - Wake up - RUN into next town - RUN into buildings - Find knive - Find hatchet - Find matches - Find waterbottle - RUN out of town - Find living meat - Kill living meat - Gut living (now dead) meat - Make fire - Cook meat - Find water - Fill bottle - Drink water - Fill bottle - Find a pit - Sleep - Weak up - Yawn - Crawl out of my pit - Eat cooked meat - Drink fresh water - Go find living meat - Kill living meat - Gut living (now dead) meat - Make fire - Cook meat - Find water - Fill bottle - Drink water - Fill bottle - Go to bush - Hide in bush - Wait of player - Ambush player - Eventually kill player (or become "friends" with player) - Rob player - Hide the body - Go back to my hole - Sleep