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Everything posted by notorious1212

  1. notorious1212

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I haven't actually seen anything useful done with barbed wire other than blocking entrances to buildings i would like to loot. If that's the main expectation of the item then it does do that well. However, I have not heard anyone talk good of it, and I personally find it rather annoying. It never is actually serving to protect someone. It's just a way to screw people out of loot. I would like it to be removed.
  2. [Disclaimer: This is not a complaint post. I am not complaining. I am wondering the opinions of others. Please share if you are so inclined.] Just a thought that has been on my mind as of late, I was wondering what opinions of others might be here. I know that some people feel very strongly about getting some of the more common exploits resolved... item duping in tents, ammo cartridge conversions, relogging to refill clips. I realize that if you are just starting out that it may seem like a bit of a dream--to be out in the woods with your camp and stash--and it always means a lot when you first arive there from crawling on your belly in Cherno. I was really upset when after the first week of playing, you no longer had a gun after spawning. It really bothered me that the vets at the time were so quick to tell me just to go run and pick something up like it was no big deal. it really seemed like a big deal to me at the time. I laugh now at how fast it is to find a gun. (not sure if the spawn rates were ever adjusted or something) Ok, on to the meat. I got you in here for a reason. In the most recent fix notes for it is said to be a work in progress that the ammo conversion bug and re logging for ammo bugs will be fixed. I also saw while reading the thread that people were pretty concerned with item duping. However, I can't help but think about the problems that are sort of "exploits" (in the same physical sense) that are completely game generated. I'm going to come out clean and say that I'm an exploiter. We all are. I don't care if you're self righteous or not. Exploits originate from bugs or lack of foresight. You are step for step duplicating an "exploit" procedure by loggin in without having emptied your partially used clips. Here are some things I feel take away a little more than what the exploits give back: Yesterday I was driving a UAZ full of supplies for the obligatory chopper hunt. When I hit a crawler zombie, the vehicle flipped. This was a very big problem as we were short an engine and had been looking for about an hour at the time. We were stranded with a UAZ in the factory north of solnichiniy. We were sitting ducks to any spawn baby with an enfield. The vehicle was out until the next restart. We lost loot to other players who had a free treasure chest conveniently placed at a spawn location. It gets better when I explain why I was driving the UAZ to look for chopper parts. We had the chopper parts set aside when we heard they were coming back in. We placed these items in a tent that seemed to be saving originally. Well apparently it wasn't actually working. The parts disappeard after the server restarted for the night. Back to square one. While I was gearing up outside our ural, my crew mate every so slightly bumped into me while we were trying to access the inventory. Out of nowhere I was incapacitated and had a broken leg. I also had this happen when I tried to squeeze behind a pile of hay in a barn to get acess to a loot spawn. I broke my leg and began bleeding. I had no bandage at the time. I am sorry for the lack of formatting but I am trying to shrink a lot of thoughts I've had into this single post. When I see that people are quite adament about getting these simpler things fixed, it leaves me to wonder where do they sit on the priority list compared to some of the whacked instances where all can be lost? Please understand that I am not complaining, though I do feel a little shorted when it comes to the attention of certain issues. I get that the game is in alpha, and that some bugs are more complicated than they may seem, and I understand another version may be in the works or is being planned. (I make a living in software, so i really do understand that part) I know that some of the issues are ARMA II originiated and not the fault of Day Z directly, so I'm not pointing fingers here. Thoughts?
  3. Hey guys, I am wondering if anyone has run Day Z servers off of a server powered by AMD Opterons. I have a dual CPU Opteron (2.6Ghz) server that I would like to send off for a colo in order to host a Day Z server. The reason I am asking is that the CPU is recomended to have a clock rate higher than 3 Ghz. The problem an Operton CPU might face is that only the newest Opteron CPU's even run at that clockrate. So please let me know if you have attempted this or if you are running something already and what kind of experience it led to. Before anyone starts it up, I realize I can rent a dedicated or a managed instance. However, it's a pretty legitimate server in terms of horsepower, so I am just wondering if I can pull off a Day Z instance, nothing more. The only other post I've seen about Opterons was unanswered, afaik. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/page__view__findpost__p__14078 Thanks.
  4. notorious1212

    Question About Opteron CPUs

    This reigns true for the desktop version as well (from a multi core utilization standpoint), I hope this changes in ARMA III. Thanks for the input, guys. I really appreciate it.
  5. notorious1212

    Question About Opteron CPUs

    Thanks for your input, that is informing. I should clarify a little by saying it is a Dual Quad Core system. Is that a bulldozer based Operton that you are using? Also, what is your clock rate?
  6. notorious1212

    Atlanta 111

    I know the admin of the server personally and he wasn't on at the time of the incident. I was on when the server went down as well. This was an automated restart or a problem with the host. PS. You stole those vehicles from my group. I'm gunna get u.
  7. I hope that in these instances the logs can be inspected at least to determine a legitimate claim. A user shouldn't have to bear the burden of proof when this should be well documented information in logs. |TMB| Khalled was killed 30 secconds before a TMB server was shut down. If a log message for player killed is present and a server disconnect is logged then you can put the two pieces of information together to at least probe the admin. The host is still online. The IP address actually has a few instances of DayZ servers that surround the range, which are still available. The DayZ developers control the game mechanics and give us the software platform for which to enjoy the experience. These privately held dedicated servers are the only way we can play, and not holding these administrators to a high standard would be a critical mistake. There were over 40 players connected to this server. 40 people were ejected from the game because a player with administrative capabilities was upset over his vehicle loss. (Also, I'm assuming from his attitude when he lost the vehicle, he probably didn't get it through conventional means) A video is a nice thought, but with enough effort, it could be spoofed, so that's not the actual best way to determine credibility. All of the data to support this claim should be present. How lovely the idea that it is probably already available to the DayZ team. We had a vehicle outside of the town waiting on our teammate to gram medical supplies when this happened. Including the truck, we've also lost other valuable items we worked for. If we log into another server, and move about, then we can not re claim our possessions. So, I'm just going to leave this here and challenge the DayZ team to respond in a way that would be upholding to the amazing platform that the DayZ mod has offered to us. Please don't let these private server administrators ruin the experience for others.