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Everything posted by alienxxi

  1. No he doesn't improve the game. He was funny the first time I saw him on stream, now it's old and annoying. All hackers should be banned regardless if they are not killing people or not.
  2. http://www.twitch.tv/towelliee That guy just kicked someone out of his server for shotting him live on stream. I really hope popular live streamers are not getting special privelages.
  3. How am I an idiot? I'm not the one posting "OH HERP DERP TROLL FATTY" now that is the real idiot in this thread.
  4. I'm far from an internet celebrity.
  5. I didn't blow your cover. You just blew your own cover by making this post.
  6. He's already said on live stream that he's going to delete the video.
  7. He isn't hacking, but his two friends are hacking that he refuses to ban from his server. Yet he has no problem kicking people are doing nothing wrong. Please don't spread false rumors.
  8. I think you're trying too hard. Have Towel send a better ambassador for his stream.
  9. Yes, I heard that he was going to delete the video.
  10. Because it seems like popular live streamers are getting special treatment from the DayZ developers. If I owned a server and banned someone without proof that he was doing anything wrong, my server would be blacklisted in a heart beat
  11. I do appreciate you bumping my thread.
  12. If that's your picture, you're not one to talk about being fat my friend. And lets be honest here. The two people that were hacking (Kaos and the guy they call Jason) were not kicked nor banned. In fact, he was actually asking the hackers for help. Edit: Just confirmed that the guy who he banned from his server was indeed not hacking. Therefore you can't ban someone without proof that he is hacking.
  13. The proof will be in the video when I can highlight it after he stops streaming. He was shot in the legs, then someone tried to bandage the streamer, then another player (The on who he kicked) shot the guy who was bandaging him. Then he booted him.
  14. I'm sorry. No matter how popular your hero is, it doesn't give him the right to break the rules.
  15. So I found a helicopter around the NW Airfield. Ran over to it and climbed inside and started to fly away with it. Next thing I know I hear gun shots hitting the helicopter, but I made it out safely. I managed to hide the helicopter, saved it, and then maybe a minute later the server was shut down. It's back up now, and every time I attempt to join the server, it just says "Waiting For Host" Now I don't know if I was banned from the server or not, so I am asking, why is it getting stuck at "Waiting for host"?
  16. alienxxi

    Stole a Helicopter

    Got back in the server, helicopter is where I left it. Hehehe.
  17. alienxxi

    Stole a Helicopter

    Ahh. Okay. My bad. lol
  18. alienxxi

    Stole a Helicopter

    Ahh okay. I will give it some more time then. I wasn't sure if I was banned or not, hence the reason I didn't give the server. Come on now, I'm not stupid to give out the server. If I did, hundreds of people would log onto the server and try to find the helicopter I stole. lol
  19. alienxxi

    My spawn changed?

    Same thing happened to me. I logged off at the NW airfield and logged back on at the coast near Cherno.
  20. Can't play this game seriously while pretty much every server has hackers in them. So I decided to play like this instead.. Found a bike and had some fun with the zombies. Skip to 10:40 for the LOL.
  21. Has something to do with the server settings.
  22. I tried to find a 10 hour Yackety Sax video.. No luck.
  23. He said he could hear it. lol
  24. I've been to five servers the other day, I was killed all 5 times by being spawned into the air and then falling to my death along with the rest of the servers population. So I said Fuck It and started to troll around.