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Everything posted by alienxxi

  1. alienxxi

    Character was not saved

    Okay so something is wrong with the server I created my character on. When I go back to that server, everything works fine.. It loads my character to no problem.. But I tried 5 different servers and it isn't loading my character, it's having me make new characters.. The server that I created my guy on is US 138
  2. alienxxi

    Character was not saved

    I logged on the server where I started my new character and it loaded up just fine.. I will try to log back into my main server and see if it works.
  3. alienxxi

    US 524 - Bulls**t by admins or hackers?

    I am jealous of your success in DayZ.
  4. Can I use the JSRS sound mod with DayZ or no?
  5. It sucks when people kill you when you worked two days to gather stuff. So after my main character has been killed, I just spend the next week or so running around cherno "training" zombies onto other players until I'm ready to play seriously again.
  6. I'm just looking for friendly people that would like to play with me.. Hell, maybe even find a helicopter and build it up or something.. I can be your medic man... On the account that I have a lot of medical supplies on me for some reason.
  7. alienxxi

    Duo/Trio Survival Team

    I'm looking for people to play with.
  8. LOL I was just killed by someone flying a helicopter. They are flying up and down the coast killing all the new players that spawn into the game. I really do hope there are RPGs in the game to deal with the helicopter spawn camping.
  9. http://www.twitch.tv/whiskeyfive This dude running around killing people in the debug forest on stream.
  10. alienxxi

    Someone exploiting the debug forest

    Indeed, and the funny thing is, he gets all pissed off at people stream sniping him. Yet it's okay for him to exploit the debug forest. Pretty funny.
  11. alienxxi

    Any chance for NPC factions?

    Why not make safe zones around the map? Where players can safely go and trade items or group up without having to worry about bandits. Have some AI's around as guards that shoot bandits on sight or something.
  12. alienxxi

    People with helicopters

    Chances of being killed on beach by helicopter if you run straight north: 0.01% Shoot at my helicopter trying to take me out of the sky, I will shoot at you. It's called defending myself. Minding your own business and you won't get any trouble from me. Plain and simple. However, there is a difference between that and killing every single person you find along the coast because you can regardless if they shoot you or not.
  13. alienxxi

    People with helicopters

    If they shoot at me, yes. If they are simply minding their own business, no.
  14. alienxxi

    People with helicopters

    There are several really good out of the way gas stations and if yo got at least two people one can gun down zombies while the other refuels the JCs You don't even need to land the chopper. Just hover over the gas station. At least that is how it works in other game mods. It's known as griefing. Some folk get their kicks off of stepping on ants and those that can't fight back. So what you're saying is, if they tried to fight someone equally skilled and well geared, they would puss out? Or in DayZ game mod case, they would ALT F4. So instead they step on baby ants. Gotcha.
  15. Well, it's time for me to join the dark side. Today was the last straw. I try to be nice to people and help them out in game only to get shot in the back from that person I just helped. I don't care if I find any good items. I'm just going to make it my goal to run around cherno killing anyone I find. You unlocked a beast. Get ready to die!
  16. alienxxi


    Lately I have been finding myself getting run over by zombie trains.What happens s someone would make a massive train of zombies, run around until they find some unsuspecting player, then ALT F4 by them resulting in that unsuspecting player getting killed by the train. It was pretty funny at first, but now it's annoying. Happened to me twice now.
  17. My last character was killed. So I made a new one and when I spawned in I was spawned into someone else character. I had a m16, revolver, bunch of ammo for many guns, no food or water with about 200 blood and dropping.
  18. alienxxi

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    It really does ruin the experience for brand new players. I have been through 7 characters so far. All of them have been killed by other players that have automatic rifles. These people obviously have been playing the game for a long time, so they get bored killing zombies and run off to ruin other peoples fun. It's one thing to get killed by a zombie because that was you being stupid. It's another thing simply walking into a town and instantly getting killed by a sniper or someone with automatic weapons. There needs to be some kind of protection for brand new players. You know how frustrating it is to have to start all over again, especially when you are about 2 hours into your character? Why not put a protection timer on brand new survivors? For example, maybe a 3 hour immunity where you can't get killed by other players. If one of those brand new players happens to shoot just one shot on another player, then they instantly lose their immunity. Call me a cry baby, I don't care. I'm just about lost all my interest in this game mode because of all the jerks that think it's funny to ruin other players fun.