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Everything posted by Brusann

  1. Brusann

    Notches in Your Belt

    Well I sure F'ed that up... not sure how to delete the second post, sorry. Didnt mean to quote, meant to edit :(
  2. I somehow think people might just eat their can of beans with you then murder you to take the other 3 cans in your pack :(
  3. Brusann

    "burn" tent option.

    Similar to the respawn button, I believe this mechanic, if added, should feature an "Are you sure?" prompt before destroying your tent and all that lies within...
  4. Brusann

    Chernarus express

    I really like the idea of a train, basically only for the fact that it'd be a pvp hotspot. I'd really enjoy trying to basically play "King of the Hill" and stay on the train as long as I can before someone ends up killing me and taking over! Plus, it could be used as a fast mode of transport for those who dared venture onto it!
  5. I believe the television show "The Colony" does a good job of showing how it can adversely affect a group taking in survivors. There are less supplies to go around, and eventually, everyone goes hungry.
  6. This is a bad idea in my opinion. Trust who you choose to trust. Kill who you don't. IRL, you would never know who was a psychotic killer and who really did want to help you find your way through town.
  7. Brusann

    Give me 'dem teeth

    Not a terrible idea!
  8. Brusann

    PVE Servers

    No, no, no. Everyone would just go here to gear up then rape people with their free gear on the pvp servers.
  9. I tried the whole "nice guy" routine for a while too. Didn't last too long...
  10. The real question is, did you disconnect from the horde of zeds you surely attracted firing that Enfield? XD
  11. There are very many people that play the game. Go to a full server and run around in the middle of the airfield or stary sobor for 20 minutes firing off rounds. Report back with your results.
  12. Brusann

    Noisy Packs!

    Still, scout snipers in the military can carry over a hundred pounds of gear, food, and water. They seem to do pretty well with stealth, although I think they tend to keep their distance. The noise idea is good I just don't think that it should go up pack by pack, because each zipper would probably make the same amount of noise.
  13. Brusann

    Gas powered 'stove' for cooking

    I think he wants it less noticeable, which would make sense. +1. Maybe instead of a gas stove, make it a stove that takes up a few(4?) slots in your bag but you can fuel it with wood. You close the door to it and it only emits a faint glow.
  14. Brusann

    Like an episode of Lost...

    I applaud your not disconnecting during any of the firefights that you described, and also your ability to forgive, and even embrace, the bugs of this game! Everyone should play more like you. Well done.
  15. Brusann

    A possible small addition..

    I agree but should be a very short range sound, like 3 or 5 meters or something.
  16. Brusann

    Forming A "Bandits" Group!

    In Game Name: Brusann Age: 18 Time Zone: Pacific time GMT -7 Experience: Very Experienced. What can I do to help the group: Great at overwatch. Have the appropriate weapons for the job, (as50, m107's). I'm more of a stay back and observe kind of guy, definitely shoot first ask questions later when it comes down to a threat to my teammates. Steam: Brusann I have Skype and TS3
  17. Brusann

    My Story.

    It would be much more understandable if you just killed him outright... Not earning his trust then slaying him in cold blood. People like you are the reason we have these trust issues on DayZ lol. KoS is much more humane!
  18. Great story, I agree. I always stay in nowadays no matter how well geared I am. I just don't feel like I deserve it otherwise. It's like cheating. I've begun to go by the line of thinking that maybe if I don't, I can influence others in the same way!
  19. Brusann

    Sniper squad recruiting

    taylerboi is apparently an invalid skype ID, either that or random people arent able to add you. How many people are in your squad? Are you guys pretty decent? I have an m107 that I'm pretty good with.
  20. Can we please get this stickied or pinned or something so other players don't have to go through this unforunate set of circumstances?
  21. I updated it through Six Launcher... So I was up-to-date.
  22. Today as I was unpacking my shiny new ghillie suit, with my shiny new m107 I had just found(first sniper rifle ever!) the floor turned bandit and made me swim so I lost all my gear. Never even got to fire a shot, I had been saving that ghillie for weeks to find a sniper! If any of you see an ocean with a ghillie suit or an m107, let me know. $10,000 bounty, dead or alive. What has this world come to? Even the ground is turning to banditry...
  23. Brusann

    The Floor Bandit

    I've already read the announcements... I'm slightly bitter is all.