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Everything posted by Brusann

  1. Brusann

    The UAZ I stole on US21

    Not sure if he was desynced or not, still was able to loot his body just fine, and again, the only information I have is that their names were Tyler and Cameron and that there was a third player who's name I don't remember.
  2. Brusann

    A few ideas. :) (lets keep this game real)

    The mud idea sounds awesome
  3. It's quite simple, really. If you call yourself a bandit, follow our code: Never, ever disconnect from a fight. Don't hide in the trees and murder unsuspecting survivors then d/c when the SHTF, stand and fight. If you lose, at least you can be proud knowing you've gained the respect of the survivor on the other end of that bullet. I'm not saying don't kill, by all means kill whoever you want. It's just when you're the one being hunted, play how you'd want to be played against. In the end, it'll be more fun for the both of you.
  4. Brusann

    The Bandit Code of Honor

    Idk, I view it like honor among thieves or something to that effect :)
  5. Brusann

    The Bandit Code of Honor

    All I was saying is if youre going to call yourself one of us, live and die by the code :D Not looking to make any enemies.
  6. Brusann

    The UAZ I stole on US21

    You guys should re read the edit, quite awesome indeed :D Hope you see this tyler and cameron!!
  7. Brusann

    The UAZ I stole on US21

    no idea on the clan tho
  8. Brusann

    The UAZ I stole on US21

    The UAZ was still hidden where I left it! WIN! BWAHAHHA.
  9. Brusann

    How I feel about the steam sales

    It never ceases to amaze me how people take every opportunity to flex their E-peens.
  10. Brusann

    To the guy that

    Unless you're Chris Kyle, the Devil of Ramadi, the most prolific sniper in the history of the U.S. military, I call BS. He had 255 kills, 160 of which were confirmed by the Pentagon. Plus, in this video, you said you have access to the entire arsenal of the US Marine Corps, the Marines are not Navy SEALs...
  11. Brusann

    Good places for bear traps.

    entrace to nwaf barracks or stary tents
  12. Brusann

    Six launcher with no servers?

    I'm having the same issue, is it something on my end? Because I know some of my friends are playing.
  13. To use an axe, right click it, remove from toolbelt, reload, and there's your axe. To lose zombies, run thru buildings and crouch walk out the other side, or crouch walk through low hanging trees or bushes until theyre gone. You DO have to hold down caps lock to use voip however I'm not sure what problem youre having with the typing functionality as I've never heard that you need to hold down the button to type before. Food and water are abundant in residential buildings and grocery stores, and once you get a hunting knife, you can kill and gut animals, and with a hatchet you can chop wood and use matches to light a fire to cook the meat. Every player WILL probably try to kill you. That's why you have to kill them first! If you choose to abstain from that, just make sure when you see a player to STAY AWAY. I'm not sure whether I helped you much or not, but I tried. Oh, and to pickup a backpack, scrollwheel over and click Take Backpack. You should open it first, and transfer your goodies into it, because when you drop yours, chances are it will be destroyed. Sometimes, if there are already items in the backpack, they may need to be removed before you can take it.
  14. Brusann

    Bandit Trainer?

    Follow the Bandit Code of Honor, NEVER, EVER disconnect. No matter how scared you are, no matter how long it took you to find that rifle. Stand and fight.
  15. Brusann

    Tether ropes

    Just shoot automatic weapons into the air!! Helps your friend find you very quickly. Seriously though, it works. Beware of side effects...
  16. Brusann

    Tool/Weapon for KOing people

    I like the idea of a club you can beat someone over the head with. Maybe if you found a sniper in the woods you could smash his head, take his gear, do a bit of a victory dance then stroll into the sunset with your newly acquired gear.
  17. Brusann


    I believe that you should be able to eat the player you just killed but with some sort of, "shakes" like in the movie "The Book of Eli." The more human meat you consume, the worse the shakes get. Only curable by whiskey, which also should carry a % chance to get addicted. You need it every so often or the shakes come back. Makes eating fellow man a last resort kind of thing.
  18. Brusann

    Everyones a bandit

    You felt right.
  19. Brusann

    Ranking system

    I think appearance only items would be cool, but would have to be completely optional. Because some people dont want their player kills broadcast to the world, or how long theyve been alive; they just want to blend in. And rightly so, your appearance wouldnt change irl if you killed some zombies.
  20. Brusann

    Notches in Your Belt

    This would be a completely OPTIONAL feature that I think would actually make a lot of sense. When you kill someone, you can open up your inventory and right click your belt, where you will have the option to "make a notch." You also could ignore the feature and leave it completely alone. IF you chose to make a notch however, they would continue to add up until you die. If another player comes across your body, he can loot your belt and see just how many murders you had, just as a sort of trophy. Kind of along the lines of if youre a survivor, "Wow, I just rid the world of one of the meanest bandits around!" Or if youre a bandit, "Man, I've gotta step up my game if I want to be the top bandit!" The purpose of the notches for the notchee would basically just be to show off, maybe if your buddy inspects you he can see how many youve had. This is of course a very small vanity feature but I just thought it might add something cool to the game. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing any opinions you may have! Even if they disagree, all are welcome :D
  21. Brusann

    Notches in Your Belt

    Zetal, I completely agree. I think it's more of a polish feature for when the game is fully released and there is no more debug monitor.