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About Brusann

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  1. Brusann

    Graphical Issues

    I am having the same issues, makes certain areas unplayable.
  2. you see a main rotor assembly for a helicopter and stuff it in your backpack
  3. Brusann

    Servers with Sniper Rifles Removed

    If you take away snipers from legitimate players, there will be no one to deter the thousands of hackers that will have free reign over all the defenseless people without snipers. Rules are made for those who choose to follow them. Everyone will still be raped by snipers from afar, just now you'd have no chance to fight back. There are already rocket launchers in the game buddy...
  4. Someone's a little mad... In two or three months on this game, I've never ever been killed by a sniper in elektro or cherno. I don't understand what the problem is... you basically have to ask to be killed by them. They can only see a small portion of the city at a time from the hills unless they'd like to display themselves for the world to see.
  5. Brusann

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    That was SO funny man. Well done.
  6. Brusann

    Short topic! Party System

    As i mentioned in the OP, I understand that a party system may not be an option for a game such as DayZ. That's where a bandana or armband would come in handy, as it's completely realistic. You would have to be in visible range, and pretty close to see a design or color on someone's clothing. Either way, thanks for your input!
  7. Brusann

    New Outfits!

    Please! Add new outfits :D The more worn down the better! Also, everyone knows that in an apocalyptic world, you NEED a trench coat!
  8. To keep it short and sweet, I believe parties should be implemented, probably capped at 10 or so.(debatable) If someone leaves the party, they will still not be able to shoot members of that party for 5 minutes.(debatable) However I realize this may be too carebear-ish, so- As an alternative, customizable armbands/bandanas. Find a piece of cloth in the store and some paint, and create an insignia of your choice so your group doesn't have to constantly have to bark over chat, "WHO'S AT THE FIRESTATION?!?!" Thanks for reading!
  9. Brusann

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    I think that's a great idea
  10. Brusann

    !Important Look!

    Yesterday I had a sniper with a DMR log in on top of the hospital roof in elektro, probably so he could blow the heads off of innocent new-spawns, where I was gathering medical supplies for myself. I promptly shot him three times with my enfield, which wouldn't have been possible had he been invulnerable. No beans to you sir.
  11. Brusann

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    Good idea, maybe you go to a bush when you have your glue and string/net and scroll wheel and click "add woodland leaves" or "add (insert other leaves here)" and it adds it to your ghillie suit, which is then x% complete. Say you add one bush, 10% complete.(debatable) However I don't know if it should be every bush unless the nets or something were more rare, however the rarity would be more of a developer thing.
  12. Brusann

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    The inventory would be a bit of an unforseen issue, maybe the plants could stack? Or maybe it would just be a sacrifice you'd have to make - to carry less gear in order to get the valuable suit made.
  13. Homemade Ghillie suit kits are available in real life, and members of the US military(and I'm sure other militaries as well but I cannot confirm this) make their own ghillie suits with the plant-life in the area they're supposed to be infiltrating. So my idea is this: Players can find fishing nets in marinas, random places near the ocean, and/or in every fishing boat's loot(because they're pretty rare to find in the first place). They can then find some glue(in a market or residential area), fishing line(in the same areas as the nets), strings(in a market, would work the same as fishing line but maybe have less durability), and then have to search the wilderness in dayZ to find specific plants. If you want to be camo'ed in a woodland area, then you must find the specific woodland variety of ghillie suit materials. If you want to blend with the wheat fields, you have to find like-colored plants. Once you find the required materials, (which would be many more than one of the plants) you can combine them to create your ghillie suit. Now these wouldn't be as durable as the ones professionally made out of synthetics(I'm making this up, the new lore would have to be the pre-assembled ones are synthetic) so they would deteriorate over time. Say, maybe after 24 hours of game time.(debatable) I just feel as though this could add to the game slightly, feel free to let me know whether you agree or disagree with the idea, or just don't see a need for it. I welcome all opinions :) Thanks for reading! TL;DR - Players should be able to make ghillie suits out of slightly rare materials they find around Chernarus.
  14. Brusann

    Getting in Tents?

    I agree that tents should be able to keep you and another survivor warm in a storm or at night or something.
  15. Brusann

    "RP" servers

    It would be so unpopular, because bandits would just come on your roleplaying server and kill you for your phat lewtz because they knew you were less likely to shoot back. They'd become friends with you, walk around for 2 minutes, then open fire when your back was turned. It's an unfortunate truth :( I do agree though, if people actually followed the rules, it'd be awesome. (Or at least if most did! Because without any bandits at all it'd be no fun!)