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Everything posted by soapmak3r

  1. So...Some creative hackers invaded our favourite server earlier this evening... http://youtu.be/flZ2TnC-UcA
  2. Did your dog talk though? :P
  3. These hackers seem to be more original than most of the others that I have seen, so, bringing it back...
  4. soapmak3r

    DayZ Trailer (fan made)

    http://youtu.be/m7s6D0HBsdI I composed a fairly creepy trip-hop style song a while back, and thought it might make a cool soundtrack for a DayZ trailer, so I put this together. It is supposed to show the general progress from a unarmed survivor to a fully kitted out soldier/survivor. :)
  5. soapmak3r

    DayZ Trailer (fan made)

    ...and again.
  6. soapmak3r

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    Hopefully Rocket gets his hands on a dev kit and prototype model to add support for it into the stand alone game.
  7. soapmak3r

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    The guys from PCGamer seemed pretty impressed, he was trying to 'break it' by moving his head around quickly and he said he couldn't...I guess it is the sort of thing you would really need to try, but when the guy has Gabe Newel and John Carmac backing him, I'd say that he is really onto something. As far as I can tell, the main unit has been made and works perfectly. It just needs to be put into an aesthetically pleasing package and mass produced....and of course be supported in game engines. I think it would be perfect for DayZ. Peaking around corners, watching your back, peering over things...
  8. soapmak3r

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    Really? No one wants a completely immersive, true 3D, full human field of view, free-look, experience of this game? I find that hard to believe...
  9. soapmak3r

    DayZ Trailer (fan made)

    Bringing it back...
  10. soapmak3r

    DayZ Trailer (fan made)

    Cheers! :)
  11. soapmak3r

    We Discuss "The WarZ"

    So, what was your 'diagnosis'? My 'diagnosis' of WarZ is that it is suffering from a severe, and possibly terminal case of imitation.
  12. Cheers! Yeah, I have a load of videos up and my team mates have started recording too. I'm going to keep editing highlights together from now on, rather than upload an unedited clip that is nearly one hour long. :) I didn't want to kill him man...I thought it would have been funnier to let him tag along with us haha :P The RSPCA were the guys with the evil, laughing car! :D
  13. soapmak3r

    The Hero skin

    Just throwing up a video of the hero skin in case any of you guys haven't seen it... http://youtu.be/RBJnku6PXRc http://youtu.be/-xW8il-sbyA In my previous life I had 8411 humanity. I was killed by a bandit at NW Airfield and respawned with 0 humanity, but I now have the hero skin (Ihad camo on at NW Airfield).
  14. *deleted to try to prevent assholish behaviour* TommsteruK is why we can't have nice things. Shoot him on sight if you see him. :) Nick, glad you made it along. :)
  15. Great meeting you guys this evening, here is a compilation of interesting things that happened...haha :D http://youtu.be/flZ2TnC-UcA
  16. soapmak3r

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    Don't you recognise him dude? That picture is of Bigfoot. :P
  17. http://youtu.be/COTd8y6x6cw Side note...NVGs on night servers is kind of easy mode when raiding places, but still kind of bad ass! :D
  18. soapmak3r

    DayZ - Night raid on Stary military tents

    Two of our guys have the L85 which they mostly use for scouting (only one of them was there with us). One of them has a DMR too (the other guy). I ditched a DMR a while back. Passed up on an M107 tonight. I am not a player killer, so sniper rifles don't really hold any appeal for me. The 'bravery of being out of range' and all that... When I find sniper rifles at crash sites, I usually put them on dead zombies and then hide the body, unless one of my squad wants them. ;) I wouldn't mind an L85 for scouting. But currently, I like having a silenced MP5 with the M249. If either is running low I'll dump them for something else. A red dot M16 and a L85 would be an ideal combo for my play-style.
  19. We found a couple of pairs of NVGs tonight! :) One of our squad also picked up a M107 at a crash at the NW airfield. Are there any of the TPG crew that would fancy trading for it? I reckon he might be up for it. I was talking to the others this evening and I think we are going to hop on your teamspeak and chat tomorrow evening. Also, is that Hunter S Thompson? :thumbsup: :beans:
  20. I'm just wondering if all head shots in this game, from all weapons are lethal to survivors? Or are only certain primary weapons lethal when it is a head shot? Cheers! :)
  21. soapmak3r

    The Hero skin

    Video as a link. :) I think the way it displays humanity is buggy right now...My humanity went to 0 after I put a Wookie suit on, then jumped to nearly 15000 after a bit...I'd killed another bandit by then and shot one that ALT F4'd. You get humanity by headshotting or just killing zombies too...I figure that you also get humanity for giving pain killers, morphine, blood transfusions. The counter isn't always accurate though. As I said, it resets when you die and it resets when you put on new clothing, but only visually resets, not actually.
  22. Do you think that I am less likely or more likely to get shot with this skin? It is a cool skin so far. Quite easy to see with it on due to the light shirt, and easier to see in low light. It would be cool if the scarf and cap stayed when I put on camo clothing, or if the scarf stayed even with the wookie suit. At least I know who the murderers are now. Knowing who to shoot is important. ;)
  23. soapmak3r

    The Hero skin

    That is correct. It's the fastest way to increase it.
  24. Watching that last video posted in this thread...You are genuinely cringe worthy...