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Everything posted by jaynich

  1. jaynich

    DayZmeets Wasteland

    I would love to see the integration of the Wasteland sandbox style base construction. This would be a major step up! So yeah, would it be possible to merge the Wasteland base construction with DayZ. Possibly even adding the weapons spawning in some cars, except drastically reducing the chance of finding a weapon in a car. Like 1 in every 30 vehicles have a chance of spawning a hatchet/crowbar 70%, handgun 25%, Primary weapon 5%.
  2. jaynich

    DayZmeets Wasteland

    Wow, I actually forgot I posted this. But to be more clear, aiming the base building more towards barricading existing buildings (not to mention COD but, COD like 2x4 fortification) Not having the ammo boxes and crates full of weapons and ammunition like wasteland does. Also preventing from creating "Sky bases" and adding a "build timer" for each placed object. Same for removal of said object. Random gear in cars still available, and overall in the game less chance of actually finding a weapon except of course military bases, some residences, and cars. Do you really think you'd find an AS50 within even a month of scavenging? lol Improved melee + more usable melee weapons (preferably ones that don't need to be reloaded ;]) I've turned this into more of a wishlist now lol, understood about the building clutter though. But, to be honest, there wouldn't be any server resets IRL either, then again, IRL things aren't generated through code ;]
  3. jaynich

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Now all it needs is a complete reset to get all those duped items out and vehicles back to locations. WIPE the map! >:D CLEAN SLATE! Or do it when you bring the dogs in! Im sure people still have 100 satchel charges, thousands of 50 cals etc.
  4. jaynich

    Respawn button

    So recently, a hacker teleported the entire server I was on into the water. Unfortunately, I was unable to respawn due to it being disabled! Please bring it back or enable it when outside of the maps boundaries and when in water. I had to spend the whole night just swimming until I finally died. Also, add a single player. Doesnt need objectives or anything, although adding something like rescuing survivors and bringing medicine to the sick and having a "safe haven" would be pretty cool. Single player only though. PRIORITY: Respawn button! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE RESPAWN BUTTON
  5. Good idea, go TM it, then sell all Uber Synergy™ rights to him. "PROFIT"
  6. jaynich


    Needs moar dragons
  7. TF2 is DOOM graphics compared to Arma. I dont think itll run in 800x600 on that. Maybe bleh! 640x480 with EVERYTHING on very low ha
  8. Funny thing is, when cheaters spawn in ammo crates, you can't view what's inside unless you spawned it yourself. Otherwise it's just empty. I know this because I too have been banned for it. But I was using the script on a private server to test weapons and learn to drive the vehicles. Anyway, you're better off with a Retail. Steam likes to make things difficult.
  9. jaynich

    Pending Update: Build

    Wouldn't it be easier to just put a logout timer? Like when a player hits logout, it starts a 5-10 second timer with a cancel button. The player model will trigger to sit or prone when logout begins. This would solve ALL your DC problems.
  10. jaynich

    Cocksucking Fucking Hackers

    more like script kiddies gonna download
  11. Lol sniper with a czech pack
  12. They need to add an option to specify the location of your primary arma installation. I like to run multiple installations to test new betas and if I dont like them I dont have to reinstall.
  13. This loves to crash my game when I get into a server.
  14. jaynich

    Zion Rave/Open House for Clans

    So this grenade walks into a hangar filled with survivors...
  15. jaynich

    Hit by lightning scared me rather hard. : D

    Sounds to me like a VERY, VERY skilled sniper who knows what he's doing. What was your location? EDIT: That or he walked up on you and what sounded like lightning was just the clapping of the rifles echo throughout the hills
  16. Don't ban players who steal your stuff and/or kill you
  17. That's very unfortunate. Looks like adding bear traps just gave hackers another toy.
  18. jaynich

    Couple of suggestions to make it less of a deathamtch

    1 word, performance. More zombies means more for your PC to render
  19. jaynich

    In-Game recorder

    So basically making an in game "replay" recorder, which tracks all in game movement in a radius of up to idk 1km of the player recording onto the players PC. Then being able to go back in and set up camera points/changing the camera on your player etc. for better video recordings, instead of constantly seeing the back of the players head.
  20. jaynich

    In-Game recorder

    Is that you just being an asshole? If you read the section of the forums you're in, you'll see that this is a SUGGESTION. I put it in all caps, bold, italicized, underlined and in RED so you don't miss it, 'cause you appear to be on your period.
  21. Dont use the latest beta, use ARMA2_OA_Build_94876
  22. Everything you post seems to be a repeat "Search forums" so perhaps before you post you should assume he's seen one of your 283 pointless posts telling people to search. As for the OP, I think it's a great concept as pulling a buddy out of an open field to cover is extremely useful.
  23. jaynich

    Crusing in the Escalade with my squad.

    Anyone else see that fat stack of Washingtons on the bottom left of the screen?
  24. jaynich

    Best place to hide a boat?

    If you throw a grenade onto the hull, the boat disappears to all other players and the nade falls through the map
  25. jaynich

    Very Hostile Playerbase

    and so will I, so...will...I