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Posts posted by GreenPeanut

  1. I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

    This is crazy talk. Don't listen to this guy. The bug is from not having your game installed correctly.

    I've had several friends switch to the DayZ version launched via Steam to be invisible. I could even make a video showing how launching through Steam makes you invisible and how everything's fine when launched through Six Launcher.

  2. I'm praying for a DB wipe - I've been invisible for 3 weeks and spawn in the same place every time i log back in.

    The game is busted for me and many others seeing as the invisible people can only talk to each other. We can hunt players as they can't see/shoot/harm us very easily and ruin the game for many.

    I don't want to do that - I just want to play the game and have fun in the zombie apocalypse.

    Try walking over some stones or into a certain bush near the Black Lake which managed to kill me for doing so.

    Don't you suffer bloodloss from hunger and thirst? maybe just standing idle for a while (or placing some weight on your w-key to speed up the process) might solve your problem?

    or just esc -> respawn

    I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.
