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Everything posted by zHDFXz

  1. I love you kiotie Lawl
  2. zHDFXz

    Changing your name

    that about sums it up
  3. i bumped it because i dont wanna team up with them being giving a warning for something as simple as bump is stupid i had a valid reason and i dont wanna team up so i said bump i was looking for a team so i said bump because i dident want to be on this team T_Ti think this warning should be removed because i did nothing wrongtheres no rules saying i cant bump so i think the warning should be removed
  4. zHDFXz

    how to make day z better, 90% will agree

    i do the same thing tbh
  5. TALENTS OMFG addictive-pkz nub sad face :(
  6. my pc runs this game fine i have dual GTX 680 SLI
  7. zHDFXz

    Playing Dayz with an xbox controller.

    ill pay 10$ i would rather do that its easyer then a keyboard and a mouse
  8. zHDFXz

    Playing Dayz with an xbox controller.

    thank you i wil be doiing this
  9. learn not to trust random people
  10. this post was useless bump
  11. zHDFXz


    lol brah
  12. zHDFXz

    Tactical Bacon and other Items

    canned nuts lol?
  13. zHDFXz

    Sorry Persian

    dick move killing nice people :(
  14. zHDFXz


    Teamspeak 3 is a VOIP program, think of it like skype but made for talking to players in games. Download: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads/
  15. zHDFXz

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    moving around sucks omfg
  16. most server only allow 5ppl so keep that inmind make sure to check other servers like my main server Seattle 11
  17. zHDFXz

    Seattle 134?

    it sucks