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Everything posted by Wessie4life

  1. Set up tents in your garden and hide stuff in it.
  2. Wessie4life

    Is it possible to get on the..

    No it is not, many hackers put them up there to lore people in, just ignore it.
  3. My brother has one he wants to trade, his forums name is ZigZagGamer hit him up and he'll get back to you, might not be on right now though.
  4. Wessie4life

    Hackers on LU40

    he's killed me twice already :/
  5. Wessie4life

    LU 45

    I play on this server all the time, havn't had a single problem with hackers on it, noticed a few spawned in helicopters around that were blown up and 1 spawned in wepon but that's been about it. Also i don't think the heli's spawned again on this server, i have been pretty much everywhere on the map in the past 3-4 days and if you have a camp on this server i more than likely know where it is.
  6. Wessie4life

    Hospital loot spawns

    Inside, behind, on top. Now onto the loot spawns, they're inside the hospital, behind it and ontop of it.
  7. Wessie4life

    M107 worth a M4A3 CCO SD?

    I would say no, in my experience m107's are very common, compared to M4A1 CCO SD.
  8. Wessie4life

    Hacker on Lu45

    I noticed that there were Heli's that had crashed near the NE airfield, Bolato and cherno (The flyable ones) only saw the heli at the NE airfield but there was the red fire at the other 2 places.
  9. Wessie4life

    Not Sure if Hacker, or I Just Suck

    You died...
  10. Wessie4life

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    If we let one person get away with abuse then we may aswell not even have rules....
  11. Wessie4life

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    You can't learn to play DayZ unless you're on a full server, FIN.
  12. Wessie4life

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    I've still got a legit ghillie suit...
  13. Wessie4life

    [VIDEO]Snipers sniping my Snipers

    I now know what to do with my m107 and l85 :D lol
  14. Wessie4life

    Thermal Scope, How OP is it?

    You must just be bad at shooting (no offence), i used this wepon at 300m and shot 3 times at a guy 300m away and all hit him and he died....
  15. Wessie4life

    Best Bag in the game

    coyote back pack is, 24 slots only 4 more than alice and looks much bulkier.
  16. I suggest you change your name, move out of town and not have any contact with that guy again....
  17. I'm on my longest kill streak now 6 players and counting! Got 2 whilst I was at stary, found an M107 on a random dead guy (the luck!) then went to stary where I found a team of 4 there, 3 were in the millitary base and i could only pick one off before having to move. On my exit out I spotted thier spotter who was looking for me, got blank range to him and reacked havoc. This is when i got my first range finder too which has helped so much! The next 4 kills were at the NE airfield today, first was 2 guys one i made go unconcious and he alt+f4'd out and his team mate was trying to flank me but i got behind him and BAM, then guess what? he dc'd too but i got the kill for him. Next was 2 other guys in the airfield, I ran to the town next to it in the hopes of finding a ghillie/camo suit from the house, I also came across a CZ550 and decided to head back to the airfield, was only waiting for 5 mins when a guy ran out from the tree line directly to my left and was about half way across to the hangers when i took him out, i then decided to wait a minute just incase anyone else was around before looting (as he was in the open) and then it occured to me that he may have a spotter with him so i went round to where i saw him leave the tree line and sure enough there was a guy with a DMR and M249 just lying there so i killed him also. I found nvg's on the 1st guy aswell which was great cause this is my first pair and i've been playing this game intensely for like 4/5 weeks now. Lastly I was on the typical "sniper hill" at the NEA when I spotted a guy with a ghillie run to the top of the control tower, 2 bullets later and I get myself a nice L85 AWS and my second pair of NVG's! the guy also has a bizon sd butt decided to leave it due to rarity of ammo and i was full of wepons anyway (due to home server being out of date and no where to store excess weps/ammo). The End. lol
  18. Wessie4life

    Streamer Alt F4ing caught on stream

    Despite what others say I think it was good of you to post this (even if others think it's a waste of time) if we let people keep doing this and not showing that it is a problem then it will just keep happening, and to people saying "he just aborted not alt+f4" it's basically the same thing.... you're still leaving the game and no he might not of been shot at directly but he was in the imidiate area of the conflict and went to the grey area of aborting to save his sorry ass.
  19. Wessie4life

    What's your longest survival time?

    On 4 days now which is my longest, would of been 8 but got killed on my 4th day due to a glitch last time.
  20. Wessie4life


    trading tin cans for ghillie suit.
  21. Wessie4life

    Fuel Spots

    If the jerry can did NOT have a red cross through it like an empty water bottle then that would be the reason why.
  22. Wessie4life

    Study Fireplace Option

    Great idea! maybe the addition of using drinks to make them cold straight away aswell? :)
  23. Wessie4life

    How Do You Initially Gear Up?

    Make my way to Berizino visiting barns on the way there for axe, shotgun/lee enfield (CZ if im lucky), hunting knife. In Berizino loot deer stands for an AK or something, check market place for alice and food/water, hospital for med supplies then I head up north back to camp :D I have loads of wepons back at camp but when i start again i get sudden confidence and im not scared to die, usually visit the NWAF on my first day. I like to see how long I can survive at a time, think the longest is 4 days, died due to a glitch tho :/ (Logged in and got instantly killed with 12k blood, was in the middle of nowhere too).
  24. Wessie4life

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    I pressume the other player has something I want, the reality is they have useless crap on them and I then become a griefer in the eyes of others..
  25. I've started to snipe at the NE airfield lately and in the past 2 days I have spent about 3/4 hours there and only seen 2 people, I was on night time servers though with between 10-20 people on. Just wondering those of you that have/do snipe at the NE airfield how long does it take for you to spot someone and do you go on day or night time servers?