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Everything posted by Wessie4life

  1. Wessie4life

    Gille suit bug.

    i thought i was really lucky until a few hours later i logged out in a safe place logged in and got instant killed by a bug i pressume but oh well
  2. Wessie4life

    Gille suit bug.

    Don't think so yet, I found camo earlier and put it on, lost all my stuff. Luckily it came back when i logged off and on again. Got a Ghille now but keeping hold of it til the next set of hotfixes roll out
  3. well this happend to me too :/ damn
  4. Only reason would be the barracks as some wepons only spawn there and the NWAF is only place that has barracks. I would love to get my hands on an SVD camo but don't want to risk going into the NWAF, I usually go there early on in a life then never return :P
  5. Wessie4life

    Sniping at the NE airfield

    went there again earlier on a daytime server and spotted someone, although I de-synced a few seconds before the shot, didn't notice and the guy took two bullets and carried on running so could only assume I or him was lagging :/ seen 2 guys today and both got away lol (first guy went unconsious then alt+f4'd).
  6. Wessie4life

    Sniping at the NE airfield

    I rarely see anyone there, not even hoppers (which i thought would of been common), My brother and I were running through a field by the town and heard somebody shooting basically a whole AK mag at us, we had no idea were the person was so ran to the woods, my brother then crawled under a tree which suddenly broke his legs and killed him instantly lol.
  7. Wessie4life

    Need immidiete help!

    Most likely. Go on a "can i run it" website and select Arma 2.
  8. Some advice to avoid being killed, if these people log out what you should do is re-position, think where they might pop up (behind you/to the side) and then wait there trying to catch them in the act, or you could simply run away.
  9. I was wondering if people spot another player who then notices them, what do you do? DC to avoid fighting, run away, engage in a firefight, what? personally if someone has spotted me and I can i'll run or if it's out in the open I may DC and let them pass. Before someone says, this type of DCing isn't that bad as the other peson hasn't started to shoot at me or I am not in any apparent danger, just DCing to avoid a potential threat, this seems to be the only way to safely let another player live, which is a shame :/
  10. Wessie4life

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Everyone seems to think like this! then when it happens to them 10 threads get opened up about bandits lol
  11. Wessie4life

    I feel guilty..?

    I say that you killed those guys for no good reason, that being said it's not your fault, if you commonly go on the forums you get spoon fed all these threads and posts telling us that everyone is a bandit and to kill on sight, and all the threads saying "punish bandits". Pretty much every player thinks that if they don't kill other players they see then they are going to get killed. Although you could argue that greed got the better of you.
  12. Wessie4life

    DCing to avoid players

    This thread was just to see the general attitude of the users on this forum and a lot of you are very angry induviduals that insult others for some reason.... Those of you saying i'm a pussy, what makes this apparent? If I don't want to kill another player but don't want them to shoot at me either what's saying that i can't DC? if somebod ran into you and shot you first i'm sure you'd be on the forum straight away starting a thread titled "Bullshit PvP everyone is a KOS'er!" This thread was to see other peoples opinion, NOT for hate and name calling.
  13. Wessie4life

    Energy (Sleep)

    Personally I think it is a great idea and would add some type of realism to the game, and also make people stay off it for a while lol, I myself tend to play for hours and hours at a time and freeing up spaces on the servers would be great :)
  14. Wessie4life

    What roles do you play with your team?

    Just me and my brother in our team atm but we usually take roles on based on our position, if we think it's best for one to cover then the one with the most appropriate wepon will overwatch, but usually just go in together (and die) lol.
  15. Wessie4life

    Will this 'gaming laptop' run DayZ?

    I have the exact same specs on my laptop, turn graphics to low in game and it'll run perfectly, may work well with higher graphics but my laptop gets hot enough as it is!
  16. Fed up with this game tonight too, keep getting killed on sights by bandits who are well armed or when i had a bus just got shot whilst in the middle of no where....
  17. My brother and I have both found ghillies in 2 days, if you look through the red bricked buildings or cafe's there is usually one lying around, best to search either after a server restart or towns north were less people visit.
  18. Wessie4life

    Tents useless?

    Shouldn't lose anything if you save your tents properly and hide them well of course, also i reliable server is always good to have.
  19. It usually goes down few times a day for restarts and stuff, although I come home this morning to find it gone and it's been about 2 hours yet still no sign of it, anyone have any clue what's happend to it?