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About Wessie4life

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Set up tents in your garden and hide stuff in it.
  2. Wessie4life

    Is it possible to get on the..

    No it is not, many hackers put them up there to lore people in, just ignore it.
  3. My brother has one he wants to trade, his forums name is ZigZagGamer hit him up and he'll get back to you, might not be on right now though.
  4. Wessie4life

    Hackers on LU40

    he's killed me twice already :/
  5. Wessie4life

    LU 45

    I play on this server all the time, havn't had a single problem with hackers on it, noticed a few spawned in helicopters around that were blown up and 1 spawned in wepon but that's been about it. Also i don't think the heli's spawned again on this server, i have been pretty much everywhere on the map in the past 3-4 days and if you have a camp on this server i more than likely know where it is.
  6. Wessie4life

    Hospital loot spawns

    Inside, behind, on top. Now onto the loot spawns, they're inside the hospital, behind it and ontop of it.
  7. Wessie4life

    M107 worth a M4A3 CCO SD?

    I would say no, in my experience m107's are very common, compared to M4A1 CCO SD.
  8. Wessie4life

    Hacker on Lu45

    I noticed that there were Heli's that had crashed near the NE airfield, Bolato and cherno (The flyable ones) only saw the heli at the NE airfield but there was the red fire at the other 2 places.
  9. Wessie4life

    Not Sure if Hacker, or I Just Suck

    You died...
  10. Wessie4life

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    If we let one person get away with abuse then we may aswell not even have rules....
  11. Wessie4life

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    You can't learn to play DayZ unless you're on a full server, FIN.
  12. Wessie4life

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    I've still got a legit ghillie suit...
  13. Wessie4life

    [VIDEO]Snipers sniping my Snipers

    I now know what to do with my m107 and l85 :D lol
  14. Wessie4life

    Thermal Scope, How OP is it?

    You must just be bad at shooting (no offence), i used this wepon at 300m and shot 3 times at a guy 300m away and all hit him and he died....
  15. Wessie4life

    Best Bag in the game

    coyote back pack is, 24 slots only 4 more than alice and looks much bulkier.