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About OPnepo

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  1. OPnepo

    My server is up! Read please!

    Do you plan on keeping the server up for the next few months? My group of friends and I are looking for a new server to play on since the last few we have made camps at have gone down.
  2. My friends and I regularly play on this server and were wondering if it was going to come back online today. Some of my friends were on when a hacker teleported everyone to the edge of the map. We figured that was the reason the server came down but we are hoping it will come back up seeing as this is our home server.
  3. My 2 friends and I were looting Polana and helicopter crash with our car when I was shot and killed by what I thought was a dmr. My friends drove off and hid the car and all three of us ran back from our respective locations to Polana. My friends posted up near Polana while I came in from the south with whatever gun I had found. My friends managed to kill the player looting my body and wing the player that was covering him. I spent 5 or 10 minutes up in the hills where we thought he ran. My friends figured he ran away and I went to loot my and the other player's bodies. After regaining my gear and storing some of my assailant's loot in our car I ran back and when one of my friends spotted the second sniper. After firing and missing my friends sent me out to act as a target to draw out the remaining sniper. What happend then was an interloper, apparently not deterred by the gunfire moments ago, appeared and started to raid a deer stand not far from us. I was trapped between the interloper, about 10 zombies and the remaining sniper. luckly the interloper drew the snipers attention with a smoke granade and ak fire. I was going to warn the interloper that he was in the middle of a sniper trap if he/she got close enough to me. My friends then warn me the interloper is running strait at me. The next thing I hear is ak fire and I think to myself I am toast. A m107 starts going off simultaniously and to top it off one of my friends starts to fire claiming someone was approaching where he was hiding. My remaining friend notices a player near me is dead and second person is escaping with a m107. We both start to unload on the person wielding the m107. After everything dies down I go to loot the player with the m107 who also is carrying lots of ak74 ammo. After 1 trip to the car I go to make a second trip and I hear a lot of gun fire erupt near me. My friends tell me to run up and scare the players out, I, only being armed with a glock, decline and tell them that the survivors of the gun fight will most surely see that helocopter and run down. Sure enough one player emerges with aks cobra and circles about. My friends tell me to get down because he is coming right at me. I hide asap because I don't want to run back from the coast and they don't want to drive our car to coast again. One of my friends manages to drop the player. I ferry all the equipment I could grab and finally start to investigate the scene where the last player had emerged. I manage to find 3 more bodies. We managed to snag a pair of nvgs, a gps, 3 coyote backpacks and several guns. We figured that was enough bloodshed and hightailed it to our car after we heard some more gun fire. We left the bodies so that some players could pick up the remaining loot. My friends and I just wanted to get the other sides of the story that went down tonight and I am sure I left out some of what happened. Most of the fight we were trying to figure out what was going on since it went down fairly fast.
  4. I have a small group that is looking for a new home server and more players my skype handle is nepoguy hit me up if you want to talk
  5. OPnepo

    Most intense firefight of my life

    I liked the video and your energy despite all the negative posts. I have been in some nasty firefights as well and can empathize with the rush you got; DayZ is the only game that has given me feelings of panic or excitement at a substancial level.
  6. My friends made US 160 our home server. I have never had any problems with the server except for the occasion lag or desync problems. Were you doing anything in particular when you got banned? If global chat were enabled I would ask the admin why you were banned.
  7. OPnepo

    Is this a hackers gun?

    I think its legit if its the M4A1 HWS M203 check the dayz wiki
  8. OPnepo

    Helicopter crash sites

    Yeah I have. We had a four man team split up and scout all known locations on our home server and we did not find one. Thanks for the replies I must have just hit a dry spell and will keep looking
  9. OPnepo

    Helicopter crash sites

    Is anyone else having trouble finding crash sites recently? It seems like they are spawning less frequently. In the last few days I have not found one.
  10. OPnepo

    IF this was an actual game...

    My two cents I would prefer a one time purchase of the game. It would be neat if it was DLC for Arma 3. I like the current development process but any process that lets you finish your idea of the game is acceptable. As far as funding goes anything that allows you the most flexibility with game development so probably kickstarter.
  11. OPnepo


    I have only gotten this problem while trying to play DayZ when I ran Arma2 OA instead of Arma2 CO
  12. If you look at the video description of the first video link in Sem's response the posters says he was playing with version At the end of the video you can see his Arma2 CO version number is 1.60.87580. I am pretty sure DayZ v1.7.1.5 requires Arma2 Co to be beta patched to version to be 1.60.93825 or higher.