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About XxSXBxX

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Reno, NV
  • Interests
    Gaming, Tech, Anime, etc.

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  • Bio
    Started computer gaming when I was a young child with the Simple Runescape then went into WoW for about 4 years, and just constantly changed the games I play since.
  1. Amazing server, we've got roughly 10-20 people that play during peak hours, haven't had a single hacker incident since we went white list, and how hard is it to get white listed? Alls you have to do is register and say "Whitelist <name>". It's a great fun community and the site has a lot to offer while you're at it. I recommend this to everyone and anyone =D
  2. It's an awesome server, and definitely fun. It would be even more entertaining if more people joined! =D
  3. XxSXBxX

    Gamer Exit Private Hive(US)

    It's an awesome server, vehicles spawn max, plenty of open area, tents even save properly! =D
  4. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    How will we know if the admin ever sees it? I mean he refused to show us the logs on his own forum, so that wont even change here.
  5. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Oh also, a bunch of other random people who got banned for no reason posted on their forums. They seem to be banning because they're getting their butt kicked. http://ugf-clan.net/
  6. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    My question still stands, how do I know if we're un-banned and who's the one that does the un-banning?
  7. Okay so I have a few questions regarding vehicles. So when a vehicle is blown up, it seems to come back after restart, but will it come back in the last saved spot, or exactly where it blew up? Also it seems that if you save them when blown up they despawn? Am I correct about that? Also are there anything else regarding vehicles like that?
  8. XxSXBxX

    DayZ Vehicles Spawn W/ Items?

    Alright, greatly appreciated
  9. I was wondering if it was possible for Vehicles to spawn with a few items in them? Because we're trying to figure out weather we encountered somone taking stuff from our camp and leaving behind an ATV with two broken wheels. Or we just encountered a massive tent glitch where server restart deleted all our stuff. Since our camp site is near an ATV spawn it wouldn't surprise me one way or another. Thanks in advanced for anyone who replies.
  10. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Agreed, just another Power Hungry admin. He's trying to ban our whole group.
  11. XxSXBxX

    Graphical Issues

    Happened to me once in a great while two patches ago, stopped for a whole patch, then this current one i'm getting it practically constantly, along with 3 other people I play with. I hope this gets fixed soon.
  12. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Well the fact of that matter is that I haven't been in his teamspeak for at least 2-3 weeks, and while I was in there I was never talking shit to anybody, he's just mad because I decided to go with a different group of players, and go into my own teamspeak instead of theirs. Edit: Also another question, how do I know if I get unbanned or anything such as that? Who's the one that's going to do the unbanning if that's the case?
  13. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Bump since its been 24 hours
  14. XxSXBxX

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Okay, edited it with more information that was requested.