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cucu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by cucu (DayZ)

  1. cucu (DayZ)

    The Unarmed Social Experiment.

    Even if the game would have been rated M, I am sure that there are a lot of messed up parents who just buy whatever the kids are crying for just to shut them up.
  2. cucu (DayZ)

    The Unarmed Social Experiment.

    I can confirm that being unarmed changes the initial game dynamics. After spawning on the beach last night, I was another guy very close by, I saluted, he came closer, he was also unarmed. We exchanged a few lines and I think we could have ended up exploring together for a while but then a third one came and killed us both with an axe :) don't remember the name or anything, but I was hearing him shouting over his mic, and he sounded like a really frustrated 12 yo. It was on a german server.
  3. This is how I got my very first driving experience in DayZ Been playing for a while now but at one point I found myself deep in the woods, messing up with some zombies and ended up shaking. Because I didn't have the cure I just ran around, got bored and reckless. Long story short, zombies vs ak: 1-0 Respawned on the coast, nothing interesting around so I decided to head inland. No far from a road, in the woods, I see something red behind some trees. Yes, it was a shiny tractor, just waiting for me :) Because I didn't have any loot or weapons, this was the perfect opportunity to see how it works and go exploring. Mainly I wanted to see how far I could get. The first impressions of my first drive were spectacular. It was that sort of safe feeling where you know zombies can't get you while you are on the move. It was awesome. Drove around some small towns, stuck mainly to the roads but of course I ended up in a fireball of death after hitting some piece of wood on the road :) Still... I respawned with the biggest of smiles on my face.
  4. cucu (DayZ)

    The most valuable thing in the game…

    yes they are. There is always a chance that they will get close enough to spot you and kill you. Plus they may have food or supplies. Everything counts for increasing my survival odds.
  5. cucu (DayZ)


    playing on a laptop, no numpad. I have to figgure out which control should have been mapped to it.
  6. cucu (DayZ)

    The most valuable thing in the game…

    given that at the moment not the zombies are the biggest threat, for me the most valuable thing is a good sniper rifle.
  7. cucu (DayZ)


    Hijacking this topic for a silly question: how the hell can I switch to 3rd person mode? I might not have the option mapped but I cannot find in the control settings. Ontopic: I also bought Arma2 just for dayz and I only poked around the tutorial missions to get the hang of the basic controls.
  8. It probably starts out just as it started for most of you: stumble upon a random clip on youtube and it was love at first stream. A few dayZ later I proceeded to purchase Arma II CO on steam, poked a bit around with it, even played some singleplayer which by the way is quite fun. In the mean time I continued to watch youtube videos, read around on the forum and after a fair bit of time I started up DayZ for myself. The very first try, was, again very similar to most of yours: Woke up on the beach "Awsome! I am in DayZ, This is so cool! There's a house! I'll go loot... tra la la la, Hei! look another survivor... I wonder if he's frien..." BANG - shoots me in the face. No biggie, it was expected, I mean it was the first time, I didn't even know all the controls. Back to youtube, the forums, install new update, browse map, prepare for new session. This was right before the update. [session 1] Found myself on the beach again, this time very close to Cherno. I noticed there was a construction site with a huge crane very close. First quest idea? Get as high as possible on the crane to find my bearings. So be it: went to the crane, very carefuly avoiding all zombies and started climbing. The view was spectacular. Right before getting down, Lady Luck shawn on me: I saw another survivor just near the construction site, preparing to enter the building. He had a cool gun, a cool backpack, and he didn't notice me. Recipe for disaster. So I proceeded to send a few well placed Marakov bullets from above but he got away in the building. I went down carefully, was almost sure that he had left the site by then but as I as exploring the rooms on the second floor, I saw him again. Still had a few bullets with his name on them so I proceeded to deliver them. He died, I got my first murder, he called me an asshole in the chat and that was it! I was happy with my shiny new gun (not sure about the name, has a scope with a red dot in the middle, not very high zoom factor), bigger backpack and random loot. Having had more than enough excitement, I left the town as fast as I could and ran to the forrest nearby. Got up a small hill, went prone and took some breather time for inventory management. Having finished that, I was planning to go deeper inland and find some mountain or high place to check out. Well, Lady Luck was still switched on as I noticed another survivor creeping just at the bottom of the hill I was on. I need to make a short note here: at first when I discovered DayZ, I was all about teaming up but after seeing many youtube videos of very friendly players geting shot in the face over and over again just for hesitating, and also after what happened to me on my first go, I had to adopt a strict "shoot on sight" policy. Also wanted to try out my new rifle. Long story short, I earned my second headshot there and some more loot. At this point I prepared my tasks for survival. Had guns, ammo, water. Don't know about others, but for me there is like a complusory need: in every sandbox game, I always have to find the highest mountain/building and climb to the top of it. Also I needed to find matches (still do) because I had firewood and raw meat rotting away in my backpack. Yes, I tested the hatchet and hunting knife. The next part of the story is pretty straightforward, carefull exploration, hiding in the woods, searching for matches (without any luck), some zombie shooting at some ruins on top of a hill (Bor I think), ending up speding some time in Stary Sobor. [session 2] This is the episode in which I almost died. Preparing to leave Stary Sobor, I noticed in the distance a small car going fast on a road. I went quickly up a hill and stopped at the treeline to see what's going on. Sat down, took out the binoculars and I saw the car very very far away, parked next to a house. Next to it I could almost see something very small and shiny, but it was too far away even for the binoculars. The shiny thing was, most probably the driver, who had noticed me, and was looking at me through his sniper scope. I say that because, although I didn't hear any shots, I could hear bullets hitting the ground around me. Scary moment! Being much to far away, and getting already shot at, I chose to leave. Ran further up the hill, into the woods and I never saw that guy again. Not sure if he tried to find me or just went on his business. Not really happy about this as I would have liked a long range sniper rifle and a car for sure, but that was not my main goal then. I prefered to stay alive. I knew I was close to NW Airfield but I didn't want to go there. Same reason, I like more being alive than dead. So, I just ran through the woods, for what seems like miles and miles with absolutely nothing around. Saw some boars and a rabbit. Replenished my water supply at a small lake but, because I ran for such a long time, and changed directions from time to time, I have absolutely no idea where I ended up. My priority still is to find a darn box of matches and to figgure out where I am. So, which is the highest mountain/place where I could get to? :)