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About perekule

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. I have never crawled more than 5 meters with my leg broken. I've always had one or more morphine with me. If I didnt have any morphine, then my buddy had.
  2. perekule

    DayZ Stories

    Found a tent that had been pitched under three sprucetrees. I thought that there might be some good loot, it was very hard to spot that tent. So, I decided to check it out. I kept rolling around it for like 5(?) minutes with no luck. I just couldnt get the gear-icon to pop up so I could loot it. After a while, I somehow managed to get myself inside the damn tent. Then suddenly that 'shock-symbol' pops up. I should've known better to stop, but I didnt. In no time, I heard a snap. My leg was broken and I was stuck inside a tent (couldnt crawl out cos' the tree's branches blocked the way). Then, I did something I probably shouldnt have done. I opened my backpack, took out an morphine and began to inject it, in hope of fixing my leg. My character stood up (still inside the tent) and died lol. I instantly spawned at Otmel and started running back to that tent. I didnt even stop to loot any buildings for food or drinks. I ran for 30 minutes or so and finally I was back there and looted my body. (yes yes, didnt want to lose all my high grade military stuff because of that) I tried to loot the tent few more times, but I certainly didnt want to die again so I gave up and ran away. EDIT: Today I logged on and broke my leg again when trying to loot the same tent. Stupid me. I then ventured to nearby town. Right inside one farmhouse, a guy logs in front of my nose. I shoot him twice with my M107 and he dies. I check his gear, M14 and M107. Hmh. I alt tabbed to check dayz wiki and when I come back, boom. "You are dead" reads on my screen. I was like "what the f*ck just happened?". Perhaps someone heard the shots when I blasted the guy. Or maybe he quickly DCed, came back and killed me. Dont know.
  3. perekule

    What was your last legit kill

    One shot killed sum guy with M107, he was in airfield AC tower and I was 'bout 700 meters from there in the bushes. Had to do it so my pal was able to go in and loot the building.
  4. perekule

    DayZ Stories

    I found an ATV northwest from the airfield. It had only two wheels and less than a block of fuel. I took the tent from the ATV's gear and pitched it nearby to save my gear somewhere while I go find parts for the ATV (was pretty low on inventory space so had to put the gear in the tent, namseyn). So, I run to the airfield, loot the northern industrial buildings and find one wheel and one jerry can. I head back to my tent, place the wheel and the jerry can inside and when I'm about to go back to find another wheel and fuel, the server crashes or something, so I log out. After few hours, I come back. I take a look in my tent. Okay, the wheel and the jerry can are still there, but I also notice that I have one of each in my inventory too. So, now I had two wheels and two jerry cans, enough to fix and refuel the ATV. I do that and hop on. Small fence flips the ATV. Ah damn it, aint going nowhere with that... So, I log out again to see if it goes back on it's wheel after some time. So, I log in again after some time and notice that I need food, so I head back to my tent to get some. I didnt check the ATV, so I dont know if it had flipped back onto it's wheels. In less than minute after logging in, I see someone running straight past me. I thought he saw me but he didnt. My hands were literally shaking lol. I start following him. I follow him for 100 meters or so, when he runs behind a tree and as soon as I see him again, he's looking at me. I open fire and most likely I didnt even hit him. He hits me though, I start bleeding and fall dead. Okay, that's it. Lost the M14 (which I had stolen from someone's tent) and M1014, both with plenty of ammo. Dont know if he found my tent, which was nearby, or the ATV, which was also less than 1km from that place. I log out to another server and spawn somewhere near Elektro and run in with nothing-to-lose attitude. I loot it, get some gear and find two guys in the supermarket, both standing still. I shoot them both in the head with the Lee-Enfield, but they had lagged or something as they didnt move or die. I ignore them and continue and that's pretty much it.
  5. perekule

    DayZ Stories

    I just had a great moment in the game. The tension, it was awesome. So, I was looting Elektro. I'm pretty sure I was all alone, when I heard some shots from the distance. I waited for some time, but nothing. I gathered all the stuff I could from the supermarket, the residential house across the road and then the apartment/office building in the middle. When I was there, I saw a car. Blue minivan driving around. Then, I spotted a female in the shop. I certainly wasnt alone anymore. It was a bigger group. I watched their actions from the roof of the office building. There were atleast 4 or 5 other players. They had some problems with the zombies and were stuck inside the house across the road, just next to the shop. Zombies kept coming and coming. I dont know what happened. I saw them dying (nameplates were on so I knew some of their names). The minivan kept driving around. I was holding my DMR, ready to take the shot. After a while, I dont know what happened but there came more people, probably the ones who had died. The minivan stopped in front of the house, ready to pick the others. I thought, it's the time. I took the shot. Bullet hit the driver's head, and to confirm the kill, I shot another time. Message of him dying popped up. The car warped to the hospital somehow, probably due to lag. I went downstairs, ran around the hospital and hopped in the car. As soon as I hit the gas, I saw someone saying "friendly". I just ignored it and drove the hell out of there. In the town to the east from Elektro, I hit a trash pile. The engine was already pretty f*cked up so the car started to burn. When I got out of the car, I had only 100 or 200 blood. I tried to patch myself up very quickly. I was too late and my blood fell down to -20. I died.
  6. perekule

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday I went to the Blunt Rocks to see if I could find a vehicle from there (according to one map there should be two car spawns). I checked the possible spawn locations, but found nothing. I then decided to head a bit north-west. After running for a while, I saw a bus. First I thought it's some sort of bunker, but second after I realized that it is actually a damn bus! I crouched and started to approach it. Could be a trap, but in other hand, who the heck would make a trap in middle of forest? So, I approach it and hop in. Not much fuel left. Wheels were a bit damaged but nothing too serious. So, I drove to a nearby road and headed south. I kept driving through Krasnostav and all the way through Dubrovka and to a gas-station near Gorka. I had to refill, so I ventured to Gorka itself. I checked the buildings for jerry can. Nothing. Across the road, I saw a barn of some kind. I went in and there was on. I didnt have enough slots for other one, so I had to go with only one jerry can. I returned back to the bus and started filling up the tank. It was done quickly after. Then, when I was going back into the bus I heard a shot. Bullet hit the side of the bus and I panic. I sprint around the bus to get inside. As soon as I'm in, I hit the gas. Whoever was shooting at me, shoots few more times. Bullets rain in the side of the bus, and unfortunately one bullet hits me too. I start bleeding but am still able to drive. I keep driving. I drive thru Polana, past the factory and thru Orlovets too. Then, I pull over. I have lost quite a lot blood, so I bandage myself up and eat some meat from my backpack. All good, I'm not being shot at, I have a working bus. I hop back in to continue. After driving a bit, I see Berezino. Certainly I dont want to go there with the bus. So I turn off the road and soon I'm on the coastal road going south. I keep going. Somewhere before or after Solnichniy, I see someone running on the road. Unarmed guy. I'm not sure should I just run over him or stop. I decided not to get one murder, so I stop and let him in. He thanks me over the chat and I ask him if I could drop him somewhere. No answer. He just says that he needs a gun. Dont we all. I just keep driving, through Elektro and Cherno. I'm happy that no one shot at us there. Odds of someone shooting at bus going full speed through Elektro or Cherno are quite high. Soon after that we arrive at the airfield and military camp near Balota. I tell him to look for guns while I wait nearby. I park the bus, turn the engine off and hop out. I wait for some time, but the guy doesnt seem to come back. I decided that it's my time to leave. I hop in and drive off-road past Balota. Then I return back to the road. I keep driving west, through Komarovo. At Kamenka, I hit some trash pile and the front wheel breaks. I'm like "oh damnit", hop out and aggro some zeds. I ran in the woods, managed to lose one of the zeds but two were still running after me. I turn around and finish them off. Then I prone in the grass and log off. I wonder if the bus is still there, with one broken wheel.
  7. perekule

    DayZ Stories

    Been playing for about a week now. So far, I've had some cool and epic experiences, but also some that has more or less pissed me off. Today I was about to meet with my friend near Cherno. I approached Cherno from east and was moving along the beach. I asked if we could meet in the docks but nah, it was too risky. So I had to run from the docks to north, where he was waiting in the tree line just outside Cherno. So, I got closer, aggroed few zeds but lost them on the bridge. I was just at the gas station in the outskirts of Cherno when I decided to run thru the field into the woods, where my friend was waiting. When I crossed the road, I heard a bang and I fell on the ground. I had low blood so I died instantly. I was quite pissed off, lost my rare Mountain Dew. For my amazing luck, I spawned at the beach near the docks of Cherno, right in the place where I was before heading to the woods. I quickly headed north, to the outskirts of Cherno, where I had died. I circled around the houses near my old corpse in the tree line and looked down to the field. There it was. My corpse surrounded my roaming zeds. I had to get there one way or another, so I started crawling. I went forward, knowing that the same guy who shot me might see me again. After crawling for few minutes, I got to my corpse. Everything except all drinks (mountain dew nooooo) and food were still there (revolver, crossbow, tools, a lot of medical supplies, alice backpack), so I took them back. I still had to get away. That was quite easy, I just avoided all zombies and when I was at safe distance, I stood up and ran away.