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About ArcticWhite

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    On the Coast
  1. ArcticWhite

    Hacker on NL 100

    Server: NL 100 Time & Date: 10/Sep/2012 at 18:20 GMT+2 Name of hacker: Spiteman Case: A friend and I were tracking along the usual hot spots when we dropped by Pik Kozlova (http://dayzdb.com/map#4.084.128). Here I found 2 water bottles, left behind as breadcrumbs. We decide to investigate and pick up the bottles. [i now presume those bottles acted as triggers, or the hacker could see us] Right after we picked up the bottles we hear a helicopter approach and in fact land near us. We get ready to attack and I get shot... So I hide! Then, out of nowhere an invisible player drops bags and ammo next to me and tell me to take his helicopter! [i guess the invisibility was just a skin without color?] I spotted the invisible hacker since he was bleeding, and blood was coming out of thin air. Also, I know his name because he was writing in the general chat. - AW
  2. First time - A guy agro'd some zeds and ran in to the barn I was hiding in for my friend cos I had broken leg (stupid, in hindsight). To save myself I hit him with a hatchet so her ran away. Second time - Same barn, guy points a gun at me.. Friend brought me a gun so I defend myself. Third time - Same barn, someone spots me and opens fire. I kill him, his friend kills me. Fourth time - Some server hopper pops up right in front of us at airport, he takes a bullet before disconnecting. Fifth time - my friend accidentaly discharged his gun in the woods and 2 guys (ghillie and camo) started grid searching for us out of nowhere.. We kind of felt like chasing, but is not a good way to survive so left them alive. Overall I have shot/killed more than I left alive, but this is mainly because these players seemed a threat to me. I suppose I/we would work on a leave me alone and we leave you alone basis. That said, if someone has gear we NEED, we will kill.
  3. ArcticWhite

    My Basic Survival Tips

    Basically what Sandorski said. You really only ever need a knife, matches, a hatchet and a water canteen. A map would be recommended for navigation, but not essential. You have unlimited food and water right there and the means to stay warm, and that is all that's needed to survive. Stay in the woods and never meet a soul. Not saying it will be a lot of fun (more like a grind, I suppose) but completely feasible.