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About WingedDarkAngel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. WingedDarkAngel

    DayZ Stories

    well i have a story of my first life that i though i should share so i start on a beach near by some house's and go check for supplies (none of the house's where open) then head inland,i find a small village and look for supplies,i find myself a CZ sniper and a maK(the old starting pistol) and ammo for both then continue inland,following some power lines through a gap in a forest,after a wile i say to my self: well this is going nowhere.and head into the forest after that i found a dig boulder with two tent next to the rock i look around then head to the tents, HOLY дерьмо!!: i shouted as the tents cantoned AK's,M4's an Alice pack and a mp5 all with ammo and some cooked meat,so i took the M4A3 CCO(non silenced) and the back pack but didnt take the meat witch was a bad idea and whent on my way.after awile i started to get hungry so i stoped to kill a few farmer zed'z and one of them had baked beans witch i eat and when back on my way,after awile i found a tower and climed it i shot a trooper zed and went to loot him then got laged into loging out when i came back it was night and i was back in the tower but to my luck a crashed chopper was right in front of the tower sadly when i checked it there was nothing there so i continued on my way after a wile i got very hungry and try raiding a near by town but i ended up fighting the entire town in till i ran out of ammo sadly one of the ZEDS was still alive and chased me for a good wile intill i saw a two ramped scaffolding and ran up lucky for me the ZED got stuck.(quick info: i was at 5000ish blood at the time) so i jumped off the scaffolding and broke my legs and made it over a fence and crawled to safety sadly i lost allot of blood and i new i was going to die so i poped a flare and put my guns in my pack then sat down and waited to die i feel in and out of continuousness a couple of times and then die'd. the end. thank you for reading my fist DayZ life story