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Everything posted by SpecOpsScott

  1. SpecOpsScott

    Remember playing DayZ for the first time?

    Just a bump because this is worth reading, and the server is worth trying. You will not be disappointed.
  2. SpecOpsScott

    New Whitelist Panthera Server

    If your looking for a Panthera server with a mature player base that respects the many play styles DayZ offers, active Admins that actually care about your gaming experience, and an an active player base that welcomes all then i urge you to try this server out. Experience what our community has to offer and become a part of a great group of gamers and friends.
  3. SpecOpsScott

    If third person was removed from DayZ...

    Im not sure..... with my play style i tend to toggle 1st and 3rd. I travel in 3rd person as it seems to help me keep my bearings, especially when re gearing prior to getting a compass. I tend to move from point A to point B with my head on a swivel. However, once i engage other players, or zeds, i switch to 1st person. I instinctively use the sights even if the server offers crosshairs and the zoom in from 3rd person feels cumbersome.
  4. Well, i wouldnt say "full", but yeah, they're there. Chopper is up as of last night and has changed hands between two factions about 3 times this week.
  5. Lots of action tonight for sure. Nice to have a full blown battle with another group and know your not getting hacked. Honorable Kills/deaths all around tonight gentlemen.
  6. Been playing on your Lingor server for a couple of days. At present, it provides an unmatched PvE environment, not saying that wont change as more people join up. The server is rock steady, good ping and restarts on schedule. At the very least people should sign up for access to experience Lingor in its entirety. With no hackers or griefers you get a chance to truly explore the Island. 5 Members of my group have signed up for it and spent hours on it last night, enjoyed every minute.
  7. SpecOpsScott

    Tents still aren't fucking saving.

    No issues here. Placed 3 new tents, stocked them with several visits over two days and a few restarts. Just checked them, everything i have put in them is still there. Next experiment: Remove some items, save tent and see if that works as well. I primarily use tents to temporarily store my gear, then loot high value areas to get respawns geared up. The last thing i want is my randomly placed tents to keep duping gear. In the past, if there was a restart during one of these looting expeditions, i would reclaim my gear, save the tent, then pack it up. Some time later i would return to that area to find the tent set up with all my original gear in it. Im curious to see if that is still the case.
  8. SpecOpsScott

    Losing 10 blood per second! HELP!

    If you have the deBug monitor up, it will glitch out all your status symbols to green. You most likely need to Eat and/or Drink. Happened to me the day the patch came out, thought i was sick until i noticed it was 10 BPS not 3. Try to set your DayZ UI to default and only pull up the debug monitor to check your blood or the zombie count on the server. Go to Options, Game Options, DayZ UI.
  9. SpecOpsScott

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    So far each time i add stuff to my tents, they save. I just added some more stuff and im waiting for the next restart to be completely convinced. But, so far so good.
  10. SpecOpsScott

    Hotfix What did it do?

    For the most part, same here. But i do get some weird artifacting near North west barrack from the industrial area. Its similar to the symptoms we had before but not as bold in color, almost opaque even. Thats the only spot though, all other areas that gave me issues before are fine now.
  11. SpecOpsScott

    The case of the disappearing cow....

    then, 10 seconds later it ghosts in behind you. I tell ya, the live stock are learning...... the are getting smarter, soon even the Zombies will fear them.
  12. SpecOpsScott buggy?

    Yup, 10 blood per second. If i pull up the Debug monitor, all my health indicators stay bright green. I lost 4k blood yesterday whilst starving. At first i thought i got sick, but thought it strange that i wasnt coughing. THEN i noticed i was losing more than 3 blood per second. I ate and it stopped. I haven't tried disabling the debug monitor after its been up a while to see if it would correct the status icons.
  13. SpecOpsScott

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    Im not a huge fan of killing other players, but sometimes its unavoidable, or im caught off guard and react with a hail of bullets. I try to immerse myself in the game and play it as close to the theme of the game as i can. I would rather help humanity than kill it. But sometimes the years of playing Battlefield poke through. The only time that i am legitimately primed to kill is when we are looting high value areas. I think those areas are kos no matter what, i could be wrong, but thats been my experience. Short Story. I was inspecting some tents at a player camp on Lesnoy Krebhet. Just as i exited the gear screen at the first tend, some guy spawns in right in front of me. Ghillie suit and DMR usually means bad news, at least that is the stereotype, so i reacted and lit him up. I didnt want to kill anyone, so i got out of there leaving his loot untouched. I then posted an apology on the map at the location i killed him. Figured i would try to intercept him on the way back to his body, to at least escort him to it if he would take the offer. I found a great spot with over watch of a lot of areas that he might travel to get back. As we made our way to the top of this peak, i spot another ghullie guy with a DMR. I watch him for a few seconds and could have sworn he saw my bud and drew a bead on him..... i lit him up at this point. Again, i felt bad as i really don't want to kill anyone. Posted a message on the map to apologize to him as well. He actually responded with a "would have been nice if you said hi in chat". Thought that was pretty positive. I stuck around that area for a while and heard a dirt bike whizzing up and down the fields close by, eventually going right by me. As it did i heard hooting and hollering in direct chat. Funny as hell actually, so i responded in chat that it was. Turns out, this guy was the second guy i shot and he was looking for me. I stepped out on the road, apologized profusely about killing him..... and his friend. I offered one of my guns and my assistance with whatever plans they had. I fully expected to get shot and looted right there. But things didn't go that way, we sat and talked for about a half an hour before his over watch (the first guy i killed) came down out of the trees and joined the conversation. We ended up being friends. Although we don't always roll together we do exchange info and invite each other on missions. Kudos to those guys for giving me a second chance, im not sure i would have been so understanding, but id like to think i would. That was a couple of weeks ago, haven't shot another player since, but have let many pass.
  14. SpecOpsScott

    stagnard SD ammo

    The Zeds at Helo crash sites. Sometimes theres an ammo can in the chopper loot, could have 10 Stanag SD mags in it. And of course the obvious NW Air field.
  15. SpecOpsScott

    Finding Your Perfect Gun

    The M16 ACOG has always been my fav, since prying it out of the cold dead hands of a bandit that had just killed my buddy. I rolled with that gun for a month before getting killed. The guy was nice enough to leave all my gear on my body except the ACOG. That was back in the beginning of July, and i have been searching for a replacement since. Dozens of trips to the NWAF proved fruitless, and im not big into the PVP aspect, but i roll with PvPrs as med support and supplies. Even on our player hunting excursions we failed to collect one of those elusive ACOGs. Found one last night in the NW Barracks, i am now complete.
  16. SpecOpsScott

    You think you've got it bad......

    My offer still stands, i just picked up an epi and some extra med supplies.
  17. SpecOpsScott

    You think you've got it bad......

    Yeah, its a glitch. Several of my group has been stricken with it.
  18. SpecOpsScott

    You think you've got it bad......

    I'll give you an Epi and transfusion if you want. PM me if you want, let me know if there is anything else you need.
  19. SpecOpsScott

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Love the night, but i normally have NVg's. Last night got killed by a tree on the north face of Klen. I had some nice gear and didnt want to loose it, and i was on a server that restarted every 3 hours.... no idea where in the cycle i was when i logged in and died. Anyway, i spawn ay Kamyshovo and quickly started running up the coast as fast as i could. No gamma warrior, no weapon, no nothing. It was creepy, scary and fun. Even passed by 2 players gassing up a boat in Niznohye. I ran right to the north store in Berezino, kinda impressed myself with my accuracy only navigating by silhouettes on the horizon. Found a Mac and Map in short order, set a way point and was on my way again. When i got there, i couldnt find my body, there were no flies or anything so after about 5 minutes of searching i started to leave. Suddenly i heard flies to my left, i shined my light in the offending tree and saw a face with NVGs! My body had returned!! Took another couple of minutes to find the sweet spot, but i eventually got it and got all my gear back save the camo clothes. Any way, it was an adventure running up there in the dark, doing it old school. Its shit like that the actually keeps me coming back.
  20. SpecOpsScott

    Shoot on sight!

    I still will not KOS, i will recon for a while, or avoid other players completely. In some situations though, i will try to make contact through direct chat. So far its only been a couple of times that i felt comfortable doing that, and both times were successful meetings. There are places on the map that invite PvP, i go to those places when im looking to PvP, but im not going to mindlessly blow away someone looting the store at Krasnostav. If the situation is right, i will even attempt contact and help them find what they need. If they don't want my assistance, fine, i'll move along.
  21. SpecOpsScott

    Which shooters did you play before Dayz

    Americas Army BF2 BF2:Project Reality BFBC2 BF3
  22. SpecOpsScott

    How did your most recent character die?

    Shit, i was just murdered by a tree. First time for that!
  23. SpecOpsScott

    How did your most recent character die?

    Shot in the back of the head looting a chopper. I thought it might have been a hacker as i had recon'd the area and did a complete perimeter search before moving in. I spawned the zeds on the crash, took out a few from an isolated pine about 20m from the crash, began slowly moving in and *BANG* one shot to the back of the head from right behind me. But, since i didnt actually see someone teleport in behind my, im going to chalk it up to being out played.
  24. SpecOpsScott

    WTF Has become of this game?

    Get yourself in a well covered position and engage in direct chat. The last two times i did this i met friendly folks and even looted with them a while before going our separate ways. I like making contact and showing that not everyone is prone to KOS.