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Саша (DayZ)

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About Саша (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Саша (DayZ)

    Maiming is so fun.

    I really do like you :)
  2. Саша (DayZ)

    Your Best Bandit Video Thread

    If survivors would be careful enought (not running around in Cherno/Electro or on open streets) there would just be gunfight between people who wants it. Seriously you will mostly never die because of players if you don't want to and play that way.
  3. Саша (DayZ)


    Nobody asks how you killed sombody or how you survive so everything (the game allows) is ok imo.
  4. Саша (DayZ)

    New starter weapon [PIC]

    good one haha :D
  5. Саша (DayZ)

    Your first time being a bandit.

    I was on the south airfield one morning. Then I saw 2 guys running across the airfield to the barracks, they took no cover, running like retards. And just because of that I waited in the tower with my Makaraov and took both of them out. Since then I am punishing careless players :)
  6. Саша (DayZ)

    Do you get scared?

    Yesterday I was wandering around in the forrest when I got to the border of it. It heared some gunshots. I thought they came from the nearby town and so I run a little bit more inside the forrest to hide myself. Then all of a sudden I realized that the gunshots were not for zombies in the town they were designated to kill me. I heared that sound of bullets hitting my surroundings and I just ran and ran and ran, it didn't stopped and I didn't know where it was comming from. But eventually I was quick enought, got no hits and escaped. But man my heart was beating :) But somehow this feeling of not knowing where it came from was very... scarry.
  7. Саша (DayZ)

    Looking for bandit group

    still found nothing :(
  8. Саша (DayZ)

    Looking for bandit group

    Hi, I'm looking for a bandit group (no single persons please). About me: I am from Germany, 22 years old and speak english pretty well so it doesn't matter what language I should talk :p The group: The group should use TeamSpeak, play in the EU-timezone and it should contain some people. Why me? Because I love this mod. I played ArmA 2 online for serveral months so I have an idea on how to approach people without getting killed and I know to take everything slowly (≙ I'm not playing like a CoD Player). My goal? To survive as long as possible and having fun while playing with other people. Just PM me and we can talk in Teamspeak about everything else!