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About knaxx

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  1. knaxx

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    What would you open a class action law suit against them for? They did nothing wrong...
  2. This makes it unrealistic and annoying to get away from one Zed. Sure I can glitch him out by running through a couple doors but that it totally stupid IMO.
  3. knaxx

    Banned from a server

    I'm sorry but even though he was being probably the biggest douche in the universe doesn't mean the admins can just ban him for so reason... It doesn't come down to just the fact that it's their server so they can do what they want. The rules are made by rocket and sniping people isn't against the rules.
  4. I get kicked all the time for joining servers with 1-2 people. Sometimes I just want to take that hour I have in between classes to restart a lost, usually hacker killed, life.
  5. knaxx

    lost 2 choppa's in 30 mins :D

    I thought they weren't supposed to desync anymore?
  6. I understand that the reason Rocket is taking out the respawn button is to reduce the stress on servers. However, I see many arguments that the button should have never been there in the first place. Or that it takes away from the "traveling aspect" of the game. Now I ask what "traveling aspect" do these people refer to? Is it the 20-30 minute runs back to a bigger loot spawn? Because the fact is there is no point in going into small zombie infested cities and spending at least an hour checking for and collecting bottles from all of the low loot spawns. It is a total waste of time. If you like that "aspect" please stay there, it leaves more high end loot for the rest of us in low zombie areas. What do you gain from that run? Holding down w while you stare at the same trees over and over is not fun. There can be no case made about it. Trying to survive somewhere new is not a viable excuse to force people from respawning. What other cases can be made for the removal of the respawn button?
  7. knaxx

    Any one have a spare stream copy?

    How do you not have $30? If you own a decent enough computer to run the game and presumably have an internet bundle which costs as much as ARMA2 OA if not more.
  8. knaxx

    If you NEED light at night...

    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/10867570/MEH/2012-06-13_00001.jpg Here is a photo taken at night during a full moon. http://i.imgur.com/OB9ab.png This is a comparison of times the moon rises and real life. The game is too realistic sometimes.
  9. knaxx

    If you NEED light at night...

    It gives enough light... during a full moon. Which does suck.
  10. Use a blue chemlight. NOTE: Using a light at night is still EXTREMELY foolish and can/will give away your location to another player. At least this lets you know how far away you can be seen. Also, I suggest watching the related videos for useful knowledge.
  11. knaxx

    Zeds See Too Far

    I brought up this topic because in the last patch I have had loads more of those crouch running 1/4 mile zombies than ever. Even zeds that I aggro by crouching, 2 blocks away, around a corner with no noise has gone up by a sizable amount. Maybe on average they do see the correct FoV. You are probably right and it just needs a bit of refining, but that is what alpha is for and so are the suggestion forums.
  12. Can someone please describe this bandit problem everyone seems to be having? I don't understand what is going on and every thread that talks about it sounds like a kid crying because he dropped his ice cream.
  13. knaxx

    Zeds See Too Far

    Currently Zeds see slightly too far. Last patch was not far enough, this patch is too far. Next patch adjust their FoV somewhere in the middle so we can test it out. Thanks.
  14. knaxx

    FULL Medical / First aid

    These should be added. I don't want to develop liver disease from taking too much asprin. Or if they can have the same side effects for morphine if they are opiate derived which I do not think they are as you cannot inject for pain. I want my char addicted to opiates so I have to be on a morphine drip for AT LEAST 1 hour before I get weened off of it.