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Everything posted by rossrox

  1. rossrox

    Combining retail Arma2 with Steam OA

    I've had mine set up like this for over a year now, its a bit complicated to initally set it up but Steam and Six both understand now, and they work flawlessly together. I have retail ArmA 2 with Steam Arrowhead, PMC & BAF
  2. rossrox

    Can I run Day Z?

    I would highly advise against a Bulldozer CPU, it has terrible compatability issues. You should also buy components seperately, it will work out a lot cheaper, but if you HAVE to purchase a pre built machine, then I'd reccomend DinoPC, they are the cheapest pre-builts I've seen, but as I've already said, you could get it cheaper buying components individually.
  3. Server: NY72 Hosted by Anarchy99 | Villayer.com Time: 22:35 GMT My username: Rossrox Friends: Edson, Ryan Wood What happened: I was playing Day Z with a couple of mates, we were in the North of Gorka and after hearing gunshots we decided to investigate, my two companions held back in the treeline, while I sneaked into a barn, my friends warned me that someone was running in, I swung round and downed the player running in but not before receiving a hit from his Double-Barreled shotgun, I bandaged myself quickly and my mates ran in to provide assistance, many zombies were coming in and as I had broke a bone I crawled up to a higher level, I crouched up waiting for my friends to finish and clean up all of a sudden my player received multiple shots from the side directly to the head, this was pratically impossible because there were walls or floors blocking me out completely, one of my friends reported seeing a player appear, right behind me who looked like the one I downed seconds before. This killed me, I ended up losing my gear, a lot of good items, my blood went into something like minus 20k which seemed very odd. My friends reported now that they could see a player clipping and flying around in patches, for reference, this was taking place at grid reference: 096064. We presume, although we feel quite strongly it was the player I killed, Edson studied the body of said player, and the name returned was Lebowski. As my teammates salvaged what they could from me, the hacker returned and killed them both, randomly appearing in areas and taking shots at them. I understand that these bugs and hacks should be expected, especially in an early stage of development, so I'm happy to start fresh although I would very much like to see some sort of development in this case. If any more information is required please ask me. Many thanks, Ross.
  4. Yes but there are numerous different faces, and the player was clipping around.
  5. rossrox

    Safest Way to Give Items to Others?

    Also same here, this is how I constantly trade with my group, never had any problems.
  6. rossrox

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    71. In ex-soviet Russia there are no bloodtypes 72. Everyone knows how to complete a blood transfusion.
  7. rossrox

    Found a tent... Now What??

    The tent you found is a tent that has already been pitched up by another player, you can find bundled tents in other places, which you can pickup in exchange for 3 empty slots, at the moment, it is not possible to unpitch tents. The save option is there to save gear and tent location on that server, in case the server restarts or crashes.
  8. And heres me thinking you were going to tell me how to magically fly over the barbed wire or something.
  9. [align=center] If your looking to group up on Day Z but don't want to get to serious, look no further, The Bean Stalkers are a small group of players who love nothing more than getting together for some old fashioned teamwork and fun on Day Z, as said, were not to serious and even have our own TeamSpeak 3 server to ensure solid communication. The Bean Stalkers are a sub-group of the Kith Valar clan, who play many other games together as well as eventually being an outfit within the upcoming game, Planetside 2. Requirements to join: • You must be able and willing to use voice-chat • You must be able to speak English • You must be 16 or over If you wish to join, simply hop on to our Teamspeak or contact Edson or myself on Steam, more information is avaliable below. Teamspeak IP: tss.kithvalar.com Port: 9987 Password: 2323 [/align]
  10. rossrox

    Kith Valar - The Bean Stalkers

    Had some good fun last night, ready and raring to go with more survivors tonight!
  11. rossrox

    Kith Valar - The Bean Stalkers

    Hi - Were European based, although we do tend to play late into the nights on most occasions, me and Edson are both in the UK so were on the GMT timezone.
  12. rossrox

    help!!! cant delete @DayZ folder!!

    Do you have ArmA II AND ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead?
  13. I don't think anything should be posted, you should not be able to know whether someone died, even more so who killed them, you wouldn't know anyway - So I'd suggest to remove the death announcments, but only in chat, keep them in the server log.
  14. Gah - Just buy both games and the DLC you bunch of cheapskates, ArmA was and still is a quality game, both before and after Day Z, Bohemia is a great company to support and I can't wait for ArmA 3.
  15. rossrox

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    Its hype will continue to fluctuate for some time, dropping between periods of no updates and shooting up on large improvements and additions.
  16. rossrox

    Bicycles: ' i reckon i could jump that'

    Sucks man, but if you were playing ArmA before Day Z, you would know not to trust the environment and always be cautious of ArmA's mechanics.
  17. rossrox

    DayZ Memes

  18. rossrox

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Having a zombie face is not a hack, if you have Day Z mod loaded up, you can simply change it on the profile screen. I've done it myself albeit with aviators. It might not always be the smartest idea though if people are being trigger happy.
  19. rossrox

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    The bird simulator is awesome.
  20. rossrox

    Bicycles. Please.

    Yes, please add bicycles.
  21. Hey, ill make custom graphics for any survivor groups for free, so they can have their own logo. I'll do it for you completely free, I only ask that I retain ownership of the graphic and can use it at my discretion - Meaning I can use it any portfolios. If you want one, give me some themes to go on, colour schemes, group name, and any symbols you want included, as well as what sort of logo you want, i.e forum signature, squad xml size.
  22. rossrox

    Make binoculars more common

    There is a rangefinder, I've had one. Thermals on that are a godsend.