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About tails13

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    Thanks guys. The bandit level was increasing, but the amount it was increasing by had decreased by a fair bit. When I began recording it, it was increasing by about 1.5% a day. Two weeks later it was taking three days to increase by 1%. So it had began to plateau at about 17.5%.
  2. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    I lost the data I had grabbed from the last ten days when the forum reverted back so I'm done with this. Should have been recording it somewhere else as well as here!
  3. tails13

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Sounds good. Now I just gotta get my clan to get their shit together and use the beta patches.
  4. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    *update 29/5 9:53pm*
  5. tails13

    Carebear Brainstorming Thread

    I don't know why you have to use the word 'fag', it's a disgusting word. I like your first point though, random spawning would be good. Even spawning inside random residential buildings through out the map would be cool. Similar to the beginning of The Walking Dead, waking up from a sleep/coma and all hell has broken loose. I don't want to specifically reward/punish a certain type of player though so I can't agree with your second idea.
  6. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    The total tallies include characters that are not necessarily active' date=' so the percent change doesn't paint a very good picture. A more interesting metric is the rate of increase in survivors versus the rate of increase in bandits. Assuming that the change in mechanics had no influence on the frequency of player kills, we would expect to see these rates of change roughly equal one another. The number of survivors has risen from 99,558 to 104,463. This is an increase of 4,905 or 4.9%. The number of bandits has risen from 12,004 to 14079. This is an increase of 2,075 or 17.3%. This difference is marked. We'll certainly need more data to confidently draw a conclusion, but the trend appears to be a significant increase in player killing thus far. [/quote'] Nice observation, I didn't think to compare those stats. I roughly remember that a week or two ago the bandit to total alive players was under 10%. I expect that the bandit level will get to around 25 - 30% and then maybe plateau. At this rate of over 1% a day, we'll see that kind of level in under two weeks. When rocket eventually develops a more practical use for the humanity system that he's spoken about it'll be interesting to see the influence it makes on bandit numbers.
  7. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    *Original post updated* Note the almost 1.5% increase in under 24 hours between the 28th and 29th of May.
  8. I just googled 'zombie apocalypse somalia' and couldn't find any news articles about it. Am I missing something?
  9. Since when were military grade gear considered 'common' weapons. I'm assuming this thread is basically Winchester vs. Enfield vs. CZ550. My vote goes for winchester, 15 shots, easy to find, ammo every where and one or two hit kills at very reasonable distances.
  10. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    *original post updated*
  11. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    *updated original post*
  12. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    Well we can also look at straight up murders versus alive players as a percentage as well. Currently there are 2.13 murders for every player alive. I'll add that to the original post.
  13. tails13

    Murder by Numbers

    Updated percentage tally. 28/5 11am ACST.