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Everything posted by ezzyduzzit@gmail.com

  1. ezzyduzzit@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Rocket i'm interested in your thoughts on creating swarms of Zed's near medium to high loot areas because currently it is really easy to just wait for a little when they zombies spawn for them to scatter a way from the loot area. In the cities I would imagine that a large number of them would be around those areas. Then it wouldn't be so easy for players to just run into these places with no weapons. Might also limit the amount of open pvp in these areas as it would be high risk of aggroing tons of Zed's. You might even see more coordination to get to these spots as it would require some cooperation to get through them. Maybe too much of a performance impact but right now if I die it doesn't take me more than 10 minutes to sprint by all the areas and re-gear.
  2. ezzyduzzit@gmail.com

    Thank You Rocket

    +1, you got something awesome here hope you keep at it!
  3. There needs to be a forgive option for people who accidentally get killed by friendlies. I accidentally killed friend with a grenade blast through a wall and got a murder :( Also I think there needs to be a Killed in Action mark because getting a murder for someone that opened fire on you is lame. You could check to see if a gun was fired prior to them being killed and move the death into a KIA and doesn't go against your murders. If you could figure out who shot first that would be even better but too many variables I imagine.
  4. ezzyduzzit@gmail.com

    This game is becoming less fun.

    My two cents... I've been playing for about 2 weeks now and first off this was a great mod and can't wait to see it for ARMA3. With that said, the appeal of this game is slowly going down and I think it is really my own fault. When I first started I was ultra careful and didn't die for a few many hour play sessions... didn't find a gun for like 6 hours though that was just fine. I was very nervous about zombies so I gave them i wide birth (too wide like wouldn't go into villages). Though once I understood the ranges of their aggro I was able to get by but still really cautious. Skip a head a few awesome game sessions with friends/deaths solo runs getting snipped, etc.. Lots of fun to be had, but the appeal is less because now when I spawn I do this. I always run with the dayzmap.info on my other monitor Sprint to my body and try to loot if I died with gear, else sprint to heavy loot areas and make the rounds, if I die w/e I don't have much gear anyway. Zombies are easy enough to avoid (sight ranges may need to be increased drastically? requiring you to crawl more) Once I get enough gear I'll head out of the cities to military bases for better gear and try to find a vehicle. I'm no longer cautious and I can basically just run through cities and easily avoid zombies. The caution is not as prevalent. Teaming up is still pretty fun but the only real threat is other players, which is fine. (I also feel the medium/high loot areas should be swarming with zombies which would require a coordinated effort to get rid of them before you can loot. It's to easy to just sprint around collecting loot unarmed atm) I somewhat ruined my experience for later sessions because of the availability of information, I know where everything is and what's there.. the reason I was pushed to the map initially was because it was impossible to group without having the online map, initially I didn't want to use it but could group without it, then I said I wont look at the loot spots and what's there.. that didn't last, now all my friends I play with know the same things... we are now struggling to log on and do more sessions because their isn't anything to discover other than trying to get night vision and maybe set up a base of operations. Again our own fault because we used the online resources but again my own fault. When ARMA3 comes out i'll be damned if I open up an online map to find something I just hope they figure out how to make grouping easier.