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About kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. Welcome IntroAs a growing community we the dark angels have decided to open our teamspeak to the public, offering locked and managed rooms for you and your friends. You could be a clan or just a couple of mates that want somewhere to talk and not use Skype. We have a EU located Teamspeak server with 512 slots so we have a lot of room to offer to people. The dark angels community started from a clan but over the space of a month have decided to turn more towards the community side, investing in game servers such as DayZ and Counter-Strike along with minecraft. We then moved our website and opened up a new Teamspeak. We allow clans or even just mates to come, just ask for a room and maybe even join our community. We are not asking for clan members but we are asking that if people like our community and their clans do aswell that they join our website as we are aiming to build a large community of clans and gamers who talk and share experiences with each other. Our forum is the perfect place for that, but it of course is not a requirement. If you want a Teamspeak room all you have to do is ask, but of course if we get to know you and you are always around the community then that is a big bonus for us aswell. More InformationYour teamspeak room is and will be administrated by you and the selected people in your group. Only your members will have access to the room and the channel admins (some of you) will have the power to kick from that room and that room alone.Your own pass worded rooms (word of your choice).Teamspeak hosted in Europe with 512 Slots.Great community of gamers looking for some new and friendly faces offering you and your clan / friend a TS to call home.Easy to use and well rounded forums, with active members.ConnectionsWebsite : www.dagaming.co.ukTeamspeak : ts.dagaming.co.uk
  2. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    WeDayZ Private Hive Server & 500 slot Teamspeak

    Our website will be up soon, but we are willing to take and suggestions.
  3. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    WeDayZ Private Hive Server & 500 slot Teamspeak

    Ahh ok thanks, sorry about that.
  4. Hello and welcome to this thread, today I would like to let you know about a new dayz communtiy we will be creating. It will be called WeDayZ which is located at wedayz.com, but the forums are not currently up yet. This server is a private hive server with other 250+ Vehicles and 10+ Choppers also we have a custom debug monitor. We recently added a custom load out for every new player consisting of some food, drink, navigation equipment and a Markov. We are thinking about white listing the server in the future but only if this is what our players want, so please let us know. IP: Slots: 50 Hive Type: Private Difficulty lvl: Veteran Server location: UK, London Time Zone: EST (GMT +8 / Always Day) Scheduled Reboot Times: Every 6 or 12 Hours Map: Chernarus Website: http://Wedayz.com TeamSpeak 3: ts.wedayz.com If anyone would like a free teamspeak channel(s) please contact us. Game and TS Rules: Act like normal human beings, be friendly, have fun, don't complain and always respect others also report hackers. we do not kick members to make room for other members that are joining the server. For more information please contact me on ts/pm or email me at mail@wedayz.com
  5. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    Free Public 512 slot DayZ Teamspeak 3 - AKS Gamer

    Update: Hey guys, we recently got our hands on a server and are giving away some Teamspeak 3 servers/slots depending on how many you need - we have 400 slots still available that you can customize at your own expense. For you to get one of these the you must be able to fill at least half of the slots you are ordering for, as we don't want people wasting them. If this is something your interested in please contact a member of staff or mail@aksgamer.com. Thanks, Kourpey.
  6. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    Free Public 512 slot DayZ Teamspeak 3 - AKS Gamer

    We are based in the UK that is probably why, the time differences... so yeah sure just pm me and ill set it up for you.
  7. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    Free Public 512 slot DayZ Teamspeak 3 - AKS Gamer

    Yeah sure, just pop on down into our teamspeak and we will set up all the channels/sub channels you need :)
  8. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    Free Public 512 slot DayZ Teamspeak 3 - AKS Gamer

    Okay guys, We have just ordered our 40slot Server!! - UK232 Red chain appears at times but the server will NOT de-sync so ignore it. For more info please visit
  9. kouprey123@hotmail.co.uk

    Free Public 512 slot DayZ Teamspeak 3 - AKS Gamer

    Update: Teamspeak server IP has been changed to ts3.aksgamer.com
  10. Introduction: Hello all, me and my mates recently merged another clan to our Teamspeak meaning more slots were needed to be purchased. Well now we have 512 slots for all to enjoy, our slots are hardly ever near the limited so I thought we should make it public. Just to let you know this Teamspeak is not just for DayZ, but it is one of the main games we play along with many others. IP: uk.aksgamer.com Slots: 512 (60 reserved) Uptime: 24/7 - 99% Permissions: All guests of the server can create semi-perm channels in the public section, but after a user has been on our server for a certain amount of time they will then be moved into the member group which has better permissions and a great badge to let people know your a dedicated user. Rules & Info: We are currently looking for moderators, so if you are interested please speak to a member of staff for more information on this position. If the server is to go down all will be noted before hand. We have a few but simple rules to be followed when joining, No Hacking Be kind to others Respect all members of staff No server/channel spamming Please use common sense at all times Contact us: If you need any help please don't hesitate to contact us - mail@aksgamer.com or you can poke/chat a member of staff on the server. Also we may be purchasing game servers in the future so please watch out for that. Thanks a lot, Kouprey (Mouzer) Please pm me if needed.