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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Improve weapons realism

    Just for the sake of argument, the guns can be realistic while not being perfectly accurate clones of their real world counterpart, the devs are free to adjust weapon parameters right? just because it doesn't behave as the real thing doesn't necessary make it unrealistic. Hell, they could make the M4 the worst piece of shit ever, i mean it's just a 3D model with ballistic specs attached to it. I would be all for this even if it only stops a single person from diving into wikipedia for weapon specifications.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Question about the certainty of this game

    Slice this in about half for taxes and expenses, and divide it by the number of employees, then you can estimate how long they can keep a given person employed in that team. And yes, too many cooks do ruin the soup, having worked with other people in the past on multimedia projects, it's all fine as long as you don't have overlaps in competences. The more coders you have the more difficult the source code become to read, the more outdated the documentations become, the less clear the writing style become, the more often you have to do reunions with the coders to discuss how to tackle this or that problem. And that's just the code, it would be wonderful if every team member built a nice little brick that can be nested with all the other bricks perfectly, but that's not how it works, it's more like tetris board where instead of 12 shapes with 90° angles, you have 50 billion shapes and none of them fit euclidean geometry.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Question about the certainty of this game

    Apha games dont really have a set budget, if you make a game published by EA for instance, they lend you the money you need to make your game and you pay it back on your cut of the sales, sometimes you make more than what they loaned to you, sometimes you break even, sometimes you go bankrupt. When it come to alpha games, you are basically paying for an unfinished product, you add your little bill to the ongoing funding of the project. If they run out of money, then the game is what it is at that point. As long as they have steady sales, they can keep on paying people to work on th game. There is no contract or garanties, if the game doesnt sell, the dev team can't get paid and development stops, simple as that. Reputable studio or not, if the sales do not follow expenses, they will (ideally) try to wrap up cleanly but it's not always possible.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    when are pistol silencers going to work

    I'm sure the devs will gladly accept a donation of a better eating sound, provided it's an original sound effect and royalties free.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Please dont balance loot spawns

    You assume they do not do any internal testing?
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Dead Bodies Should Not Disappear

    Loot has to exit the system at some point otherwise, with loot spawning we will get more and more things until we are basically swimming in them.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Sprained Ankle (instead of instant broken leg)

    so you basically want the status "broken leg" to be renamed "sprained ankle"?
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Why is everyone so shifty?

    There was a LOT of 3pp peeking indeed...
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Change the serif font to sans-serif font

    What's wrong with serifs?
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Improve weapons realism

    Why should these guns be on part, or balanced again? This isn't counterstrike.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Why is everyone so shifty?

    You can have "social elements" with people that you need, like with people in mmoprg when you need them to raid some dungeon with. Having "social elements" with random players that you meet in DayZ is like having social elements with mosquitoes or cockroaches. Nobody will take a threat half whispered with a hesitant and scared voice, that's what i mean by social skills, you have to sound confident and level headed, if not downright threatening. People will judge who they are against based on the impression your voice give them. If you sound commanding and like you know exactly what you are doing, they are more likely to think they might lose the encounter or just do as you tell them. The whole shouting and holding at gunpoint that police and the military does isn't just for show.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Taking Guns apart

    taking guns apart could be an interesting way to disarm a player without having to confiscate his gun/bullets as a temporary measure.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Why is everyone so shifty?

    People tend to think they are more clever than they really are. I also guess that, gamers tend to be socially inept (not a criticism, just a general observation) and do not always realize how suspicious they appear. Between the KOS and and the killing this game has a very strong social element, a lot can transpire in your voice and tone. Then there is also the "why not take the chance? There isn't much to lose."
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Meat coolers in supermarket

    Meat that has already been rendered spoil very quickly. A supermarket meat cooler would be a sickening mess after a mere week without refrigeration.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    And it was a stupid black and white thing, you could not go half way or you where basically cannon fodder. As a bandit you where shot on sight, which forced you to shoot on sight yourself. As a hero you where a giant bandit target and had to do the same, and you also had the perk to be able to kill anyone who looked at you funny without immediately sliding into the bandit skin. This is not CSI. In a bunch of ragtag survivors, someone could get shot behind the barn you sleep in and you might never figure out who in your group is the murderer. Also newsflash, humans are not like a plastic bottle of blood that gushes out it's content whenever punctured, it's more like a wet sponge. And while blood sprays can be found in all kinds of ways by scientific police, in a zombie apocalypse you really expect anyone's clothes and hands to be fully blood free? Police forensics is not JUST about the smoking gun.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Won't anyone save the spirit of Christmas!?
  17. Lady Kyrah

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    As for OP, unless you like starting over and over in Berezino and taking bullets in the face, don't "team up" with randoms on map but find friends on skype/teamspeak. Well... what makes you think someone would not call you on skype just to take your shit?
  18. It's not a subscription based game, they have no incentive to do anything "the community" tell them.
  19. I like this. Look at the state of the game today, you can have something be as rare as possible, and people will farm the heck out of it. Most players do not stop loot farming until they have the best gear they can. With this change it add the possibilitiy that this item will never spawn until someone that uses it lose it or die; because the amount available is currently at the quota set by the devs.
  20. Because it's fun! Also someone has to take the fall for my last death, actually, not just one person.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Storage System 2.0 (better tents, crates, etc)

    Really? And you believe someone booby trapping a crate wouldn't ensure that it would go off when lockpicked?
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Ingame Integrity Protection for Standalone

    The end justify the mean i suppose? Seriously read your server rental agreement, you (like many others) are overstepping boundaries.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

    I don't think the idea with dayZ was that you should be able to make an "instant kill" just because you are at point blank range.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Well FPS games have a tendency to attract teenagers who have yet to get their first relationship and frustrated young adults seeking to assert their virility amongst their friends. There is also reasonable peoples obviously, but the same way it empower the players to create a compelling experience, it also empower douche bags.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Trigger simulation and Sight Alignment

    To me the cone tightening represent the time the shooter take to secure his gun grip, the difference between shooting right as you stop running, and getting that shot lined up as the gun is held firmly against your shoulder. Bullets go where you point as long as you hold your gun properly, otherwise, it just goes everywhere. Plus cones reductions are server side and as an added benefit work directly against aimbots. I'm sure that a wannabe rambo will contradict me tho.