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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Military Patrols on the Northern Part

    It is not a good idea.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Players going insane on too many player kills

    Hear me out guys lets ... distord our friend's suggestion. How about once freshly spawned, your first kill throw you in a shaky panic, but as you kill more and more (zombies and players alike) you feel less and less side effects because guess what? Past the discovery of your ability to end the life of a (un)living being, you simply get used to it.
  3. Lady Kyrah


    That would be cool as long as it applies to every guns.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Alternative food sources

    I agree forests should harbor tons of berries and mushrooms, most being poisonous and killing you, this would require from a player to learn either by trial and error, or from another player what is safe to eat.
  5. It's connecting the spawning of zombies to the killing of another player, so yes that's called attaching a negative consequence to it you sycophant.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Vegetables and fruits spawn

    I'm ok with mushroom picking as long as you have a 50%50 chance to die from it. There is already enough food in the game, unless every other food sources is reduced.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Blood/Health Regeneration

    What is exactly the difference between passive regeneration when full and getting blood when eating? Why are we argueing on such a pointless topic? It's the same thing. And it was already suggested, use the search for god's sake!
  8. Ah whatever arguments they can dig up to push their agenda... PVP is not going away guys. And unfairness is probably one of the most interesting elements of this game.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Computer Patrolled City

    You learn to fight by getting punched in the face, sorry, the noob argument doesn't float.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Official response regarding loot cycling

    Personally i would go for a depletion system where a place simple cease to have loot when it is regularly farmed, shifting it's spawning potential to a zone that is never looted.
  11. I agree about making the small towns have some interesting stuffs. As for the shoot on sight it's a social thing and Rocket already stated he isn't going to push any behavior 'tuning' on the players. We as a player base only get what we deserve in this regard.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Official response regarding loot cycling

    If anything we just need better loot spawning mechanics, there isn't much to discuss there. If possible, one that you simply cannot game.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    suggestion on pve coop

    It's not happening, rocket said it himself, plenty of games do this well, why should this mod do more of the same?
  14. Lady Kyrah

    NPC Bandits / Sasquatch?

    It's a terrible idea.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Poll: should DayZ have classes?

    Goes against rocket's statement about his goals for the game, so no.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    What I want DayZ to be like

    Welcome, you've chosen the wrong game.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    I suggest closed testing

    I love the OP: "If peoples don't play the way i think the game should be played, Rocket should move to closed beta, so NOBODY gets to play." If you had read and watched rocket's comments about what DayZ is, you would know that it's exactly what he intented.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Re-work the map? + more

    I like when idiots use the term "lazy" to qualify something they feel should have been done, but into which they have absolutely no expertise. 3D modeling is a job, it takes a lot of time.
  19. It all depends how much water you want. Also there are already numerous "natural" water channels all over chernarus. Building gutters, tree leaves and so on.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Group system

    Precisely, how do you expect to know it's your buddy running up the hill with an ak? I'm in a group of 4 peoples, two women and two guys, one has camo pants and the other the starting outfit. I use an akm and the other lady use a lee enfield. We don't have much problems figuring who is who.
  21. Why creating a topic when there is a thousand on this very subject?
  22. Lady Kyrah


    You should also walk like a shuffling zombie so players might mistake you for one and kill you :D
  23. So where do you get the empty fal magazine that you wish to fill? :D I'm not sure if this isn't going to create more trouble than it's worth.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    This is not wow, you don't "deserve" a mount/vehicle. I'm not in a clan with vehicles or anything btw. What i mean is that you don't "deserve" anything in this game, if clans are hoarding vehicles, it's their ability to find/repair/hide them against yours. Don't even imagine for a second that you as an individual can be more efficient than an organised group at this, it's pretty much normal that they have a monopoly on vehicles.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Video settings - Visibility

    I shall mention that reducing terrain resolution will reduce hicups on systems with crappy hard disks, arma use a streaming system to load terrain and objects on demand and unload them when they are not used. Object quality however there is a balance point where the game swapping object lod will hurt you more than the cost of those object rendering.