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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Server Software Kit

    Arma isn't the first game i played. In every single games that are privately hosted you usually have admins making up their little rules as they go. And in general, even if they are convinced to do everyone a favor, they do give themselve an advantage and basically use and abuse their power, hell even i've done it. Even the best intentioned admin will do this "just this time". In dayZ we have the unique opportunity of a community hosted project where every server admin has to play by the rules. DayZ is the only game where i have found an identical play from server to server, especially because server admins are not allowed to mess around.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Weapon cleaning, maintenance.

    I think weapon condition would be a good thing. As it is right now, weapons go from player to player, never break or degrade. Which means the rarer equipments keep recycling and rarely leave the item pool. Without weapon degradation it doesn't matter if a gun has only a tiny percentage of drop chance. Once it drops, it's very unlikely that it will ever leave the item pool. There is no incentive to look for a replacement weapon ever.
  3. Basically it's all on Bohemia with this, there is very little a mod script can do to detect cheating.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Nuclear Submarine - End Game

    I would love to get more content, more stuffs to do, discover and all, but nothing that says "elite zombie dungeon"
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Get rid of those .50 cal

    Are you skipping on your medications again? I'm not against sniper rifles, it's just that those .50 cal are only popular with gamers and gun nuts that own it just for bragging and hardly ever take it to a range that can exploit it's capabilities. In the hands of a civilian it's makes as much sense as a desert eagle for home defence. Basically it's neither realistic nor serious.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Nuclear Submarine - End Game

    There is no levels or progression beyond looting gears why are you guys so much into "endgame" content. This is a term that belong to PvE MMOs
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Give something faster than run, sprint!

    Sprint 2xW is faster than normal running and gradually slow down as you start panting. It's good for short distances, then it's just the same as running.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    The Answer to Everyones Prayers

    I can see so many peoples getting killed in their sleep :/
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Server Software Kit

    Yeah but you don't get to decide at the moment so it doesn't really matter wether you enjoy them or not. It's actually a good thing, to me.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Inmate clothing for the next respawn bandits

    So when do i get my handcuffs? :D
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Player owned houses

    There is no such thing as ownership in the game so far. And i hope it stays that way. No ownership, only what you can carry, and what you can defend.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    The Answer to Everyones Prayers

    So you didn't really work it out:D
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Server Software Kit

    From what i gathered Rocket doesn't want private servers, it's everyone play together, for the best and the worst, no clans making their BS little rules on their server or banning whoever piss them off.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Get rid of those .50 cal

    Yeah but those rifles are mostly for disabling radar equipments, stationary aircrafts and the like. Any armored vehicle is normally impervious to a .50 and any car/truck can be made quick work of with any assault rifle anyway. They just propagate the "my gun is bigger than yours" mentality. And that's an interesting idea, IF a couple equipments where using the backpack slot.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Inmate clothing for the next respawn bandits

    I do want orange jumsuits, handcuffs and leg irons in dayZ. But i don't think it's a good starting equipment.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    I think the OP deserve the flack he's getting simply for his inability to express his idea in a simple and concise way, redirecting people to a lengthly explication on some download site, and then blaming them for not doing so. Nobody here is on you payroll dude, it's up to YOU to keep your audience listening, and you failed to do that. All i see is an extremely convoluted "solution" to the server hopping issue, which you obviously are very concerned with (and that's fine). But this approach is ridiculous. Have you forgotten how many bullets it takes to kill someone in this game? That's right, one. And you want to put automatic guns that fire on anyone "trespassing" what you believe is your property. Like we don't have enough peoples randomly firing at eachothers already. You could have suggested camo netting, buried crates, dismantling vehicles and all kinds of passive, furtive solutions but instead, i suppose you have this dream of making a fort that everybody know about and nobody can approach, to protect "your property". There is a reason why i personally am against things that recognise the player, it's because property rights do not exist in nature. If a player can take something, it's his as long as he has the means to keep it. The barb wires need a reasonable way to be bypassed, and so do any defence systems. I would love trip wire grenades and the like, as long as the wire is visible to a careful player.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    It still doesn't answer my question to the OP. What does making tents a starting item "add" to the DayZ experience. Also, what does it remove from the experience. Come on sell your idea a bit better.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    Not in eastern europe :D
  19. Lady Kyrah

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    What does this suggestion add to the games? Where does it makes it more interesting? To me this is just a request for instant gratification.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    So basically you find the freedom of action awesome, excepted when it's being used against you. I had to point that out. It's not freedom of action if it's constrained in the kind of freedom that doesn't inpede your playstyle. Hey it's okay i understand it, you are okay with PvP as long as it's on your own terms. We are all a bit like this because it sting when it's like there was nothing you could have done. But that's what DayZ is.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    the important stuff

    I'm not gonna go grammar nazi, but am i the only one who has trouble to even understand this suggestion?
  22. Lady Kyrah

    How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

    I wanted to add a comment about the OP. Not every games have to favor good sport, fair play and honor, check EVE online for a good example.
  23. Well the point is to offer suggestions. There is no "implementation process" not by popularity, not by vote or anything. Post your suggestion and if the devs feel they are filling something that suit their game vision they might implement it.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Another method of storing items.

    There should be about 1/4 of the crate sticking out :D Seriously the game shouldn't provide any way to hide items in such a way that they are impossible to find unless you knew the exact location beforehand.
  25. The "point" of pure deathmatching in DayZ is basically a mix of trolling and simply having it easy. I do not see any way to separate the occasional killing for stuff/fun and the systematical DMing for the lulz. For me it's okay to ruin someone's day every now and then, even if there was no reasons. It's a distraction mixed with a little bit of cruelty. But just DMing in cherno because you can? that's dumb. It's exactly the same issue you have on "GMOD RP" servers where some peoples just connect to mess with you, and once you start having "rules of engagement" everyone start taking advantage of it, playing victim.