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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Usually instead of criticising peoples that work in a field i know nothing about, i shut the hell up.
  2. The source engine by default assume that the user cannot be trusted, as a result all the decision making is done by the server and nothing of importance is left to the client. And when it is, it is double checked (can this player really move there?). The only thing the client is allowed to do is trivial stuff like predicting where bullet holes are on the walls, lag compensation, movement interpolation etc. The arma engine was designed to be used by the military and until arma 2 it wasn't possible to join a game in progress. It was also designed to leverage the client's power to reduce the load on the server. Example, if you are the leader of a soldier squad in arma, your computer is the one simulating all the AIs under your command. The point is that this system is designed for efficiency, not security, get the clients to do as much as possible. Preventing cheats on this kind of system is going to be .. difficult.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    How to make DayZ players more compassionate. (A fool-proof plan)

    The term "EVIL" is pretty funny. Killing someone else for survival is not an evil act, i guess you could subjugate sadism, aka the pleasure of inflicting pain to another, but killing is not evil, it's just extremely counter productive in most societies and cause grief to those left alive.
  4. Lady Kyrah


    When you see a hacker on a server you go play on a different server, you do not stay to get back your loot or whatever. You just back off.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    These MUST be addressed or this game is garbage

    Yes they put barbwire and kill you for no (aparent) reasons. Other players can and will influence the way you play. Toolboxes can removes them. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Zombies do not see at 500 meters, they do HEAR from pretty far, especially gunshots. Either you, or another player shook the diner bell. Zombies only see in front of them ( Rocket confirmed it when he introduced a "bug" where the view would follow their head position, which would give them too much vision ) That's a flaw in the pathfinding, nothing Rocket can do about, it's BI's job. Zombies have to run fast because you aren't ment to be able to shake a tail of zombies simply by running. It's either that or add a stamina system which will certainly piss off everyone. There are other ways to shake a tail.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    It IS a privilege, supply and demands, there are more people willing to host than the dev team can process. If people willing to host where rare the roles would be reversed. Rocket could just aswel stick to a single DayZ server and he probably did at the start, but with the crazy popularity of the mod, it made sense to leverage the community memebers that are willing to give him a hand. If you get hackers, Record it and send it to the dev team. Also, read my sig.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    why forced use of beta patches?

    The beta patch has things that aren't yet in the current Arrowhead release that dayZ is using.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    How to Encourage PvP (in a healthy way)

    Why hardcoded factions tho?
  9. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    As was said before, hosting a server is a privilege, maybe the dev team would need to relax the rules if servers where hard to come by, but this is not the case, they said it themselve, they can only process 20% of the demands. By "lending" a server (your server) to the DayZ project you agree to help "soaking up" the demand for player slots. If you aren't running a 24/7 server you are wasting the time of the devs and are just dead weight on the hive.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    Everyone jumps on the blacklisting badnwagon because this is yet another case of "i skirt the rules and you can't do shit about it" There is such a thing called common sense. We are not in a court where we can argue on and on about a typo in a law written a century ago, we are between grown adults (for the most part) and when someone skirt around the rules and look at me with a troll face he gets a slap in the face. So yes, the rules need more precision. But those who think they can be smartasses shouldn't just get out unscathed.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    Oh you're new here are you?
  12. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    It depends, do you still want to host dayZ servers?
  13. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    That's the thing, it's up only when you decide, it's not on a schedule it's not publicly accessible from players. Which means the server is only up when you guys decide and it goes down as soon as whatever you where doing is done. You have no chance to be raided. Every other clans don't have the luxury of being able to guard their camp all the time, because the servers they are on run 24/7, the server on this topic on the other hand only run when the admins wants to play, which conveniently skirt around this problem. Hackers or not, forcing a roll back is not your call either.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    It's not that they don't get it, it's just that they are turning a blind eye.
  15. One right doesn't make a wrong. Also a ToS can change when loopholes are found.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    What's the difference between a server that is locked, and a server that is only on when the clan footing the bill has enough peoples to guard it? "Hey guys i just saved our last storage tent, lets call it a day and turn the server off." I sure would love to engage in PvP only on my own terms. And that's exactly what it is. Any other reason presented is just icing on the cake. The bottom line is that the server is only running when there are enough clan members to guard the clan stash. The point of the rules is to put everyone on the same level, wether you pay for the server or not. As others said it's a loophole on the rules and that's because of this kind of shit that we can't have nice things. And everyone think i have a problem with server admins THIS is exatly why the dayZ dev team cannot give ANY slack to server admins in how they police the server they run.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    Separate hive or not it would still split the playerbase. If you want to do solely PvE there are plenty of games for this. Why does dayZ HAS to be like every other zombie games out there? Why shouldn't we keep the little originality it has? Why do we need to make it into a dead island with shitty melee?
  18. I understand and i agree that not every admins are evil, i don't have a personal vendetta. But this isn't the '80ties anymore, servers are affordable to "almost" everyone and it come with no responsabilities. The arma community is fairly mature, but, lets face it, most of the "clan" servers in online games (any games, not just arma) are not created with serving the community in mind, but with a self serving mentality "lets play local so we are the ones who define the rules".
  19. 1: This is only my opinion but it's entirely a player behavior issue, the mod sort of capitalise on letting us decide what is apropriate or not. 2: Firing weapons from inside vehicles has been a feature request on arma2 and OA for quite a while, i'm not sure what BIS is waiting for, considering it's implemented in their military version of the game. As for keys? then you need indestructible vehicles because other players will destroy what they can't use. 3:I could see some improvements done there but it shouldn't make it a sort of inner sanctum, if you're leaving your camp unguarded for 24 hours, someone should be able to break in. Also building such a camp should take at least as long as it would take to undo it. 4: Kinda like a satchel basically? 5: I agree thermal scopes are a bit... meh. I could see thermal binoculars though, let you spot players, but you can't see much else or aim through it. 6: A zombie movie setting would need a hundred time more zombies, including large wandering hordes going toward the biggest noise on the map. But no game out there can handle this many entities i believe. 7: ok 8: The problem isn't that they aren't rare enough, it's that they never get destroyed, a good rifle is either picked from your buddy by your killer, or by a good friend. everyone ditch winchesters and lees left and right, but no one will ditch an L85. 9: Huh? 10: This is going to be an uphill battle, the Arma engine distribute "work" to the clients in order to lessen the load on the server, not sure how this will affect it. And people should stop assuming DayZ will ever gets out of the "mod" status, that's giving yourself false hopes, for now all that exists is there, and it's a mod, what it becomes in the future is pure speculation.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Creating new topics on already exposed issues, bugs, features is wasting everyone's time for 30 seconds of fame.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Well there is the very same topic on the other side of the suggestion forum that say the zombies are too hard. No matter what you do you can never please everyone.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Weapon Attachments spawn in loot piles

    Thank you BF3 and a bunch of other games for making shooters all about accessorizing your gun. If this is the way we are going, i want a hello kitty holo sight.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Optional PVP

    There is track record on every games that had only pvp servers, and then later changed to pvp on one side and pve on the other: -PvE side became virtually danger free, which DOES please a lot of gamers but also remove any sense of risk and adventure. -PvP side became a hellhole FFA Deathmatch, because why else would you be there? And if you think DayZ is a DM fest now, you haven't seen what would inevitably happen then. It's one of these cases where less is more, force players to think on their feet instead of giving them the option to opt out of everything they don't like so they can have their cake and eat it too. What gives DayZ it's uniqueness is not having zombies and cans of beans, it has been done and done again. DayZ is the only harsh and ruthless game i've seen in a long time. Path of least resistance, you give players the option to finish a game in normal or easy mode, they will usually pick easy. Unless they want to put it on youtube.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    So zombies are not murderers? They are still human!
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Why call this zombie survival?

    This is a sandbox PVP game, what's interesting is that the games give the meaning to affect, in good and in bad, the experience of other players. Basically if a chunk of the community decides to shoot on sight, it affect the way you experience the game. For me it's interesting, and it's also absolutely hillarious to read the neverending stream of messages more or less saying "The other players are preventing me from enjoying the game, fix it". It's not so often that you see a video game come up that doesn't cater to anyone but itself, there is no hand holding, there are no rules, there are no punishments for ruining someone else's fun. It's basically a game where having fun, is not something the game promise to provide you with.