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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Get PunkBuster for standalone, please!

    Because until recently servers didn't have the vegetation .pbo files in the list of files to validate. ALso the screenshot feature of PB is not exactly reliable, you can code hacks that will not show in the PB screenshots.
  2. From what i understood, the DayZ dev team doesn't want to rely on mods created by others. I assume with the whole idea of having a standalone game, it is to avoid any legal issues.
  3. This isn't a new idea and it's borrowed from a few games. Basically when a zombie attacks you and you get a blood loss from it, you get a 50/50 chance of infection. You then have about an hours to administrate yourself antibiotics (if taken early it will fight the infection) After the 1 hour of "grace" the infection will start to spread inside your character and he will die and rise as a zombie after about six hours (or more, or less, wahtever work but it should be fairly long) , it's a sort of silent death where the player character would crouch or prone and then become a zombie and attack it's fellow teammates (if in a group) Why is this interesting? It creates a paranoïa when it comes to zombie wounds, since there is no symptoms until it is too late, it gets the player to wonder if he got infected or not, and if he took his antibiotics in time. It can give some a false idea of being condemned and basically play with the hypochondriac in everyone of us. It could have simmilar symptoms to the cold, again to spread doubt, not knowing wether you caught a cold or if you got infected.
  4. That's if you assume humanity means anything.
  5. I will re explain myself. AGAIN. This is Rocket/DayZ dev team's project. This isn't yours, this isn't mine. As it is, the dayZ team is free to dictate ANY rules they see fit to be allowed to host a dayZ server, hive or not, they make the mod, it belong to them. Which make things simple. Either you accept the rules imposed to you and can host, or you don't and then you can still host something ELSE. And this is with or without hive connection, it doesn't matter, as a software engineer i am free to decide if i want you to use my work or not, wether i have the technical means to prevent you to do so or not. This also means that the dayz team could send cease and desist letters to whoever is running the unofficial local hive servers, they are, in essence violating the dayz license agreement. Why aren't they doing it? Probably because right now they have more important things to do than managing toddlers. Right now the dayz team's goal is to create a shared experience, as a result there are rules imposed on those who offer their server to support the project. At no point did the DayZ team declare that you could have your OWN server, renting a dayZ server is a supporting effort. Nobody force anyone to host a dayZ server, but if you want to anyway you have to follow the rules. Why is this so hard to understand? If you do not agree and do not wish to support this project, why are you still hosting? Every butthurt server admin are waving their "I pay so you can play you prick! Aknowledge my might and godlyness!" or also "It's my server it's my rules STFU!" If i have to pick between the "entitled child mentality" and this, this is what worry me the most. It's this inability to perform a selfish act. There are exellent server admins, you never hear them spew insults on this forum, they want dayZ to succeed, they don't care that they have to follow draconian rules, they don't have a misplaced ego or god complex, they simple like the game, like to play it and want everyone to have access to quality servers to play on. They aren't hosting servers to give their clan advantages, they do not make their own rules, no matter how good they might be, they follow the proper channels for hacking because they understand that they are not judge and prosecutor in this project, they understand that what they do is essentially a thankless "plumbing" job that come with virtually no privileges. Well you probably know my answer, but anyway. Being an admin is not something that is earned through merit, it's simply a matter of shelling out the money for it. It's not coming with integrity, especially today since servers are pretty cheap compared to a few decades ago. I would love to be proven wrong, but for one cool admin there is 10 arrogant, insulting, power hungry, cheating, little kids (one or more of these adjectives) ones
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Mandatory facebook integration?

    What would be the change, wether you are personally identified or not? Being an asshole in an online game is still legal. And the idea that this could empower a butthurt rapist to find where i live is unsettling.
  7. /facepalm I hope you will enjoy being the admin's little bitch.
  8. Because in other games complaining about abusive admins only get you insults or a ban from said server. In other games, server admins are GODs on their own turf.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    US #1357 Locked server

    So you basically ignore the term of service you had to agree to in order to host a dayZ server? Which say that servers cannot be passworded under any circumstances? I do feel that the amount of people hawking over rule breaches are overkill, but at the same time there is a RIDICULOUS amount of server admins who either didn't read the server hosting rules or simply do not care about them.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

    Rocket is the guy who is making this mod, yes. As for that shmoe, well private property in dayZ is sort of enforced at gunpoint.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    This mod needs major help..

    Well the WarZ is a professionally developped game and has a budget :) DayZ is a mod developped by a few people on their spare time.
  12. You cannot suffer from the prisonner's dilemna, it's a game theory scenario, not a mental condition like let's say "Stockholm syndrom" And yes OP the prisoner's dilemna apply to DayZ quite well.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    US 1038 TX

    Because all the servers share the same database and what happens on one server affect the others. It has been clearly stated that just because you rent a server doesn't mean you get to have any privileges, yet this sort of thing is happening time and time again. If this is allowed to continue, we will only get more of this type of clan vaults.
  14. Lady Kyrah


    I don't think it's the kind of incentive you want to have in this game :/
  15. Again, dealing with hackers is the job of the anti cheat, it's not the job of the game mechanics. I know how frustrating it can get, but I see people left and right doing the most stupid shit in this game, all in the name of protecting themselve/their server from hackers. Hell, we even have idiots who ask what client scripts they can use to protect themselve. So basically, to protect yourself from hackers you are ready to hack too? Seriously? I'm tired of this mentality that as long as there is an urgent threat, we should break our own rules to deal with it instead of going at it the proper way. Frankly IF i was on the dayZ team, my first suggestion would be to make a server hosting package that function as an encrypted "black box". You have one config file for the things you are allowed to customize and that's it, you just run it. You get no administrator access or any form of Rcon. Because in the case of DayZ that's essencially what your rights as an admin are, you accept to help the project, that doesn't mean you have any power on said project. You agreed to lend processing power for dayZ, but the dayZ server you are running isn't your property, it is licensed to you for as long as you follow the rules. I know a few "good" server admins, and sadly they are few and far between, they understand the rules and get their server visited by hackers often. They deal with it very professionally, try to gather decent proofs and then send it to the team. They understand what their role is in this project and accept it.
  16. It's also essencial for making "hit lists" of baddies that ruin your fun. So no... really, no. Hackers must not be dealt with through ingame mechanics, just give the BattleEye guys time to react.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

    How do you KNOW the intents of your killer? I really would love to know. To me this is just coping with death "i did nothing wrong, he was an asshole, my death isn't on me". It's always on you if you are seen. Learn how not to be seen. This is a military sim with plenty of visual cover everywhere, you can remain mostly invisible should you want to, but most players are too lazy "want to play quick" to do so. It is against the rules and probably as illegal as pirated software, the server files hasn't been released publicly (there is no dayZ mission on armaholic for example) and is only distributed to server operators. Running a local hive doesn't change a thing, it only prevent rocket from banning your ass from the hive, it's still shaky from a legal standpoint as dayZ remain his intelectual property. Unconnected DayZ servers are ran by scumbags that consider that if they can get their hands on the server files and figure a way to run it on it's own, it now belong to them. You need to accept the server ToS to get your hands on the server files.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    This is basically it. Everytime i glance at the suggestion forum.
  19. Record him and file a player report?
  20. "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    The voIP being on all the time could be pretty funny, but there is a LOT of people with really bad mics, or audio feedback. Also there is a LOT of people who have the TV blaring in the background too (never understood that bit, audio is VERY important in games)
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Defensive scripting

    There aren't any, you aren't supposed to run client side scripts that where not provided either by the mod you are playing or the mission you have loaded. That's also why the server check the signature of all your game files. Trying to fight fire by fire will only get your cd-key bricked.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Daily drop

    Just sit in the back with a DMR and get your friend running to the crate without any equipment on him.
  24. It's just that there isn't anything to prevent it in the game yet. Offer us a suggestion as to how to prevent it elegantly?