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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. You have to understand that at this point of development, cheating, or game balance are not major concerns (if they follow standard development cycles alpha=muck things around and push features we want in). Wether cheating is rampant or not, wether the mod is even enjoyable to play is irrelevant as for all we know testing might just be done internally on a LAN server.
  2. It's a alpa, I ASSUME that, at the moment the dayZ team leverage the help of enthousiast fans (server admins) in order to do live testing of the mod. Once the project will be out of it's early testing phase, i personally do not think you will be able to host servers at all. This is good for testing, right now, but once the game (and not the mod anymore) is rolling servers will probably be kept under locks and keys, out of reach of any player.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Why do scripts exist?

    Flexible mission creation: When you connect to a server and download the mission file, it also contains the scripts that your client has to execute in order to run the client side part of the mission. It turns out it's actually difficult to prevent the client from executing scripts that where not part of the mission. Add to this that the server is very trusting with the client when it comes to what the cient can send back to the server.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    FN P90 added to the game

    i could see use for short smgs like mp5k if it's actually reflected in how the weapon is much better to handle inside buildings than the other rifles, since this is the main advantage of submachineguns (short and easy to use inside buildings).
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Remove the Fog Of War (on some servers)

    Draw distance is a factor that affect the server bandwidth usage ( longer view distance = see more zombies/players )
  6. Lady Kyrah

    FN P90 added to the game

    So i'm asking again... What does the P90 add to the game, beside the cool factor? Rocket can't just add everyone's favourite guns.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Taped Magazines.

    I suspect having an upside down magazine sticking out of your currently loaded one is exposing it to dirt, and potentially shaking/bumping the topmost cartridge in it out of allignment.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Taped Magazines.

    So... beside looking "cool" and "badass" what would it add to the game? Most of the weapons already reload pretty much as fast as if you had your spare mag sitting on a table in front of you.
  9. That's a good idea, but in general, we need much less permanent bonuses
  10. Lady Kyrah


    We are in alpha, this is most likely a temporary solution. Ideally when the game is out there won't be an option to host personal server anymore.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    It's not a towel >_>
  12. Gamers today are systematically dissecting games to exploit every little flaws in the game mechanics, so here are a few suggestions to greatly reduce the exploitation and sharing of those informations. Loot points cycling: When a place like the NW airfield is being looted constantly, it should simply stop dropping anything for several days and it's "spawning potential" should be redirected to less used loot points. Relocationg the content of a loot point manually shouldnt affect it's cycling. Loot chances: these should self adjust based on the percentage of guns in the game world (tents + inventories) a rare gun becoming too precious should eventually drop to zero in the loot table until it's presence in the game lower, this also allow the devs to tweak the game dynamically. Want to make survivors more hungry? lower the target percentage of food cans in the world. item breakage: Weapons should break, NVG and flashlight batteries should eventually die, i don't care if it's unrealistic, it's required in order to force the loot to cycle. There shouldn't be any way to repair the weapons either so they will all eventually need replacement. Beside the tools, there shouldn't be any advantage that remain permanent (until death) once aquired Vehicle spawn: Vehicle spawn should be COMPLETELY random. Anywhere near a road with no obstruction. Server decoration: The road blocks, barricades and the like should have a 50%50 chance to not spawn, this will not create a new map but will change details around and keep some freshness. Zombie spawning: ZOmbies shouldn't "just" spawn around loot, the dayZ team can collect where players spend most of their looting time. Places that are heavily visited would be swarming with zombies, while less visited places would hardly spawn any when a player arrive.
  13. 2. It would be adjusted not per server, but globally. The hive server know what everyone and every tents contains equipment wise, "all" it has to do is to regularly "update" the loot tables the servers are using. 5. I was not thinking about having them permanent, more like shuffling every server reboot, this is just an idea for "easy" map alteration from server to server. And yes it could lead to spawning problems.
  14. It's also very likely the airfield won't be worth checking out considering how farmed it is :D But this wouldn't be permanent, as players adapt to the changes, so will the game adapt to the player's reactions. A bit like a dog chasing it's own tail.
  15. My personal vision is that if you are going to build a system where loot spawn infinitely (which is necessary to cope with the transient nature of the playerbase) You need to design your system so it is eventually going to "eat back" everything it gave to the players. Think about it, would it not make the game so much better if there was no way for the players to create "habits" in the system? Zombies are atracted by human activity, so the more players spend time in a zone, the more zombie infested it would become, and as they avoid this zone, the concentration would start to change.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Zombie free maps

    Why would newbies need a safe environment to learn the game? Learning the ropes is the most fun part of it.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    It's not a towel you know?
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Welcome to hell!

    It was awesome, but you see that's a way a LOT of players would not accept to play. Most players don't want to be messed with because they think they deserve some sort of respect. My hat to those guys tho. I'm sure in most circumstances, the guys they got would simply alt F4.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

    Punishing the guy who die is only going to reenforce the violence of the game. I had a proposal earlier of a simplified "karma" system where each person you kill add 15 minutes of penality to your next respawn. Where kill is, anyone who dies from your hands, or from the zombie hands and was first wounded by you. It's arbitrary and doesn't affect the game, doesn't prevent killing, but puts a cost on it.
  20. I totally agree with the OP, and i'll give you an example that i had as a minecraft server admin. I'vebeen running a vanilla/no rules server for a long time and i sometimes read the chat log, those are usually the things that i see. -Why did you kill me! -Why did you destroy my things! -Who stole my things! -*Disconnect because it's night* -*Disconnect in combat* There was all kinds of drama going on back then but it stemmed from one major thing. In minecraft's case. -Some players "got" what the server was about: That it was going to be harsh that you had to hide and be very careful around other players. -Some players came with the assumption that this was going to be like "any" minecraft server, where you build giant things, where death is just an annoyance and where admins punish evil doers. Of course, players will try to dodge perma death, loot loss, and will try to exploit the loot system, because that's annoying. What makes the game annoying is also what makes it fun, but it requires EFFORT. And we are in a society that reward those that are maximizing output while minimizing input. There is also strong influences from other games and movies. People expect things to work in a certain way, the same way sniper rifle users in games expect their target to drop from a single shot to the head. There is a lot of "movie logic" and "videogame logic" behind all this. Lastly video games are a consumer good. A video game is assumed to be like a piece of candy, you buy it and get enjoyment from it. DayZ in this regard is more like a BDSM session or a boxing match, it's going to hurt. Adventure in the real world hurt and is generally unpleasant. That day you flew to Tokyo without knowing a single word of japanese, then this random guy in the street led you to a creepy alley and lend you a bed for the night. This is stressful, but it creates vivid memories. Adventure is usually MISadventure, it is something inflicted to you against your will, rather than something you really wanted to put yourself into.
  21. Lady Kyrah


    yeah putting padlocks on canvas...
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Friendly mode

    WHy do you assume that this game is specifically PVP? I haven't seen a lot of balancing done in this regard, this is a sandbox game where PVP and PVE is possible. It doesn't need a special server type for PVE only. I'm repeating myself, but i believe the point is that you are forced to play along with players that have a different view of the game than you do. A PVE server is a bad idea not because only PVPers should have their way, but because it's adding an arbitrary ruleset to what was essentially a game with no rules beyond it's game mechanics. The game is violent because the community as a whole decided to play like this. It could be different, but it's how it evolved entirely due to players, and that's where it should stay. Form a larger group that promote friendly play, punish bandits that do not abid to it. But do not ask the developpers to make a special version so you don't have to do anything yourself.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Friendly mode

    And what makes you think it will? Arma is fine with modding, it's not ment to be played on public servers, but DayZ? everything better be locked tight or we will have the same hacking issues.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Friendly mode

    Thanks for the rocket quote Strategos, i do not see anything else to add, this is what DayZ is supposed to be, it will not adapt to your personal taste, the same way picasso isn't going to redo one of his painting in red because you would prefer it to blue.
  25. Young boys? In Arma? talk about irresponsible :D Joke aside, why not, sounds like a good idea.