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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Survival techniques are to PC

    Only if all male characters have an "Enslave as eunuch" option if you catch them passed out and have a hunting knive in your inventory :D
  2. Lady Kyrah

    What will happen to Dayz Mod?

    I know and it's part of why arma is awesome. Still, i would prefer the modders to move to dayZ SA (if possible) that's all. I simply believe that, when you are the creator of a project, you also are within yout right to end it.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    What will happen to Dayz Mod?

    There is a logic, personally i want everyone who want to keep on playing DayZ to get the standalone. I want the standalone to be successful and see no reason why a "free" version should be kept alive, if anything it will be "modder competition" with the standalone and we shouldn't want that.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    What will happen to Dayz Mod?

    I cincerely hope the devs will manage to .. more or less "kill" the mod once the standalone is out, we don't need to have two versions of dayZ running along eachothers.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Speaking and Listening In

    I want to add another big issue with voice chat (and is also why i tend to have a love/hate relationship with it). A lot of gaming folks live in a noisy environment, some have the tv on while they play, or family members talking in the background. Push to talk would probably be the best, if not the only way to make it work.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Speaking and Listening In

    We need some automatic gain then, i know from experience that a lot of players cannot/won't setup their microphone properly, if your microphone saturate you should be automatically muted for a few minutes.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Is DayZ is to Arma 2 as Sa-MP was to San Andreas?

    I know i know, i'm so clueless about everything, hell even this morning I realised that I was wearing two left shoes!
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    Yeah but who care about what the community thinks, this is not a democracy, the dayZ team isn't gonna do something just because players want it.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Kickstarter and other things

    If you really want to donate, just send a check to Dean Hall.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Is DayZ is to Arma 2 as Sa-MP was to San Andreas?

    It's good to see FINALLY someone who know what the hell he is talking about! NOT!
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Dogs Dogs Dogs!!!

    I really hate the idea of the companion dogs, mainly because it's just a "pet" that do the dirty job for you.
  12. Lady Kyrah


    Is this a real suggestion? no joke?
  13. Lady Kyrah

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    It makes me kinda wish for more "homemade" firearms, as most of today's firearms ar all operated the same way, for obvious reasons: -safety -slide/charging handle -hammer -magazine could be interesting to see players develop preferences based on the operation of the gun itself.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Situation Resolved

    Why do you guys post this here? If it's a private hive he can cheat as much as he want on his own server.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Night time pointless? Gamma fix.

    What part of "absense of ambient light" do you not get? There is nobody living in those deserted towns, there is no cars, no airplanes, no shop signs, NOTHING beside the moon to give ambient light. It can get this dark. I like the draw distance idea, lower it down to around 10 meters on new moon and higher based on how close to full moon we are, raise it up if the guy has nvgs on or a flashlight. Gamma issue solved.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Churches & Repentance

    Look holy man, how about you keep your beliefs to yourself? You really believe that if the society collapse, like this game portraits it, that religion is going to be a powerful drive?
  17. Lady Kyrah

    use raw mouse movement in game

    Try to play without the benefits of muscle memory :) In arma things are a tad different, in the sense that there isn't a character glued to a free aiming camera, doing anything movement related takes time.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Lockboxes or Other 'Personal Item' Security Features

    I'm against this personally, we shouldn't have a way to hoard without the risks associated with it.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Churches & Repentance

    You are free to believe in whatever you want. But you have to realise that being a good christian doesn't bring any unnatural powers or benefits, the only positive thing it can do is making you feel good.
  20. I like the idea of dehydration causing letterboxing around the screen edges. Why not go a notch further and actually shrinking the FOV?
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    You usually do not wear glasses with HMDs since you can (normally) adjust the image focus to your liking. All this "wow" makes me sort of chuckle since i've been sitting on my 3DVisor + TrackIR for years now. These days i barely use it all anymore, even just the trackIR. Reason? Head tracking causes me neck pain fairly quickly. HMDs are pretty tiring for the eye after a little while, and also cause me neck cramps because of the weight (it really doesn't need to be much, trust me, that's why army NVGs have the battery in the back, it balance the weight)
  22. There is no repercution in a post apocalyptic world, nobody will put you in,jail or impose you psychological evaluations. There is none of the societal pressure that COULD eventually get the weakest minds to collapse. The only thing that could realistically happen to you is to devolve to an animal with the lack of human contact. Which is precisely what is happening.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Dogs should return home.

    Your dog is gonna be meat before it's even close enough to be a threat. Everything reset when you die so technically you will be dog less. Death in this game is the ultimate failure where you get kicked back to the beach like a day one newbie.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    You aren't supposed to go for vengeance. He won, you failed, you don't get a rematch.