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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Field Dressing from Far Cry 2 & 3?

    By "fixed" you mean they removed pretty much all the "flavor" from the wound stabilizing (FC3: bandaging over and over and over....). Tho... the truth is that it take months to recover from any serious wound...
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Helicopter music

    The "direct" voice chat doesn't work?
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Helicopter music

    No offence but helicopters are LOUD. Last time i was in one (littlebird i believe) you couldn't hear someone yelling at you from a few centimeters away. That's why you usually wear a noise cancelling headset.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Hazmat Suits

    I loved this game.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Day Z Standalone claiming territory

    IT sounds interesting but... how do you instillate fear in the mind of a player? It's really hard considering a lot of players don't really get involved in the game they play, especially not when pitted against other players.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Oculus Rift

    It's a head mounted display... which everyone seems to find so innovative, even tho similar HMDs are available on the consumer market since years.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    This is an FPS game, it should be played in FPS view. If you don't like FPS games, why are you here? Please go away?
  8. That's also what is interesting. In a sandbox game it's the playerbase as a whole that create the rules/accepted behaviors. The reason dayZ is such a pvp meat grinder is because most players are, lets put it bluntly, self centered assholes. For me, it's absolutely fascinating... What you are asking is nothing less than a way to get protected from this behavior through artificial barriers. As i said before, nobody "deserve" to have any kind of fun in DayZ, everyone deserve a bullet to the back of the head and to be left to rot in a ditch. That's the baseline, now if you want MORE than that, you're going to have to fight for it.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Survivor camps/bases/houses + ingame money!

    I'm all for players creating their own "money" item, but realistically it won't be very used if it is not officially sanctioned by the game. Money allow you to carry what you need and convert the rest in cash, instead of having to think about what others might want to trade you for. Food is a good currency, but it has no value for a full belly. Bullets are a good currency but the many different calibers make it a hit and miss thing to carry. Money is sort of a "gamey" logic: Money can buy you anything you want. Money hardly use any inventory space. Money free you from the dilemna of what to pick and what to leave. In doubt, pick the money. As i said most people are looking for money as an universal effort/wealth transfer unit.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    If they really wanted to be annoying they could flush the LUT table every 30 seconds or so :D For the most "immediate" exploiters, locking down video settings while ingame would be more than enough i believe.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    remove helicopter or nerf it

    Seconded, still i would love to have chopper starting sequence and air simulation such as take on helicopter, this way you need to: have at least read the manual of that chopper, be "cool headed" enough to initiate the sequence properly, have the time to do so. With a more advanced flight dynamic not everyone will be able to improvise themselve as "pilot", and even if they do, in a group there will always be "chopper guy" who everyone trust a little more than themselve at piloting.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Survivor camps/bases/houses + ingame money!

    Most people who want money want a compact way to transport "value" without having to pick what, or the attached bulk (10$ of meat and 10$ of bullets have the same value), I say no. Having to travel light IS part of what makes DayZ.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    For the standalone; please make the zombies a challenge

    I wonder what's the obsession of absolutely having a cure to the infection, people cannot accept the idea that their current character is hopelessly fucked? To borrow the slogan of project zomboid "This is the story of how you died." I sort of like this idea.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Easy Base Building Solution

    It's always "easy" in the mind of a gamer.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    And that a player "day" session doesn't actually last 24 hours.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    remove helicopter or nerf it

    i still believe the currently available chopper is too large for the scope of DayZ. I would prefer a nimble little civie chopper.
  17. I did visit that map, it's optimized to the max for helicopter play, it looks absolutely horrible from the ground and i doubt that the engine can support much more of it. To give you an idea, does the ground looks slightly blurry? It's exactly how it is at ground level, everything is painted on. The only places that have a little more details are the takeoff/landing zones. It's a great game, seriously, buy it. The only helicopter game where you can get out of your chopper and walk around. It also merge with arma2, like operation arrowhead.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Infected Players… I want to be INFECTED!!!!

    No, no player "zombie". I do want infection but i want it to be invisible for a couple of incubation hours and then slowly make you absolutely miserable until it finally kills you (and then you rise as an AI zombie). You should be terrified at the idea of being infected, not see it as a funny gameplay element. And no fucking cure either, if there was a cure this wouldn't have happened. I'm all for zombies carrying stuff.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    viewrange clientside

    In multiplayer the view distance is enforced by the server because it's the server that decides how far away you can see entitied (players, vehicles, etc...) Changing how far you can see client side doesn't change anything considering if the server say 300 meters, it won't send you entity movement data past 300 meters, making your sniper rifle useless. There IS a real cost to an increased view distance: The server cannot put far away entities to sleep/despawn ambient wildlife The server has to generate ambient wildlife further away around the players. The server has to send movement data for more entities around each player, that means more bandwidth use. It's a balancing act between playability, server resources and bandwidth consumption. And before you tell me that client side the view could be higher than the entity maximum sync distance: Do you really want to see zombies and players magically appear at the 1000 meter mark? How annoying would it be to scan a town with your sniper rifle for 10 minutes, before realizing it's beyond the 1000 meter mark and you wouldn't see any entities there even if there was any? So before telling people that they didn't play arma, you might want to check who you are talking to before making a fool of yourself.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    For the standalone; please make the zombies a challenge

    There is one easy way to make the game muuuch worse, tweak the player speed so we can never outrun a horde. You atract their attention, you either kill them, or you die.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    viewrange clientside

    It can never be clientside folks, the view distance determinate how far the server send you moving entities (players, zombies, etc...). The higher the view distance, the more network use.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    The dumbed down weapon damage system

    COD? the game where your shotgun spread magically narrow when you ironsight?
  23. Lady Kyrah

    The dumbed down weapon damage system

    Nice story but unless your policeman friend got only grazed, or do drugs, i don't really see it happening. And i haven't said "die", since players are such bullet sponges at the moment, a few localised effects wouldn't hurt.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    The dumbed down weapon damage system

    Frankly, localised shots should have some kind of effect: If i shoot you in the leg, you should fall to the ground. If i shoot your arms you should drop whatever you had in your hands. I'm ok with the game not having "realistic" bullet damages, it's a game after all, it has to be "interesting", guns in the real world are not designed to be "interesting", they are designed to be efficient and letal.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Survival techniques are to PC

    I suppose drinking another player's blood could help fight dehydration at the price of getting a bit sick.