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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    "RP" servers

    Eh, this again. Why is this in the suggestion forum?
  2. Lady Kyrah

    1 tank with manual (driving only)

    I'd prefer a tank with full accurate controls rather than having to carry a "manual"
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Steam Workshop for Standalone?

    Don't have to be paid? in what world do you live in? You do realize that if a TF2 item on the workshop gets added to the game, it's creator gets a cut on every sale of said item on the mann co store? You cannot reasonably include "community" content for free in a paid product, it's exploitative, unethical and unsound from a business standpoint.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Why walking inside running outside....WHY!

    It's a pathfinding issue that is tied to how arma currently handle AI movements inside and outside, it's mainly due to the built in assumption that arma is a war simulator, and not a zombie simulator: It only expect you to fight armed people at a reasonable range, and that in order to kill their prey, the AI don't need to come at point blank range. I recall seeing a video where they had a debug "view" of the pathfinding system, and for what i understand, the AI use two different navigation systems wether they are walking on the world terrain or on/inside an object.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Make Players Unique

    No level, if any skill system is used you should gain in the relevant skills as you do. Levels are stupid and do not reflect how you play. @Thre3zekiel Ever heard of custom faces?
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Survivors(players) vs Bloodsuckers(players)

    Played zombie panic recently?
  7. Obvious guilt trip is obvious.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Steam Workshop for Standalone?

    Valve use the steam workshop for TF2 as a "cheapie" content pool, since tf2 is free, it's perfectly understandable that they rather not have paid 3D artists working on it, and would rather want to outsource to fans what they can. I don't really see how it might compare to DayZ, which will be payware and hopefully be completed when the SA goes live.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Steam Workshop for Standalone?

    Not every game want to be a "community" effort. I see why you would think it's cool but, how about we let rocket make the game he wants to make, and simply vote with our wallet.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Why Is This Not in DayZ?!?!?!

    Why is it not in DayZ, because you can't just nab other people's mods and make it your own without permission.
  11. Then you probably don't mind if we ignore your replies i suppose?
  12. At some point the devs have to decide what the game is going to be, it cannot be everything to everyone. You don't make a game just by piling together every single "requests" sent to you.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Endgame: Extraction

    There is no such thing as an end game in a persistent world, an endgame imply that there is an "end" where you win. Which should never happen.
  14. FOV in video games has traditionally been 90 degrees for a 4:3 display, while i can say that anything less than 75 is too narrow, 200 is ridiculous and i cannot support this. Do not sit with your nose glued to your screen is all i can say, if the image is warping along the edge your FOV is set too high. Your display is sitting in front of you, it is not designed to simulate peripheral view or it would have a much different shape. My view is that because it's in the setting files doesn't mean you should fiddle with it, that's why games end up resorting to encrypted config files.
  15. That kind of test doesn't exactly work, your brain keeps track of a cohesive model of what is around you based on past knowledge. A simple example is to do this test and shake your fingers, you won't be able to see your fingers move at some point, yet the arm is still there. Likewise, if i present a colored object (picked from 2-3 identically shaped objects) you won't be able to tell me it's color until it enters the front part of your field of view. I don't understand this whole "field of view is too tight in FPV" argument, it's the same for every players. Yes it allows players to sneak on you and there is no reasons not to reward a player that manages to get this close from you undetected.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    lock out

    How do you define an "unjustified" kill? There is so many different factors, there is no "'justified" kill. Ultimately even self defence is unjustified, why don't you just let them kill you? For the game it's one player alive and one player dead, whichever it is doesn't make a difference.
  17. Spawn them in groups of 10, each group only has 9 parachutes.
  18. On arma2 FPV only is a server setting (one of the veteran/expert settings), i don't think you can force the hand of the person hosting (as long as the game is a mod that is)
  19. Lady Kyrah

    New player tutorial

    And i disagree, part of the fun is discovering the game and making mistakes.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    StandAlone For Mac ?

    Linux port would be more likely IMHO -_-
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Stats Record Please!!

    This isn't call of duty :)
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Anti-Aborting Suggestion.

    Ah the early days of ultima online, where your body would remain for 30 minutes inworld after you DCed ...
  23. And why should we get another game that dissolve it's uniqueness by trying to please the lowest common denominator. Sure developpers want money, but i'm sure dean could work for EA if he wanted. Video game "still" is an artistic medium where the developpers can express their own vision of the game, regardless or what the fanbase "want". I suppose i can say this again, but a suggestion forum doesn't make the development process a democracy. If they want to make something truly unique with DayZ, they cannot satisfy just everyone, or they will be left with a pretty bland looking game. I sincerely believe that familiarity isn't the only reason Dean picked arma as the base for DayZ, he most likely wanted the realistic shooting mechanic that you can only really find in Arma. Which, i believe will most likely lead us to an SA version without 3rd person and without aiming reticles.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    While Wearing Certain Head Pieces(SA)

    Wearing special gears come to a price, loss of peripheral vision, loss of details, fogging, warping -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FmrtOLidjw
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Field Dressing from Far Cry 2 & 3?

    I liked how contextual it was: Fall damage: Dislocated fingers, elbow, branch pierced your leg. Bullet damage: All kinds of (silly) bullet extraction, powder cauterizing, bandaging